What Absent Minded Thing Have You Done Lately?

We took a drawer front from a kitchen cabinet to use to match against some kitchen chairs and a table we were shopping for. DW left it somewhere. We spent hours looking for it tracing every step and store we went to. We tried for weeks to order just the drawer front. No luck. $331.00 later we have ordered the entire cabinet again just to get the drawer front.

I think we have a winner!!!!!
I was paying with my cc at Home Depot last week and just completely blanked on my PIN number. And I mean blank. Couldn't even guess.

Upon boarding our recent transatlantic I was putting wallets/passports in the cabin safe......."What code number will you use?" DW asked......."Easy peasy" I replied, "I'll just use my PIN number, which is...........ah, ****, what the **** IS it!!?"

Came back...(and in my (weak) defense I hadn't used it the entire time we were in Bulgaria)......after a few tense minutes and thoughts of having to contact Visa......sheesh.
Left my CC in a card reader yesterday. The clerk chased me down.

DW lost her card about a month back. After I ordered new cards, our neighbor found it on the sidewalk (we live on a low/zero traffic street). Then last week, she misplaced it again, so I ordered another set of cards. It happens to be one of those fancy, schmancy metal ones, so I'm contemplating tack welding her card to a railroad spike (as an automotive wheel would be too heavy).

Yeah, we got CRS big time....

I was thinking maybe you could drill a hole in the card and attach it with one of these inside her purse:


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Upon boarding our recent transatlantic I was putting wallets/passports in the cabin safe......."What code number will you use?" DW asked......."Easy peasy" I replied, "I'll just use my PIN number, which is...........ah, ****, what the **** IS it!!?"

Came back...(and in my (weak) defense I hadn't used it the entire time we were in Bulgaria)......after a few tense minutes and thoughts of having to contact Visa......sheesh.

This is so funny... probably because I have the fear of it happening to me on a ship/hotel. I end up using a house number or phone number that we both know.
I put away a bag of chips into the fridg after late night snacking. Must have been thirsty.
This morning I stopped myself at the last moment from dumping half a cup of dog food into the coffee maker ... :facepalm:
This morning I stopped myself at the last moment from dumping half a cup of dog food into the coffee maker ... :facepalm:

How did the dog enjoy his cup of Java?
We have been having trouble remembering where we parked our car in the lot. I am now trying to make an effort.

Talked to DD and grandkids on the phone yesterday. They were in their van. My 9 yr old granddaughter told me that they might get snow that night. I asked her if she thought school would be cancelled (they live in NC) and she did not respond. My DD said school would not get cancelled since it would be Saturday. There was something else that was said in the conversation (can't remember it now), but my DD stated that she was starting to get worried about me. At least she was laughing.
I have made coffee in the cup at a time machine, drank half of it before noticing that it is so weak, and have seen where I did not put in the coffee!
I never forget my keys. I have keypad entry deadbolts on all exterior doors. I do have keys, too, but have not yet needed to use them.

My wallet is firmly attached to the inside of my purse with a sturdy lanyard. Guess I don't need to explain why.... :D
Tried using my credit card at the ATM machine. Walked away really ticked that I couldn't get it to work.... THEN realized I used my credit card instead of debit card. Yikes!
Last Friday, 12/1 I went to a restaurant to meet a friend for lunch. Ten minutes later I realized our lunch was scheduled for 12/8. I had put it in my calendar twice. :facepalm:
Whenever DH leaves the house I ask him if he has his phone. I'm not harrassing him, I told him we are a team and I'm watching out for him. Lately, I also ask if his phone is turned on, because, well you know why!

I shouldn't even bother because he doesn't answer it and if I leave a message he doesn't listen to it.

I keep my purse on a stand near the coat rack. There is a bowl there for my keys and phone. If I can't find my keys or phone they are usually in a coat pocket. This time of year we are using a variety of coats due to large weather changes between AM and PM.

I'm a list person. At about age 60 I found I needed to write things down to remember them. Doctor's appointments, any reminders get put in my Apple Calendar. There is always a running list in the kitchen for groceries.

What drives me nuts is when I write myself a note and put it somewhere because it's important and then I can't find it!
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Last week I cooked steel cut oatmeal in the instant pot. When I opened it I realized I'd put in everything except the oats!
I'm here to help. Before leaving your house to go somewhere, practice this little jingle. You can modify or substitute what you wish to remember:

Spectacles, testicles, wallet and watch

As you recite, you're supposed to check each location
Lost my keys earlier this week & they still haven't turned up. Checked purses & pockets with no luck, but will do another search today. Fortunately I have an extra set, plus the doorman in my apartment building keeps a set for those times I lock myself out. (That happens a few times a year.)

Before my current home, I lived in a building without a doorman. After locking myself out once & having to call a locksmith, I realized I needed to keep an extra set outside my apartment somewhere. In NYC you can't exactly put spare keys under the welcome mat, so what to do? Giving them to a friend or neighbor didn't seem like a good solution (what if they're not home?). So, I went to a nearby park, identified a spot near the intersection of 2 paths & a tree, dug a hole with a teaspoon & buried a set of keys. And yes, later I did have to dig them up a few times when I needed them. Whenever I tell this true story, people think it's hilarious, but it still seems very sensible to me. I think those keys are still buried in the park, but I don't think I could find them now.
It's known as the Doorway Effect. Basically, every time you pass through a portal (a doorway is the most common), you lose whatever thought had been balanced on top of that rickety stack in your brain.

Not long ago my younger sister and I were reminiscing about laughing at Mom when she did that. Now, of course, it's happening to us.

I misplace my phone, keys and wallet daily.

That's why I'm very careful to ALWAYS put them in exactly the same place. If I didn't it could be weeks before they were found again.
Yesterday morning in the shower (before stepping out), I didn't remember if I washed my hair, which I usually do last. Feeling it didn't indicate if I did or not, so I washed it again to be sure. :blush:

Early today, a friend came by to give me a ride in his new SUV. Just a while ago, he came back with my cell phone. :blush:

We are still looking for our mailbox key that is either lost between our front door to the mailbox, or just misplaced in the house somewhere. It went missing Wednesday. (fortunately, we have a spare)

We have a "junk drawer" in the kitchen (doesn't everybody?) and there are several keys laying loose in one spot. We have no idea what those keys go to.

Since we moved to this house 3 years ago, I am missing several hand tools. Searched high and low and can't find them. Maybe they went out in a moving box?

There's more, I just can't remember it all.:blush:
I can’t find a kitchen implement that I haven’t used in years. It’s just a lotus steamer, costs about $7. I know I will find it as soon as I buy another one!
Hmm. I've never steamed a lotus. Generally poach 'em.

Seriously, did you look in your instant pot?
I can’t find a kitchen implement that I haven’t used in years. It’s just a lotus steamer, costs about $7. I know I will find it as soon as I buy another one!

Yup, I've done that with small hand tools.
Hmm. I've never steamed a lotus. Generally poach 'em.

Seriously, did you look in your instant pot?

If it was in my Instant Pot, I wouldn’t be searching for it!


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What thing (singular)? I probably forget something at least once a day... :blush:

Fortunately it's never anything serious (yet). All the typical stuff like going into a room and forgetting what I went in for (though backtracking almost always works), or having something to say and forgetting what it was when I finally get the chance to speak (sometimes a blessing). Thankfully we don't forget where we put things only because we are [-]anal[/-] careful to always put things back where they belong (in our minds), and we don't forget appointments/commitments thanks to online calendars with alerts, and online reminders - those are VERY helpful!

I sometimes forget names of people I haven't seen for years, but I never forget the name of any dog I've met... :whistle:
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This is really dumb. On a long drive, I stopped into a Costco to use the bathroom, which was kinda urgent. I followed a person with a baseball cap into the bathroom and quickly sat down in the stall. Then I started hearing women's voices. :facepalm:

I finished my business, waited for a quiet moment and bust out the door to wash my hands in the mens' bathroom. The last time I wandered in the wrong bathroom was 40 years ago and I'd had a few too many beers. On the bright side, with new bathroom laws, I probably couldn't have been prosecuted.
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