whee! taking a plunge with spending


Recycles dryer sheets
Dec 22, 2010
I have been hunting for a thread about freeing up one's spending habits, but can't find it. We have a taken a big plunge and rented an apartment in an Italian city we love though we will be able to spend only half the year hear on tourist visas, and bought a modest grand piano for it ( I am/was a pianist). we had been spending about 63% of what firecalc and i-orp had said we could, and with these stints in Europe will still spend a good 30K less than both of those and our financial advisor at TIAA says we can. I keep having to take a deep breath and remind myself that we have calculated it six ways to Sunday and it is safe. A hard transition from, "Is there any way I can keep from spending this money? Is there any way I can do this for less?" to "We can spend at this level safely and we want to and we won't live forever."
Get a boat. A big one like the 52 footer I had. The maintenance and storage alone will broaden your horizons about "freeing up your spending habits".
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Careful. Starting a thread with that word has caused the world to tilt on its axis.

I wasn't around when it happened, but people talk about it in legendary terms. I don't understand it. All I know is some people use wh$% because the word is so legendary.
What Italian City ?

What about furnishings , does it come furnished ?

Furnished, down to dishes and sheets, in Bologna. We will have to get a dryer. I do not understand how northern Italians do without. It makes me crazy to think, "I might run out of underwear, or shirts, or whatever, in 3 days, so I had better do laundry now, so it has time to dry." In Sicily, or anywhere in southern Italy, if you have consistent warm weather, a terrace and things dry fast, maybe, but here?
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If the math works, go for it.
Get a boat. A big one like the 52 footer I had. The maintenance and storage alone will broaden your horizons about "freeing up your spending habits".

The two best days in a boat owner's life: the day he buys it and the day he sells it. :)
Well, it sounds as if you are in a great position. :dance: (I don't spend just to spend - but if something comes up that you want to do - you know you can.)
Get a boat. A big one like the 52 footer I had. The maintenance and storage alone will broaden your horizons about "freeing up your spending habits".

"Boat" is an acronym for "Break Out Another Thousand". : )
They really need to update the b.o.a.t. thing. One thousand just does not go very far now in a marine store.
People don’t have dryers in Europe because the cost of electricity is so high which is also why many don’t have AC. My relatives in Poland which is a cold climate dry everything in the bathroom on a drying rack in cold weather.
They really need to update the b.o.a.t. thing. One thousand just does not go very far now in a marine store.

Heck, that is what it was costing me for ONE WEEK'S worth of winter storage!
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