what's in your vitamin case?

Men's multivitamin (no iron). I've read many places that it's important for men to avoid extra iron, which most multivitamins contain. Heck, a lot of breakfast cereals are so pumped up with extra vitamins that it's easy to get 100% of your iron right there. My "serving size" is about 3-4X what's printed on the package, and most cereals have 25-35% of the daily allowance in one of their 3/4 cup servings...

Plus the following, temporarily, to see if I can tell any difference in my mood or energy levels:
extra C
stress-B complex
fish oil
HFWR said:
I take vitamin M to enhance my mood... ;)

Took me a few minutes to figure that out. :) I googled "vitamin M" and the first few hits were about vitamin B9.. then a few mentioned THC and the light bulb finally lit.

If it weren't for the draconian drug laws (in the US), I'd give that a try too. Heck, it's no crazier than swallowing capsules of fish oil...
HFWR said:
I take vitamin M to enhance my mood... ;)
In the military that stands for "800 mg Motrin several times daily"...
I was pretty confused as well as to what I should take for my age and health conditions as well as all the positives and negatives of the media.

I found a pretty cool site which spelled it all out for me not only what to take, but how to get it...and had a ton of information too...the site was [DELETED BY MODERATOR]

It may help you out.
Like David in SC, I do Life Extension Mix b/c it's comprehensive. CoQ10, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Acetyl L-Carnitine, fish Oil, DHEA, pregnenelone, and a mix of tumeric, ginger, and saw palmetto to keep the prostate from going hyper. I credit the Alpha lipoic and acetyl l for doing better on the gre at 57 than I did at 22 (along with life long learning but, perhaps, antitdote to at least 50k beers over the years.

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