Starting to Resent Stuff

There is definitely a difference between "possessions" vs. "stuff" vs. "clutter"

I'm a big fan of possessions - take away my big screen, laptop, iPhone or bike and grumpiness will ensue.

I don't mind stuff if it's tasteful, personal or rounds out a house. Piles of board games that get used on average once every 18 months still brings value by getting the family around the table. We have a rarely used sitting room with shelves full of books. But it makes me smile when I sit there and take a phone call. Because it's rarely used, it also doesn't attract clutter which makes it serene.

Which brings me to "clutter" --- AARGH!!! I despise the random crap that collects throughout a home. Trinkets, magazines, mini flashlights, old dishes, unused decorating items, trophies...pls just kill me now. But as I have two teen agers we're still near "peak stuff". Down from the toys era...but still...ugh.
Can anyone on here admit to being a hoarder? We downsized a few years ago, cutting our sq ft in half, got rid of a lot of clutter in the process. Unfortunately, built a library for DW that is still not totally usable due to various stages of clutter on the floor that is still in the process of being disposed of:facepalm:
I was a hoarder, but I'm slowly recovering. I now spend about one day a week getting rid of stuff as opposed to 7 days a week accumulating stuff.
I live by myself and when the weekly trash collection comes, there's usually hardly anything in my trash bucket. A few years ago I made a point of filling that trash bucket to the top every week, in the spirit of de-cluttering the house. I was amazed at how much useless stuff I had laying around, and it was very easy to fill that trash bucket every week.

I think I need to start doing this again for a while.
I hate random stuff. We have lived in the same small house forever so we have to stay on top of stuff. For the most part our rule is, nothing new comes in without something old going out. We try to use or enjoy everything, and we do have a lot of sentimental things. But if there's no pleasure in possessing them, out they would go.

An espresso machine used frequently is not stuff, by the way :)

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