Llama on the Lam


Recycles dryer sheets
Mar 11, 2005
I enjoy the local newspaper we get, since I grew up in a fairly rural area. We live in the very outskirts of the Pittsburgh suburbs, and still have a mixture of the more urbane and the local country folks who still have active farms - which leads to some rather nasty disputes over land use and the "city-fication" of the rural countryside. The local newspaper likes to "yank the chain" of some of the more urbane folks by running stories like the one below, under the local news section of the paper:

[size=10pt]Wayward Llama Nabbed[/size]

WAYNESBURG - Waynesburg Borough police were called Monday morning to search for a white llama that was reported on the loose in Waynesburg's East End.

Police said they received calls about the animal wandering through residents' back yards at 9:10 a.m. Police Chief Tim Hawfield, who reported to the scene, said he spotted the animal on Purman Run but before he could get near it, the animal ran into the woods.

After receiving additional calls, police continued the search and received help in attempting to capture the llama from Phillip Galing, who owns an alpaca farm near Lippencott.

Llamas and alpacas both are members of the camelidae family, which are described as ruminants with a three-compartment stomach and cloven hooves.

The animal was captured about 12:45 p.m. behind Thayer Hall at Waynesburg College.

Police said a nearby resident, Rashad Diggs of Franklin Street, walked up to the animal and put his arm around it to hold it as he slipped a halter on it.

This story naturally lends itself to the song of the day (which is a "moldy oldie" to a lot of you) :), http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/llama.php.
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