Why so many "Views" and so few replies?


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Oct 28, 2003
Did you notice that a topic will get at least 10 view for every reply?

How many people read this board?

Why so few replies?
Personally, I am surprised there are so many who do reply.
There are millions who might stop by here
(surfing). But....................most of them have nothing to say :)
This could be a clever segue into a soliloquy on our culture,
but you are dealing with a kinder, gentler John Galt. Thus,
I will demur. :)

It's better to be thought of as a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. :D
I was wondering.......say you view a thread in the morning and then come back later and hit the "new" button to read new posts on the thread. I'm thinking that would be considered two "reads" of the thread. How many times do you come back to a thread to read what others have posted? Or does it know that you've read it once and not count the second view in the stats?
I'm nearly certain the same person viewing the thread at different times of the day counts as multiple views. There are a few of us who check the board several times throughout the day and may add a few views each.

Even people who visit once a day may read a thread several times over the course of a few days as new replies are added.

I think if a thread/topic has--for example--4 pages, and you read through each page in one sitting then it's 4 views. I'm not sure about that one, though.

Also, most visitors to the board are lurkers...they read but don't post. Look at these statistics from the end of may. And that doesn't count "guests" who also count as views when they look at a thread. (The total post count has nearly doubled since April, so the statistics may look a bit different now.)
BigMoneyJim said:
(The total post count has nearly doubled since April, so the statistics may look a bit different now.)

This period contained the "dialogue" between myself and () aka TH.
That may be your answer :)

probably scaring everyone away with all of the pics of older men being post recently. :D
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