Needed a partner


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Nov 2, 2008
My wife wanted to start a new fasting diet that requires a partner to keep each other on track. Guess who got volunteered. I think we eat normally 5 days of the week and fast (reduced calories to 500 women and 600 men) 2 non-consecutive days. It sounds reasonable enough and easy enough. It should actually be fairly healthy way to eat and it makes her happy. I think on the fasting days that would be almost 10 Miller 64s. :D I'll give it a month to see if it works.

Good luck with the diet, although I think if you drink 10 Miller 64s and eat nothing all day, you may have some troubles.
I think this was called the "Fast" diet. Definitely sounds interesting!
Sounds familiar. "I need to lose weight" so "we" are going on a diet.

I tell ya, life ain't fair!
Yesterday was day one and the first fast day. Not too bad. I had 2 chocolate protein shakes with banana and a night time snack of a bowl of home grown tomatoes with balsamic vinegar. The total was just under 600 calories.

Today I went to the Asian Buffet for lunch and blew any initial progress. Tonight is watermelon so I will probably be up a few times during the night.

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