Oh Man, inventive tool user!

With the cost for health care soaring up literally everyday, it will not be long before these "instruments" be offered for sale on Ebay, for the populace to buy to add to their home remedy medicine chest. You still need to add some dental instruments.

I do not surf the Web much nor join any other forum, but a few days ago stumbled across a forum where a poster talked about using drugs for animal to treat himself and his family. He argued that the drugs are the same as the ones used for humans and cost less in addition to being readily available. And he claims to know the correct dosage from reading Merk Manual. He may be correct here, but somehow I shuddered when I read it.

Oh, the horror, the horror...
Anybody remember taking paragoric (camphorated tincture of opium)? Was an over-the-counter product used for stomach ailments as I recall. I remembered that it worked very well. I guess I know why now...
Anybody remember taking paragoric (camphorated tincture of opium)? Was an over-the-counter product used for stomach ailments as I recall. I remembered that it worked very well. I guess I know why now...

My mom talks about being given paragoric. She was sick as a dog when her family moved from Texas to California, when she was 13 or so. She and her brother rode in the back of a pickup, on top of the total of their worldly belongings and mattresses in the dead of winter. Every once in a while she would have to hang out the back and ...(too much information, so we'll leave it at that).

Her dad got her some paragoric from a pharmacy on the way, and she was fine after that. We hear that story at least once or twice a year...


PS: Never knew what paragoric was though....
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