Century Club

I'm also in the "more countries than states" club, although I'm planning on changing that when (if? :) ) that special significant other comes along...or going myself when I turn 40.

25 countries and territories (including Bahamas and Grand Cayman as 2 "territories")

9 states (only counting where I truly 'visited' and stayed for more than one day - excluding drive-thru states)
I just returned from a lunchtime lecture by a 92 year old fellow who spoke on 'alternate travel' meaning Elder Hostel, regular hosteling, home exchanges and things like Eur Rail Passes. At 92 he still travels mostly with one friend since his wife dies 4 years agom stays in elder & youth hostels. A regular energizer bunny:)
He wants to join a Los Angeles club, the Century Club, which is for people who have visited 100 countries, he is still a few short, maybe its good to leave some things to keep you busy later in life.
How about our FIRE friends, how many countries have you been to? I'll start; 18 counting the US. Any Century Club members?
Wow that's actually very inspiring.
Hmm... 28 'countries', 32 states, knew this one would be close. Can't imagine what it takes to get to 100 - seems like the second 50 would be a whole lot harder than the first 50.
According to their list, I'm at 21 countries..but there is a lot of cheating on their list in my mind..counting Alaska, Hawaii, Samoa, Marianas, Puerto Rico, etc as separate countries when they are all part of the US.
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