Will There Be Panic In The Markets?

I would highly recommend doing so.

Umm, one thing thats a little more complicated to do these days vs the 50's is that whole supermarket/cucumber thing.
Best Movie Ever Made

Pinto: Before we go any further, there's something I have to tell you. I lied to you. I've never done this before.
Clorette De Pasto: You've never made out with a girl before?
Pinto: No. No, I mean, I've never done what I think we're gonna do. I sort of did once, but i was...
Clorette De Pasto: That's okay, Larry. Neither have I. And besides, I lied to you, too.
Pinto: Oh, yeah? What about?
Clorette De Pasto: I'm only 13.
Important question Nord has your daughter seen the movie?

I ask because I made a Animal House reference recently and the under 30 crowd gave me blank stares. I felt so old.
"Animal House", oh does that bring back memories. You think you're old? My Grandmother used to own the house across the street. The Sig Eps were next door as I recall.

The guys were really nice, but they were boisterous without a doubt. Grannie, my sister, girl cousins and I missed the entertainment when the hospital bought her out. ;)
Each decades teens seem to have their own "animal house". I find myself unimpressed with the ones that came before and after "mine".

Its that sort of movie that hits you when you're at that sort of age, I guess. You bond.

And most recently of all, a "Roman Toga Party" was held from which we have received more than two dozen reports of individual acts of perversion SO profound and disgusting that decorum prohibits listing them here.
Important question Nord has your daughter seen the movie?
I ask because I made a Animal House reference recently and the under 30 crowd gave me blank stares. I felt so old.
Well, that's because to them, Clif, we are old. Older than dirt! Or as I'm frequently told by that crowd, "Duh!"

I haven't shared that cinematic gem with her, and I'm not sure how long before she'll be ready to handle the Blues Brothers movie. She's at the teen stage where she's almost too grossed out by us to spend time with us in the same room, let alone hear dirty words & sex jokes. Heck, she barely put up with "Wayne's World" and Meatloaf's music videos. Wait'll I give her the lyric sheet from Ted Nugent's "Cat Scratch Fever" and explain the double entendres.

When the original Animal House movie hit theaters, I was a newbie plebe at USNA with no liberty privileges. The upperclass came staggering back from town one night shouting "TO-ga! TO-ga! TO-ga!!" and we were sure it was gonna be bad. It was another month before we found out what the fuss was about.

And most recently of all, a "Roman Toga Party" was held from which we have received more than two dozen reports of individual acts of perversion SO profound and disgusting that decorum prohibits listing them here.
Well of course. But the heck with the thousand words, where did you post the cell-phone pictures?
Animal House, Caddyshack, Monty Python...all very funny, very funny.

Off -or sort of on topic -this thread title made me think of the song by 'The Smiths' Panic on the streets of London.....
The markets expect the Fed to cut interest rates by another 1/2 to 3/4% next Wednesday. Either way, next weeks rate cut in combination with the one we had yesterday will be the steepest in such a short period since 1982.

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Yeah, they should just take OUR ADVICE..........;)

Well they would first have figure out what our advice is! I think studying economic statistics would be much easier. :)
My advice would be to find a nice middling interest rate and let the markets take their course. Seems to me that half the problems are from reducing rates too low, the other half from raising them too high, and the other half are from making too many changes too quickly when the changes take a long time to have an effect.

Oops, theres that math problem again.

Just set the rates at 3.5% and leave it the @#%$#@ alone.
Just set the rates at 3.5% and leave it the @#%$#@ alone.

But where is the fun in that! Risk taking CFB it was on your badge, perhaps in your case it was covered by the picture of your bosses butt :D
Yeah, I remember that. Every time I took risks and it paid off, someone got pissed about it and it ended up on my annual review. Usually because my risk taking translated into someone ELSE having to take risks, and we cant have any of that malarkey when theres another six figures worth of stock options maturing next April...no sudden moves, no loud noises. That should have been the two core values.
Yeah, I remember that. Every time I took risks and it paid off, someone got pissed about it and it ended up on my annual review. Usually because my risk taking translated into someone ELSE having to take risks, and we cant have any of that malarkey when theres another six figures worth of stock options maturing next April...
Either that or it was all the dead bodies you piled up during the process of getting to the finish line on schedule!
My advice would be to find a nice middling interest rate and let the markets take their course. Seems to me that half the problems are from reducing rates too low, the other half from raising them too high, and the other half are from making too many changes too quickly when the changes take a long time to have an effect.

Oops, theres that math problem again.

Just set the rates at 3.5% and leave it the @#%$#@ alone.

Lets see bunny. Interest rates at 3.5%.
Artificially low CPI at about 4.5%.
Hot Dang!!
We're only losing 1% of the value of our money per year(not counting taxes).

Are you in politics, cfb??
Perhaps with stable rates and an eventually stable economy, the inflation rate would become more moderate.

Might be a bit better than jacking them up into the high teens for a while, then dropping them to nearly zero for a while, then oscillating wildly in between.
Might be a bit better than jacking them up into the high teens for a while, then dropping them to nearly zero for a while, then oscillating wildly in between.
We call that "volatility", without which millions of Wall Street and government workers would be thrown abruptly into unemployment... which is a whole 'nother thread.

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