Y'all.... ENJOY....It May not last long

old medic

Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jul 28, 2020
Ive read others stories on here, and I'm wanting to tell this one.

A very dear and close friend passed away yesterday, He would have turned 63 in a few months. He had retired 3 years ago. He just returned from dragging his camper around the county for a month, and meeting his 1st grandchild.
Now he did live life.... From the 1st day I met him over 25 years ago as our Sons scout leader. He was very dedicated to "HIS" boys.... nearly half his troop obtained the rank Eagle Scout. He took a few to Philmont. I spent many an hour helping with "HIS" boys, either an evening class or camping trip. He pushed our son through his project to get his Eagle... We became friends, and over time Brothers, We continued hang out, Both families camping together. We did tons of Kayak trips, A day fish or distant trip for up to 5 days paddling and camping. Had the joy of teaching him to Fly Fish.... and him being a southpaw made for some hilarious videos that could have won money. He went through a hard time when his ex truly screwed him over. But he always tried to smile, keep it in perspective, and I got to see how strong a man he was. ( I would have gone to prison). After several years he managed to get most everything back.
Since he retired he continued to hound me... calling from some place... " You ready to quit yet?" He didnt really do anything new, he just did more of what he already enjoyed doing.....

I'm writing this partially to honor a great man, But mostly to remind everyone to make the most out of life every day... both to enjoy, and to pass along enjoyment or a lesson to those around you.
This is a profound post...thank you for telling us about your wonderful friend. I'm so sorry for your loss...
I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend and brother. I will take your reminder to heart.
Cliche, I know, but we never know when our time will be up. The positive, from this post, is that at least your friend did choose to ER and get 3 years of enjoyment from it. Condolences on your loss.
I am sorry for the loss of your friend. It is so hard when you lose a friend who was like your brother. Hugs.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts about your friend and brother. It caught my interest being near the same age and an Eagle Scout as well. Take comfort in that he had 3 great years to celebrate with family. I lost both brothers once they each turned 65 and both were still working. That woke my sole so I decided to FIRE at 62. Now, I am 65 and reflect daily that their clock ended about this time on earth. Your advise is good, celebrate the time we have today!! And I'd bet there are a few great Scout camps in heaven.
I am so sorry. He sounds like a great guy.
As others have noted, thanks for sharing your story, and a timeless reminder to live life in the present. Good advice.
Condolences on the loss of your friend. Thanks for sharing your story.
Condolences. This is a thought provoking post. Thanks for sharing.

Life indeed is unpredictable. While we plan ahead for a comfortable ER, we should not forget to live each moment to the fullest.
Thank you for posting this.

Your friend's story reminds me of how being in Boy Scouts changed my life. I learned how to backpack, winter camp, be a team player, tie knots, use a knife and an axe, build a fire, and so many other things. Just think about how your friend made numerous lives better.

It's a good reminder to me to think about what we can do to give back.

Thank you again!
What a great post and tribute to your friend.
Sorry for your loss.
I have lost 2 good friends this year and another just entered hospice. All 3 were 66 or younger. All cancer. It’s very sad.
Sorry for your loss. Very profound post.
Yes a reminder to live life while we all can.

When a dear friend at work who I ate lunch with every day for 10 years, died suddenly while I was on a dependent care leave of absence, it helped to cement my decision not to return to work after the leave.

It's not just how long you live it's your quality and health that are also factors.

I've told the story here a few times of a man I met years ago who said: "You're 60? Just remember that you only have 15 good summers ahead of you, 18 at best...even if you live to be 95, once you start hitting 80 you just don't want to do the things you used to do. Enjoy the things you love now!".

My mom, age 92 is a good example. She was always very outgoing and active. Now all she wants to do is read a book and watch TV (and nap).
My condolences... and thank you for the reminder... 62 is way too young.

I recall that one of my reasons for retiring at 56 was because I would occasionally see obituaries of classmates or other people my age and we had enough.
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