First day of ER tomorrow!

Hello everyone,

Short time lurker here, joined in October, 2013. Well, today is my last day of employment. I worked at a major electronics company for the past 32 years ending as an engineering director. While I initially wanted to wait until next January when I would be 54, the company was offering ER packages that were too good to pass up. Like I said, too good to pass up. I've worked for this day for a long time having got my first job at 8 and never having gone more than two months without another job. 45 years and tomorrow morning I have to be nowhere and I have to meet with no one. Now I just have to find things to do with my time! This is going to be great!



( I am an engineering director in Megacorp, similar to your age. Unfortunately, my company never offered or will offer early retirement package. Perhaps, if I close my eyes and "will" it enough, it will happen. Until then, two more years at my job and I will cut the cord. )
Hello everyone,

Short time lurker here, joined in October, 2013. Well, today is my last day of employment. I worked at a major electronics company for the past 32 years ending as an engineering director. While I initially wanted to wait until next January when I would be 54, the company was offering ER packages that were too good to pass up. Like I said, too good to pass up. I've worked for this day for a long time having got my first job at 8 and never having gone more than two months without another job. 45 years and tomorrow morning I have to be nowhere and I have to meet with no one. Now I just have to find things to do with my time! This is going to be great!


Indeed, it is great!

What will you do all day? :confused:
Ain't it Grand! Congratulations.

Congratulations! After 45 years of hard work, it's nice that your days now belong to you!

Don't worry about what you will do next. The long list of options will start knocking at your door before the end of the week. (Beware of those who assume your time is now available to fulfill their's easy to end up volunteering for as many hours as you used to work for pay....)

In the meantime, may you enjoy long, leisurely cups of coffee in the mornings ahead.

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