When asked "What do you do", what do you say?

Sure, that's true. But it's one of the things I love about being in various RV communities. First of all, usually at least half the folks are retired anyway, so no one talks about work (which I always hated). And folks talk about travel more than most topics.

But sure, if that's not your scene then the small-talk wouldn't work for you!

After I sent that other comment I thought of this: the question would work as a general ice breaker if you ask where they will be taking their next trip rather than where they went on the previous one. Even if the planned travel is some years in the future, people might have an idea where they would like to go.
You could always ask:

"So, do you like to travel?"

Then you either get - not really, and a great discussion of why travel stinks or is a rip-off or whatever, OR - yeah, and a great discussion of why travel is so much fun, or their latest trip, or that future planned one they're dreaming about.

Well, maybe it wouldn't be a "great" discussion, but that sure seems like a way to get something rolling.


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