Snake In Car

Free To Canoe

Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
May 12, 2008
Moncks Corner, SC
I was hauling firewood in the back of my hatchback for my neighbor at my cottage. I must have carelessly picked up a small snake. Tried to catch the little bugger but he went under the back seat.

Now that me and the snake are back home, do I disassemble the car? Close the windows and try a neutron bomb? This may be as bad as trying to get a hummingbird back out of the house.

DW will not like the reptilian company on our upcoming trip.

I searched the threads and it seems that I am the first with this problem.
I unknowingly had a mouse in my car once. I'm not freaked out by mice, but was startled when the little dude ran across my foot while I was on the interstate. Could have been on the nightly news. Hope you figure out a way to get it out.
You will be a hero when you save DW from the "killer snake" that appears crawling up her ankle as you speed down the highway. She'll do anything to repay you! You're a lucky man Free.
Guess the question is can a snake survive a car with windows closed in the hot sun? Maybe it'll just be a comfy setting for the snake?
Get a ferret (domestic wanna-be mongoose) to get the snake. Then a coyote to catch the ferret. Use a lynx on the trapped coyote and a cougar on the lynx. Now you're getting somewhere! A wolf will probably take care of your cougar problem, but you will need a wolverine to get the wolf out. At last! The only successful enemy of the wolverine is man. You are up. Good luck!
I was thinking the Honey Badger would do the trick, but probably slightly more practical would be to use a king snake.
I recommend some disassembly. Take the rear seat out and look in crevices. I bet you'll find him very quickly. The seat in our Echo pops out if you know where to pull.

A dead smelly snake might be worse than a live one.
Snake Update:

I was out in the car pondering how the back seat comes apart when low and behold, the little guy, Sam was on the back seat floor partially under my jacket. I carefully removed the other debris in the area, then yanked the jacket out of the car. No Sam. Under the front seat is an air duct (ut oh). Suddenly I saw him on the floor of the front seat crawing out the door and into the fender well. I tried to grab him to ensure that made it out of the car but missed once again. A couple of minutes later he was on the ground. I left him alone and when I came back later, he was gone.

I was looking forward to getting a Mongoose because I never had one. Oh well, maybe next time. Once again, the hummingbird solution prevails (leave an opening in a good place and they will find their way out).
Sounds like a job for Samuel Jackson, I can hear him now, get the MFing snake out of the MFing car.
Reminds me about how DW is in a panic because of the two black snakes we have living in our waterfall. There is a marsh between our house and the golf course and the snakes come and go between the marsh, our waterfall and the neighbor's shrubs. Neighbor AND his wife tell us to just leave them alone as they are GOOD snakes. What the hell is a good snake? They say black snakes keep other snakes away and also take care of any small varmits. I'm ready to kill them just to shut up DW. She a basket case. Always leaves the puppies out back and is afraid the snakes will get them or her. The snakes are about 8 feet long! ALL snakes are 8 feet long.
8 feet long! I am glad one of them or worse did not find its way into my car. Could use one in the house for mice. DW might have issues with this solution.
I use to shoot the rattlers when they became a problem. However, I would not recommend that approach when it is in the car. We do not pester the non-venomous snakes since they help with rodent control around our places. I would probably leave a door and/or trunk open in hopes it would leave on its' own accord. One summer job when going through college I was working on a rotary drill. Each morning I would look down the stacked tubes. Rattlers used to crawl in to keep warm at night. It is a very rude awakening for both you and the snake when you are setting a new tube 21' in length and have a rattler slide onto your boot. When I found them in our drill rods I would take the 12 gauge and clean the tube. Very effective.
Reminds me about how DW is in a panic because of the two black snakes we have living in our waterfall. There is a marsh between our house and the golf course and the snakes come and go between the marsh, our waterfall and the neighbor's shrubs. Neighbor AND his wife tell us to just leave them alone as they are GOOD snakes. What the hell is a good snake? They say black snakes keep other snakes away and also take care of any small varmits. I'm ready to kill them just to shut up DW. She a basket case. Always leaves the puppies out back and is afraid the snakes will get them or her. The snakes are about 8 feet long! ALL snakes are 8 feet long.
Ah, you city folks are just so much fun! Spouse and I were having a beer on the porch awhile back and a 6' long rat snake (aka chicken snake) came tootling by (probably) in search of the plethora of dining opportunities out here in the country. We like our rat snakes.

My compliments to packrat on using "non-venomous" instead of "non-poisonous". :clap:
While driving through on the way to Montana. Walking the dog at a rest stop, we came upon a sign saying "Watch out for Snakes." Never seen a sign like that before at a rest stop.
1983....South late wife was driving......nighttime near Kruger Park....middle of nowhere, pitch dark....rented camper, poor headlights.....last second we see a python.....its head was already over one side of the road and its tail was still coming out of the ditch on the other side.

It was like hitting a roll of carpet.

Got back to Riyadh and was telling the story...someone asked if the snake was which I asked if they seriously thought I was gonna be wandering around in the dark to check the health of a, (pissed off), 20+ foot snake.

Hopefully the little guy didn't look like this 9' Texas Rattler, Honey Badger needed vs Ferret
It takes more than a small snake to frighten my DW, however, the 4' cottonmouth on the driveway a couple of weeks ago did get her attention.:)
I was hauling firewood in the back of my hatchback for my neighbor at my cottage. I must have carelessly picked up a small snake. Tried to catch the little bugger but he went under the back seat.

Now that me and the snake are back home, do I disassemble the car? Close the windows and try a neutron bomb? This may be as bad as trying to get a hummingbird back out of the house.

DW will not like the reptilian company on our upcoming trip.

I searched the threads and it seems that I am the first with this problem.

Sell the car! I hate snakes :)

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