LC Lending Club IPO


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Aug 17, 2013
Anyone get in on this controversey?

For $15/share I put a limit order in for a few shares.

Mainly because it seemed like a low entry point considering the growth oppurtunities in the lending markets right now... sure interest rates might change this in a year, but for now I decided to take a risk.
Future of Finance is P2P as LendingClub Goes Public with $5.4B Valuation

Am thinking this needs watching... The idea of P2P lending sounds to me a lot like a new bubble.
Consolidating high interest personal loans then packaging the risk and selling it at some "calculated" price requires a lot of trust on the part of the buyer.
I don't see much of a difference between the housing bubble, which at the very least had an asset value. In this case, no Fannie or Freddie to ease the pain.

For sure, a new entry into the derivatives market. As of now, I don't see a connection to the easement of the Dodd Frank rules for banks, but this could be a factor later on.

From the IPO, looks like there must be more to this than meets the eye.
Early birds are doing pretty well... Started @ $15... currently @ $25.

Good Luck: :)
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I have been using LC for quite some time now and have been quite happy with it with returns averaging around 7.5%. I signed up for the maximum allowed of 350 shares but was allocated 250.. let's see how this goes. I don't usually invest in individual stocks but had some play money in the account :)
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