What type of Survivor are you?

Thinker here - no surprise to myself - although I notice that sitting here calmly and looking at the answers versus what you might *really* do first (like physiologically soil your pants or emotionally panic for a bit) is a bit contrived.....
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I hunker down and wait and see what the next step will be.

In a quick pinch, it's up in the air. But from experience, I ran and hid, even as a kid. When the smoke appeared on Broadway, I dove into a building. No thought behind it.


what are you labeled if you answer the religious answer each time?
Thinker - not surprised by that.

(Despite wishing that "Obama will bail me out" had been offered as a choice for every question.)
You know, Dex, I would have guessed you are a thinker. You are very analytical and thoughtful in how you express your opinions. Because of this quality, I pay attention to what you say.

Thank you for the compliment.
Every strength when overused can become a weakness. I can overthink things not quite getting to analysis paralysis.
Looking back at my life, history in general, and even the current financial crisis; I'm leaning towards the general concept of "I rather be lucky than smart." Some might say that the smart make their own luck but, there are too many variable that need to come together to make "smart" work for you. Also, you need to understand your nature and make that work for you; don't try to be someone you are not.
Every strength when overused can become a weakness. I can overthink things not quite getting to analysis paralysis.
Looking back at my life, history in general, and even the current financial crisis; I'm leaning towards the general concept of "I rather be lucky than smart." Some might say that the smart make their own luck but, there are too many variable that need to come together to make "smart" work for you. Also, you need to understand your nature and make that work for you; don't try to be someone you are not.

I have always said that I wish I had been born Witty rather than Smart. (Its not that I believe I have such a high IQ -- I don't, its that I am not very witty.) Being Smart, by itself, rarely guarantees success (whatever that might mean) but being solely Witty always does.
Fighter: You attack adversity with determination and grit. Tough, resilient, and never a quitter, you keep going when others give up.

Time to shower, dress, and head to w*rk ;)
Thinker here. Not a surprise. I just looked at sample tests for the LSAT to get into law school, and found out that analysis was my forte.
I am changing my response. Before I say what kind of survivor I am, I want to be sure that I am a survivor. :)


At least, that's what the test wanted to say before it gave up and scrunched me into the "Thinker" box.

I do not pigeonhole easily!
Realist. How many catagories do they have. Since we are all landing in only one or two catagories. Does anyone know.
I got Thinker but I question my ability to always think under certain situations. Once when I was walking home from work a car turned in front of me as I was crossing a side street. The driver yelled "Watch where you are going"! I yelled back **** you, **** , you watch. Which is stupid, given that he had a car and I only had feet.

Another time, years ago, a friend and I were walking down the sidewalk and a guy approached us and touched my face. I yelled similar obscenities as above and he backed off. My friend and I were never sure if that was exactly the right thing to do or a risky thing to do.
I've seen 5: Realist, Thinker, Fighter, Connector, Believer

Well, my first reaction is to FIGHT, then I THINK about it, and the REALIST in me BELIEVES that I would get the snot beaten out of me. So maybe it is best to try to CONNECT with the person in such a situation?

Maybe RESILIENT should be a category?

Another time, years ago, a friend and I were walking down the sidewalk and a guy approached us and touched my face. I yelled similar obscenities as above and he backed off. My friend and I were never sure if that was exactly the right thing to do or a risky thing to do.

I try to keep my mouth shut when walking and drivers harass me, but I too often fail.

Your other response I believe was exactly right. This guy really invaded you, you let him know that he was going to suffer if he persisted. Some of these creeps actually think their invasions will be welcomed. I remember some of my women friends in LA in the late 60s when women walked around in dresses so short that their panties were on view would really ream anyone who presumed to even comment agressively. It seemed to work.

Also, once you have done this, you know that any further attempts on his part are a full-on attack.

Maybe some of the cops on here will chime in with more expert ideas.

But atheists BELIEVE there is no god. Only the agnostics are non-believers, right?

Interesting. I was thinking that atheist was the same as apolitical -- having no interest or involvement in political affairs ; also : having an aversion to politics or political affairs.

Or maybe it is the same... an atheist has no interest in a Deity and being apolitical is a disbelief in politics. Or are they both agnostics -- a person unwilling to commit to an opinion about something?

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