An Unexpected Income "Stream"!


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jun 27, 2017
Back in the late 70s and early 80s, I had worked at a chain grocery store for about 7 years in total: high school and afterwards, and then again through college.

The other day the DW mentions I should check with the union to see if I am entitled to a pension. I mostly worked part-time, but occasionally put in enough hours to qualify as full-time. I thought it would be a waste of time, but heck, I'm retired so it gave me something to do.

I google the mega union I belonged to and locate their pension dept. To my surprise, it turns out that I worked enough hours to generate a pension of $137 per month! :)

If not for the DW, I would never have even thought about this. So, I told her that I will use the pension check every month to take her out for a nice lunch. :D
That's cool, CoolRich!
Nice surprise for you and nice treat for your wife! Congrats!!
137 is a NICE lunch....
Nice find and nice score!
I put in 4 years with Budweiser and will get $248 a month, union dues were $50 a month so I have $2400 invested in the fund, within 10 months of drawing on it I will have my investment back:dance: just gotta wait 12 more years
Thanks everyone.

As one of my colleagues used to say: Whenever someone offers you free money, take it. :LOL:
Yeah Baby!

Always nice to "find" good things you weren't expecting.

You be sure to blow all that dough now ya hear - :)
That is awesome! A nice meal out each month. Or, maybe more appropriate, a nice trip to the grocery store each month!
Very nice! I hope you and DW enjoy those lunches. :dance::dance:
WOW! That is about as cool as it gets. LOL
Finding $137 you didn’t know you had is really nice.

Finding it every month is even better :dance:
Too funny how life works sometimes

Hey CoolRich59, thanks so much for posting this! I also worked for a union grocery chain for 4-5 years in high school and college back in the 70's and early 80's! I am going to have to figure out how to check with them to see if I get anything.

The union I was in was the UFCW, I remember that because they used to come to my parents house and do my taxes for me!
Hey CR59, I'm a member as well!

Moved from mega-c*rp subsidiary to HQ in 2006. In 2012, I got notice that pensions were being phased out??!! Turns out that when I moved to HQ, I became eligible for a pension Never had a clue. I took it at 60 when I retired. It's non-cola'd, but 100% joint survivable. :dance:
hmmmmmmm I worked in a grocery store and was in the union during my high school and college years also ... I'm going to have to figure out if I can get some free cash too ! Congrats and enjoy your monthly treat !

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