What Absent Minded Thing Have You Done Lately?

I once hid one of DW's Xmas presents so well that I only found it three years later.
I'm here to help. Before leaving your house to go somewhere, practice this little jingle. You can modify or substitute what you wish to remember:

Spectacles, testicles, wallet and watch

As you recite, you're supposed to check each location

When checking, I wouldn't be to concerned if I couldn't find my spectacles, wallet or watch.
I have hidden Christmas presents so well from the kids that I could not remember where to find them.

My mother did that one year (about 60-65 years ago). After we kids had opened the other presents on Christmas day, she told us and let us search the house until we found them! Best Christmas EVER.... :D

Once we found them, she told us she would never hide gifts there again so not to bother sneaking a peek at that hiding place next year before Christmas. :ROFLMAO:
We are both at that age where a word or name we know perfectly well, is hard to remember.

F is very helpful, though; I "describe around the word" or name, and he figures it out from what I am saying, tells me, and I say "YES!! That is the word I meant to say!".

For example, if I was trying to think of the word "cataclysmic", I might tell him, "disastrous but even worse! End of the world! Over the top!" and he figures it out for me.
We are both at that age where a word or name we know perfectly well, is hard to remember.

Yep, I understand.

At breakfast this morning with friends, DW and I were discussing with them the fact few people in our rural neighborhood were young, with families. I pointed out the family across the road from us was an exception, having four children all under 10.

I said, "Their oldest is a really great kid and has an unusual name that I can never remember. Judy, what the heck is her name?"

She looked at me, rolled her eyes, and said, "Memory."

True story.
It’s good, and perfectly healthy, that we can laugh at ourselves. Just part of aging.
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...The other night just prior to going to bed, I went into the bathroom and applied stick deodorant to my armpits. Weird, never did that in the last 60 years.

And just what part of your body have you been applying stick deodorant to for the last 60 years? Sometimes it's important to read the directions.
I forget what day it is almost every day, doesn’t really matter, every day is a weekend when your Fired

I often forget what day of the week it is and frequently what calendar day if I don't wear a watch. I know physicians often ask this question (along w/ who our current president is, what's my name) when doing mental status exams and I'd be embarrassed not to know the date - hope it never comes down to that. I think I have a couple of calendars in the kitchen, garage, sadly. I did actually forget what damn month we were in a few months ago - WTH? Uh-oh.....family genetics don't predict that I should be having problems for awhile.....
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I was thinking maybe you could drill a hole in the card and attach it with one of these inside her purse:



If anyone finds Henkels HH kitchen scissors, please let us know. Our pair recently went missing and no one here is fessing up. :(
might tell him, "disastrous but even worse! End of the world! Over the top!" and he figures it out for me.
In our house, DW would say the name of a politician! Thanks, now I have a new adjective to describe him.
If anyone finds Henkels HH kitchen scissors, please let us know. Our pair recently went missing and no one here is fessing up. :(
I found a great pair of scissors in the bottom of my tool drawer. Hey I "never" put them there....
Here's the anatomy of an absentmindedness episode.

Thirty minutes ago, UPS delivered some water shoes that I'd ordered. I tried them on, and they fit.

Five minutes later, I couldn't find them. I hadn't gone anywhere but the living room and the front hall.

Here's what happened: The shoes had come in a nice plastic bag, and I wanted to save the bag. I put the bag in the drawer used for holding things that are to be put away later.

I'd put the shoes with the bag. Absentmindedly.

I have a saying: "If you can't find something, you're looking in the wrong place." That's sounds like: "Duh. Of course," but the point is that I was looking in places I might put some shoes, not in places I might put a plastic bag.

Many memory issues are not problems in retrieval, but problems in storage, that is, failing to store something: being absent minded.
My short term memory is getting really bad. I routinely walk into a room and can’t remember what I went in for. Easily distracted by my own thoughts perhaps? Don’t seem to have trouble with intermediate or long-term memory. Well, except for names!
Sometimes I will call my daughters by their sisters names or grandkids name. I just run through the gamut until I hit on the right on....:LOL:
Sometimes I will call my daughters by their sisters names or grandkids name. I just run through the gamut until I hit on the right on....:LOL:
I do the same thing with DH, but I usually call him by my cat's name.:LOL:
I routinely walk into a room and can’t remember what I went in for.

I just experienced the cyber version of that. I clicked in the search bar of my browser, but I'd forgotten what I was going to search for.

Another interesting thing: Often, the emotional memory remains. For example, I couldn't remember what I was going to look for, but I recall that that I was looking forward to searching for it.
I just experienced the cyber version of that. I clicked in the search bar of my browser, but I'd forgotten what I was going to search for.

Another interesting thing: Often, the emotional memory remains. For example, I couldn't remember what I was going to look for, but I recall that that I was looking forward to searching for it.

I just experienced the cyber version of that. I clicked in the search bar of my browser, but I'd forgotten what I was going to search for.
Another interesting thing: Often, the emotional memory remains. For example, I couldn't remember what I was going to look for, but I recall that that I was looking forward to searching for it.

This is a video you'd enjoy then. One of the all time great stories on a UK panel game show.. at around the 2:25+ mark he mentions this feeling.. :LOL:

I'm here to help. Before leaving your house to go somewhere, practice this little jingle. You can modify or substitute what you wish to remember:

Spectacles, testicles, wallet and watch

As you recite, you're supposed to check each location

Part of an old joke about a Rabbi and a Priest crossing them selves!
Bugs me.

I misplaced my pocket knife that has great sentimental value. I remember saying to myself 'I'll put it "here" (where ever that is, I don't know :facepalm:) temporarily."

I'm hoping maybe the knife is in the pocket in one of my jeans. If not, all bets are off and don't know when I'll find it again.
Today? Didn't know where I put my shoes. Couldn't find my phone. Wallet was in wrong place. Not much else.
Yesterday I made a sandwich and a coffee for lunch. Later in the evening I opened the fridge to to make dinner and found my used plate and coffee cup.
I went to marinate 2 pork chops for dinner last night. They were in the fridge the last I say them. Gone!
DH and I have learned to send emails to ourselves whenever we find that very clever hiding place.

I once lost an older laptop for over a year because I could not for the life of me remember the very clever spot I hid it before going on a long trip. I finally stumbled across it when looking for something else but almost didn’t see it as it was so well hidden.

Seems to be a serious elder risk in repositioning things. You can always find it if left in original position but once moved.............an upgrade on your e-mail solution is an Excel spreadsheet "Where Things Are" ......easily searchable.
The hardest part is keeping it updated..........but it has worked at least once for me.
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