That's where I'm at in my journey. Couple of things come to mind as I try to imagine my life after pulling the trigger. Doing P90x to get ripped? Spending a year traveling to various parts of the world? Being much more active in the start-up community to help new entrepreneurs be more successful? Reading the FIRE forums all day? Becoming a carpenter, a plumber, electrician? Volunteering for a soup kitchen? Skydiving?So, what kinds of thing might make you feel exhilarated again? I would suggest spending some time giving that careful (and wide ranging) thought. Writing a novel? Developing an intense outside interest?
One of the best moments at work is closing a deal. I wonder if I could find something outside of work that gives me the same sense of accomplishment. Something that's tough to do.
This is exactly what I'm hoping for! The wizard of oz or matrix moment. I'm truly happy for you that you experienced it!But once I did it was like Dorothy in the wizard of oz when the film switches to color! Ah, this is what it is like. Even better than I had thought or hoped for.