Never formally introduced myself


Recycles dryer sheets
Mar 31, 2005
First thank you Dory36 for this board. I have lurked for the last year and have made a few incoherent posts. I have read most books recommended on these forums from Bernstiens "4 Pillars" , to Merrimens "Live it up without Outliving your money". I have bought at least 3 "Work less, Live more" books. (They made nice christmas gifts for those too busy to realize there are other ways of doing things.)

I have read at least 500 of JG's 7000 posts and now realize "dumpster diving" is a sanctioned ER sport. I wish I was as frugal as most on these boards and although I believe in saving, I also believe on spending it if you got it. I believe in assest allocation. I like FireCalc as a tool, but not as final answer as to whether one can retire or not. (it's the broad brush view of infaltion that bothers me) I believe one has to be adaptable and flexible. I am not keen on leaving a ton of money to my Hiers, and am not adverse to annuities late in life. I am not as conservitive as most on these boards, but like the dialouge/debate you all offer.

I am 49 turning 50 and have turned my papers in to seperate from my company in a few months. I can go month to month after February, and may stay around till the end of "06"... but "the train has left the station" and can't see sticking around past that. The question that help me move on was, "Have you had enough, and do you have enough." I have had enough and have realized sometimes you can never have enough. There will be an adjustment period, but am excited about future possiblities.

I will be getting a lump sum retirement when I leave and as long as the company stays in business I'll have medical insurance at a reasonable cost. (2 mil cap). My wife and I will be going through a series of physical exams in the next few months, before ER, to make sure things are taken care of before I retire.

I am finding . going into ER that it both exciting and abit nerve wracking making sure one gets it right. .. or at least close to right. I look foward to using this forum and all that offers. Thank you , everyone, for your insights and inputs into the world of ER.

Chris24 said:
I believe one has to be adaptable and flexible.

In UncleMicks words, "agile, mobile and hostile."

Thanks for the introduction and welcome back.
Sounds like you've got your ducks in the row.

When you get around to it, let us know what your ideas for the future are (travel, open a coffee shop, ski, time with the kids, and the such).

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