Retiring to balmy Belarus

Each to his own and best of luck. My grandparents came to the US in the very early 1900s to escape Eastern European dictatorships/monarchies and be free. They also were fleeing from open anti-semetism and pograms. From what I read about current goings on in those countries, not a lot has changed in that regard in the past 110 years. Voluntarily moving to a country with a dictator, a controlled press and a general atmosphere of anti-capitalism is not for me.

The motto "Live free or die" is strong part of US history and I heartily agree with it.
Regarding getting SS or doing any other US banking, I hear it helps to use City or other bank with branches all over the world. Either you will find them in Minsk or it should be easy to make transfer from City to your bank.
BelarusBound mentioned 'shashlik' and, man, it made me dream of my next vacation to the Eastern Europe. I've been living in the US for 12 years but when we go back to visit my folks in Lithuania, "shashlik" is one of my main requests in addition to a few other food staples :cool:.
Of course, my homeland is nothing to compare to the rest of the ex-Soviet bloc countries, but every time I visit Lithuania I feel convinced that I won't retire back there. Of course, never say never and I don't know how our lives will turn out here, but I'd be happier retiring in Germany though.
If you tolerate heat, then you're in great shape because A/C is not an option there and it can get very hot in the summer (with this climate change or whatever it is).
You're right about health care there. The 'free' one is not free. You just bribe each person who takes care of you in the hospital. If you're against bribing, you better visit a private clinic instead. BTW, prices for the services are not that low at all.
Well, hopefully dentists numb your teeth these days there, but I do recall those nightmare visits when my cavities and root canals were treated w/out any anesthesia....grrrr :nonono:
Fat's sad to say but when we visited Lithuania and German last month, I noticed a few overweight adults and kids.....thank you chips :-(.
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