Guess Your Age ... A game


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
May 2, 2008
Can We Guess Your Real Age? | Playbuzz

I played... according to the game I am......18

Of course they are off by 50+years. Maybe it is just my thinking that is a teenager:D

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"Just like every other teenager, you are energetic, curious and fearless. So, were we close? Did we get it right or wrong? tell us in the comments!" Other than the teenager part, they are right.

I'm not telling them.
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I got 62. I'm actually 44. I think they assume that knowing what a Werther's Original is automatically means you're old. :p
I got 54, will be 68 in a few months.
I got 42...and am on Medicare :D.

Young at heart, I guess.

54 (out by 20 years)

"You are wise, mature and calm. You know what you want from life, you've probably already achieved your goals, and now, you help others in their paths."

They got my shoe size wrong too.
It guessed 42. I am 53. hmmmmmm.....I think this is good LOL!

I felt there weren't enough choices for some questions. Remember the one about sleeping late versus napping? I liked the best of both answers - sleeping late and napping during the day!
I got 29... which as a woman - is what I tell people I am. (Sometimes.)

I correctly identified the werther candy... so that's not it. I think the skewing factor was the comic book selection - I chose Iron Man. I figure my choices for watching movies in a theater and preferring to eat at home cancel each other out.
I got the same age as Nemo and will be 63 soon.
It said I was 18, even though I said I would describe myself as "old".

And it didn't even uncover my video game hobby! :ROFLMAO: I have NO idea how it came up with 18. In real life, I am 68 and 3/4.
Said I was 18 but I'm 41 years older.
They put me 20 years younger than I am.

I got 18, it was off only by 41 years. :D
got 54, 7 yrs. younger than my age. My wife, at times thinks I am 80 or 16 depending on things I do or say.
They guessed that I was 54 and wise, mature and calm. They think I know what I want from life, and that I've probably already achieved my goals, and now, I'm helping others in their paths.

Wrong. However I was 54 about 10 years ago
Right (well sort of) - I think I'm wise (although many would say wise ass) Mature, and I have the birth certificate to prove it. Calm, well most of the time.
Right. I have pretty much achieved my goals and I do know what I want from life.
Wrong. I have found that very few folks really want help in their paths.
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I got a 42. I think choosing mayo over ketchup and "leave me alone" in the boy actor/singer/tv host did me in. Who is that kid anyway?
I got 42 also, didn't know who the actor/singer guy was. Picked Iron Man because the movie not the comic.

I think the screen test pic did me in.
I got 54 (seven years too young). I think that's because of that kid. Still no idea who he is. Yeah, and the screen test pic. That probably automatically puts you over 40.

Hmmm...Is it Justin Bieber?
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