When is the congressional vote on H.R. 5723?

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Recycles dryer sheets
Oct 31, 2018
Grand Rapids
Okay, all - does anyone have the definitive word on the status of and/or day of voting on 117th Congressional Bill H.R. 5723 (i.e., "Social Security 2100," or the Social Security Expansion Act)? I don't know about the rest of you but I've been absolutely pounded by mail concerning this bill, from at least four specific lobbying groups I've counted so far. They all want completed surveys (so they say) and money (the bigger goal of the mailings, I'm sure) to help them "protect your benefits." Well, I've become pretty darn skeptical concerning all this rhetoric - I'm thinking now that they're all using this upcoming vote to scare us into sending them money. Conversely, I've received no progress reports from any of them.

So - today I thought I'd visit my good ol' reliable :LOL: Social Security Administration Office for an answer concerning the day of voting. Well, the counselor there didn't know (surprise, surprise) - "You'll just have to get in contact with your politicians," she said. :facepalm: Sure, as if I'd get an answer from anyone there after holding on the line for 90+ minutes! I'm pretty sure my last resort to get an answer is to tap the wisdom of the people here. Has anyone here heard anything concerning a date of voting on this bill?
never heard of it. don't know what it does. one thing you can be sure of is that if it benefits seniors it will not get passed. probably just another sneaky way to cut our benefits.
To make it easy for everyone, It is not scheduled to be voted on.

02/13/2019 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Action By: Senate

That's 3 years ago folks. And there it sits.
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I don't know why you would expect a social security administrator to know about congressional votes any more than you'd expect an IRS agent to know about the goings and comings of the Ways and Means Committee. That isn't their job.

I've heard nothing about this proposed legislation and received nothing from anyone either for or against.
That's 3 years ago folks. And there it sits.
Just so people know, a bill introduced in any Congress but not passed by the time a new Congress is sworn in after an election is automatically dead and must be reintroduced (and it will get a new number when it is). So anything referred to a Senate committee in 2019 was in the 116th Congress, not the current 117th Congress, and is therefore a dead letter.

To check the status of any legislation in the current Congress, you can look on this site. https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th...?q={"search":["HR+5723","HR","5723"]}&r=1&s=1 As you can see, the bill (H.R. 5723) as been introduced in the House, but nothing has been done or scheduled.

And that's why this thread is closed. It is the general rule of the board that we don't discuss proposed legislation unless and until it is voted out of committee. Because about 95% of bills die before that ever happens.
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