Which party did you vote for in the last 4 Presidential Elections?

A lot has been said recently about right wingers and left wingers dominating the board, rather than

  • Republican 4 of 4

    Votes: 26 27.4%
  • Republican 3 of 4

    Votes: 10 10.5%
  • Split 2 to 2

    Votes: 7 7.4%
  • Democrat 3 of 4

    Votes: 7 7.4%
  • Democrat 4 of 4

    Votes: 38 40.0%
  • Other party mostly/all

    Votes: 5 5.3%
  • Did not vote

    Votes: 2 2.1%

  • Total voters


Moderator Emeritus
Feb 7, 2005
San Diego
There has been shown to be a clear difference between what people say they vote and what they actually vote, especially depending on the audience they are speaking to. I thought it would be interesting to see this boards makeup. I know it's been done before, but I'm hoping the more factual rather than self analytical nature of the question ( and a polls anonymity) might bring about enlightening results. :)

Note: NOT LOOKING TO START A FLAME WAR! My motivation is to confirm or refute the "this board is dominated by _____!" comments that crop up from time to time, along with things.
I'm hoping to depend on the dear voters to use their discretion as to which category works best for them. I didn't want the larger meaning of the data to be lost in an overabundance of choices. :)
So no chance of an option "Voted republican until i realized they weren't conservatives anymore and stayed home"?

Wow, we are shaping up amazingly even! Interesting!

El Guapo, see now, that's what I wanted to avoid, I'm not after why with this poll, just a simple vote count. :)

At this point, I'm curious if the Er types ( possum living, retired in 40's or earlier ) are primarily dems, and the eR types ( worked a full career but managed finances well so they could retire in the 55-62 range ) lean republican.
Its easy to see that we have people on both "sides" of the fence. Its just that some are noisier than others at different times.

And its terribly unfortunate that we have to have the fence, let alone the sides.
O.K., now you just sound like a hippie! ;)

I believe G. Washington had a dim view of political parties as well.
Those guys all did. Thats why they wanted all of us to have guns.

(laughing my ass off right now, I am SO screwing up your nice thread)
Hey, I read freakonomics finally, interesting part about pools being 100 times deadlier to children than a gun in the house! :eek:
I'm sure a lot more kids drown in pools than die from rattlesnake bites, but rattlers are still not recommended for keeping in your closet or under your pillow at night! :D
scrinch said:
I'm sure a lot more kids drown in pools than die from rattlesnake bites, but rattlers are still not recommended for keeping in your closet or under your pillow at night! :D

All of what you mention can be kept safely in the home. It just requires planning and good attention to detail.

Laurence said:
O.K., now you just sound like a hippie! ;)

I believe G. Washington had a dim view of political parties as well.

He may have said that but he was closely aligned with the Federalists and depended on their support although he never "declared" his affiliation. His principal aide, Alexander Hamilton, was a major Federalist leader. The Republican-Democratics (forebearer of the current dems) attacked GW (that's Washington, not the current GW) vicously during his second term. That was probably a big reason there was no third term.
I always love it when someone says they are an independent. My next question is to ask them when was the last time they didn't vote a straight ticket (Dem or Rep). A couple have tried to still tried to perpetuate their supposed independent leanings, but none yet can come up with the name of an actual candidate from the other party they actually voted for in any recent election.
I'd pretty much voted Republican until the campaign of '92.

My FIL, part of the media pool following George Bush & Dan Quayle, reported back regularly on their habits & off-the-camera comments. It was the first time since the Civil Rights riots that he dreaded going to work. It wasn't a fear for his own personal safety, it was more a fear that no one was really paying attention to anything going on in the world outside their little circle of handlers.

It was enough to make me vote for that smart young man who'd been a Rhodes Scholar, met President Kennedy, and had stayed far away from them political shenanigans by governing Arkansas. His wife seemed like she knew a bit about politics and working with people, too...
Nords, can I be so nosey as to ask you how then you voted in '96?
Gun toting, personal rights over Federal rights, abortion supporting, "get off your ass and get a job" welfare hating, Veteran's rights conservative here!! Nobody ever GAVE me or my family anything we didn't EARN, and I think everybody would be a lot better off it they had to EARN it too.

If this were 1860 I'd be a Confederate. If it were 1775 I'd be a Revolutionary.

I just think the Federal government has gotten too da**ed big and interferes too da**ed much. Not to mention that it's bloody expensive.

Still, I've traveled enough to realize it beats the he!! out of the alternatives.
retiredbop said:
I just think the Federal government has gotten too da**ed big and interferes too da**ed much. Not to mention that it's bloody expensive.

Sounds like you mighta voted for the Bush man! - How's that small government thing working for ya?
Laurence said:
So you are pro-slavery then?

Nope, not at all. And if you look at the actual numbers there really weren't all that many Confederates who owned slaves. The average rednecks couldn't afford them.

And that's one of the interesting things about studying our civil war. It was not a clear "one issue" war, nor even a "one major issue" war. There were so many causes, and they were so intertwined

I say I would have been a Confederate because I believe States rights should not be supplanted by Federal government. The entire purpose of the US Constitution is to limit the powers of the government, not ensure it unto perpetuity nor to make it all powerful.

Heck, if we ever had another civil war there's a better than average chance that I'd end up on the wrong side and lose my pension. New Hampshire has it right,,,,,,LIVE FREE OR DIE
retiredbop said:
. . .I say I would have been a Confederate because I believe States rights should not be supplanted by Federal government. . .
Even if a State wants to allow slavery? Do you mean that you would support the right of a State to allow slave ownership over the US government's desire to provide freedom?

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