One Click personality test


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Jan 8, 2007

Sign in using Facebook and the test aims to divine your personality based on those Facebook items you have liked. Curious if everyone gets the same profile or if it actually gives different results. Mine seemed plausible, but is it like fortune telling & astrology or more reality based? Really have "liked" very few things on Facebook..

I came up like this, which seems close. You?

Liberal and artistic
rather than conservative
and traditional

Well organized
versus spontaneous and flexible

Shy and reserved
rather than outgoing
and active

Warm, trusting and cooperative
rather than assertive
and competitive

Calm and relaxed
as opposed to stressed
Uh oh, I am not willing to participate in anything facebook. So must remain unknowning of my one click personality.

Chineese fortune cookies anyone?
Calm, I got precisely the same verdict as you, on every single attribute, so I wonder how accurate it is? But still fun! :)
Calm, I got precisely the same verdict as you, on every single attribute, so I wonder how accurate it is? But still fun! :)

Hmm. also identical to the attributes of the author of the article on MakeUseOf. Perhaps my 6 likes and 2 used likes in the estimation were inadequate for a good read and the default is as we are shown.
I actually do have a Facebook account.... but I have not been in it for over a year... maybe longer...

But I have not 'liked' a single thing...
I have never had any interest in Facebook, so I'm guessing a "one click" personality test would come back with one word: LUDDITE

Not sure that strictly applies to me, but neither do I shun the sentiment. I've never been much for jumping on the band wagon with all these new fangled gadgets (and now, social media). ERForum is about as social as I get. YMMV
Hmm. also identical to the attributes of the author of the article on MakeUseOf. Perhaps my 6 likes and 2 used likes in the estimation were inadequate for a good read and the default is as we are shown.

Hmmm....I came out exactly like you calmloki. I had 24 likes and they used 15 of them. The 4 that they show they used were:

Karen Marie Moning (she writes urban fantasy)
The Daily Show
Kim Harrison (also writes urban fantasy)
Hmmm....I came out exactly like you calmloki. I had 24 likes and they used 15 of them. The 4 that they show they used were:

Karen Marie Moning (she writes urban fantasy)
The Daily Show
Kim Harrison (also writes urban fantasy)

Well foo. That's 3 tests with the same results. Either those of us who take the one-click test are all alike or the test isn't very discerning. Bummer. We need a conservative, random, spontaneous, outgoing, competitive, assertive person to take the test. for science.
Well foo. That's 3 tests with the same results. Either those of us who take the one-click test are all alike or the test isn't very discerning. Bummer. We need a conservative, random, spontaneous, outgoing, competitive, assertive person to take the test. for science.

Or, better yet, we need a better tool. Something like this, maybe?

Magic 8-Ball - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Calm, I got precisely the same verdict as you, on every single attribute, so I wonder how accurate it is? But still fun! :)

Come to think of it, has anyone ever seen Sarah and Calmloki in the same room at the same time?

I occasionally use FB, but don't like using any apps...
Come to think of it, has anyone ever seen Sarah and Calmloki in the same room at the same time?

I occasionally use FB, but don't like using any apps...

Hint:. you do NOT want to see me attempt to hula hoop.

Interesting that you mention apps - had sent this to my gal and she sees the test as an app on her iphone. On the computer it is just a click on a link. Still think it should have some validity, basing it's guess on personality on those items one has "liked" independently, prior to learning one is taking a test. Takes the "game the test" component out.
I'd be careful with this site. I didn't take the time to read their privacy policy, but whenever you willfully handover to a site the ability to log into your facebook, what stops them from tracking everything about you moving forward. Or at the least collecting private data about your past.

If I were a corporation or foreign government, I'd create a similar app or website to lull millions of people into opening up their facebook account data to me. I could then run statistical analysis on friend relationships and draw a lot of parallels about many individuals and how they are connected. Sell a list of people who 'like' to a marketing team sending out sales pitches on how you may want to invest your retirement.

The fact that everyone is getting the same test results is also a pretty big red flag. They just want your data, not to provide you much in return.

Facebook can't get away with selling your data in this way, but third party vendors can when users willfully hand over their data to them.
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Privacy Policy

User information may be stored and after being anonymised may be used for academic and business purposes, and also disclosed to third parties, for example (but not limted to) research institutions, in an anonymouse manner such that the information is not tracked back to the individual user.
If the user has taken any of our other tests, such as our IQ test and our personality tests, then user information obtained may be linked to an individual's other test results.
We are based in the UK, and UK laws apply to this website.

That is about the worst user privacy page I've seen. They basically say that they will be selling data about you to third party vendors. Lets just hope it really is
anonymised (is that even a word) in a way where it cannot be traced back to you. I'm guessing I could become a third party vendor that could un-anonymised the data pretty easily.
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you guys must all be very important. I'm far more freaked out by the waitress taking my credit card at, oh, anywhere. Amazed no one has robbed me blind yet.

Wait! I do get calls from Rachel at card services even though we're on the federal no call list! ahha! Must have been hacked! sheesh.
I have never had any interest in Facebook, so I'm guessing a "one click" personality test would come back with one word: LUDDITE

Not sure that strictly applies to me, but neither do I shun the sentiment. I've never been much for jumping on the band wagon with all these new fangled gadgets (and now, social media). ERForum is about as social as I get. YMMV

+1. No interest in Facebook. I tried it for a week a few years and quickly deleted my account. I love Betty White's remark about Facebook when she hosted Saturday Night Live back in 2010:

"When I first heard about the campaign to get me to host Saturday Night Live, I didn’t know what Facebook was. And now that I know what it is, I have to say it sounds like a huge waste of time."
you guys must all be very important. I'm far more freaked out by the waitress taking my credit card at, oh, anywhere. Amazed no one has robbed me blind yet.

Wait! I do get calls from Rachel at card services even though we're on the federal no call list! ahha! Must have been hacked! sheesh.

All I'm saying is that you wouldn't give a random stranger (say someone on this site) your password if they claimed they could log into your facebook and tell you what your personality is? Giving it to a website is pretty much the same thing (except they have a much easier method to distribute it to others than an individual would)

Odds are, that stranger wouldn't do anything malicious, but if you did it enough times eventually the odds are not in your favor that they will all pass by without causing you some trouble of grief.

On "The Early Show on Saturday Morning," Goodchild spotlighted five dangers she says Facebook users expose themselves to, probably without being aware of them:

  1. Your information is being shared with third parties
  2. Privacy settings revert to a less safe default mode after each redesign
  3. Facebook ads may contain malware
  4. Your real friends unknowingly make you vulnerable
  5. Scammers are creating fake profiles
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+1. No interest in Facebook. I tried it for a week a few years and quickly deleted my account. I love Betty White's remark about Facebook when she hosted Saturday Night Live back in 2010:

"When I first heard about the campaign to get me to host Saturday Night Live, I didn’t know what Facebook was. And now that I know what it is, I have to say it sounds like a huge waste of time."

And yet Betty White DOES have a FB page. :LOL:
Maybe she changed her mind or just likes to waste time now.
I don't think that you give apps your password. You use your password which enables them to see what you have posted on your facebook page (such as your likes in this case) but that doesn't mean they see your actual password.

Furthermore, you can generate a separate password for each app that is different from your facebook password if you are really concerned about it.
I don't think that you give apps your password. You use your password which enables them to see what you have posted on your facebook page (such as your likes in this case) but that doesn't mean they see your actual password.

Furthermore, you can generate a separate password for each app that is different from your facebook password if you are really concerned about it.

Omg- exactly. I used the app (with the settings defaulted to Only Me) then deleted the app right after I used it. Geez, people. I'm with Calm, even if you can't hula hoop, it is more worrisome to hand over my credit card at a restaurant than for some random app to learn that I like Robert Earl Keen's music.

It reminds me if's privacy policy: no we aren't going to sell your name-who'd want a list of unhappy people-Eli Lilly?

People who don't use Facebook are like a particular subset of people who don't watch TV--but they are compelled to tell everyone that they don't. And how dangerous or awful it is to watch TV.
Omg- exactly. I used the app (with the settings defaulted to Only Me) then deleted the app right after I used it. Geez, people. I'm with Calm, even if you can't hula hoop, it is more worrisome to hand over my credit card at a restaurant than for some random app to learn that I like Robert Earl Keen's music.

It reminds me if's privacy policy: no we aren't going to sell your name-who'd want a list of unhappy people-Eli Lilly?

People who don't use Facebook are like a particular subset of people who don't watch TV--but they are compelled to tell everyone that they don't. And how dangerous or awful it is to watch TV.

Well, I watch way too MUCH TV and I think it's dangerous and awful!:facepalm: YMMV
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