Need Some Font Info



Could one of you W2K users bring up the Display Properties dialog, click on the Appearance tab, click on the "Active Window" title bar and tell me what you have for Font and Font Size?  Thanks.

In an effort to speed up booting, I eliminated some of the 400 useless fonts that have been installed over the years.  This screwed up the title bar font, and that screwed up other programs.  So I need to go back to the original font.
Tahoma, 8pt

Tahoma, Verdana, Arial and Times New Roman are probably the core fonts you "need" off the top of my head. The second two are the canoncial sans-serif/serif fonts, and the first two are Microsoft-liked ones for screen and web display. Courier New may be necessary as an ugly but useful monospace font. Lucidia Console I love for terminal emulators, but how many people use those at home?

I thought I'd done a good job of deleting the ones I didn't need, but since it didn't speed things up at all, it's not worth it -- I restored them all.
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