Definition: A good day

I have lots of favorite days . They usually involve my SO or my daughter and my grandsons .Nothing is better than a big hug from two little or not so little boys or surprise flowers from my SO and anytime I spend with my daughter is super special.
I am fortunate that most of my days have been good. But there's a recent one last month that turned out just superb.

The motorhome engine was just making awful sounds, and you could not find a spot to safely pull off a highway in the Yukon to check it. Drove on for 15 miles before a spot off the road could be found. The noise could be from the serpentine belt getting contaminated with sand, or it could be the bearing of the AC compressor, the steering pump, or the alternator, the radiator fan, or the belt tensioner that the single belt drove.

When you managed to get the belt off, then spun each of the above accessories by hand, you convinced yourself that it was really sand in the serpentine belt that caused that noise, and you were able to wash it off.

And you then reinstalled the belt and happily drove on to continue your trip. You stopped worrying about getting replacement parts, and to do the repair yourself or have it done in the middle of nowhere, and resumed happy thoughts about what places you wanted to see next, and where you were going to park the motorhome to spend that night.
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I'm taking a bit more ethereal take on this question.

There are some days--not every day--something comes over me where I feel that everything in the world just seems to fit together.

Everything makes sense and interconnected. It is very calming and in a way, reassuring for me. The good, bad, natural, mechanical, electronic worlds; rain, snow, sun all fit into a nice linked package where it all seems to make some sort sense at some level.

I've had these days since childhood and they've continued through my work life and now into RE.

Maybe I'm just weird but that's my 'good day'. (back to earth now)
Almost any day spent birdwatching, whether at the end of an unmaintained road in a saltmarsh or walking along a forested mountain woods road or standing at dawn in a grassland counting rare species.
A good day is when your team is down 3-0, down to their last strike in the bottom of the ninth, and they hit a walk off grand slam. Make that a great day.
go cubs
And you then reinstalled the belt and happily drove on to continue your trip.
That was the perfect fix. Enough stress to make the trip adventuresome, tons of satisfaction with the ability to diagnose the problem, but no cash outlay.
It would be more than the cash to have the motorhome fixed. When you are in the middle of nowhere, the towed car that you hope to use to go get parts or help also developed some problems and may not be trusted to make the 400 mile round trip, things can get complicated quickly. And there is no cell service. Even where there is cell tower, your T-Mobile phone may not work because T-Mobile does not have roaming agreement.

Some interesting facts: the Yukon is a province larger than California, but has only 35,000 inhabitants. Most of the population, about 25000, live in Whitehorse, the capital city. That's where you go get parts to fix your vehicle.

In Dawson City (pop. 1350), one of the favorite stops for visitors to the Yukon and Alaska and which is a "larger" town, I had a rear tire of the motorhome punctured, and needed to buy a replacement. In all of the town, the only thing available for me was a used tire. And it was the only used tire available in the size for a class C motorhome, which should be very common.

PS. There is only one Walmart in the Yukon, and of course it is in Whitehorse. In Alaska, there are 2 Costco's in Anchorage, but Fairbanks, the next largest city, did not have one when I visited. People were excited that Costco was going to open a store there.
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Wow, driving that stretch was certainly an adventure that could have turned into an unexpectedly over complicated adventure with a mechanical failure!
Helluva trip, NW! Well done!
Every day has something good to offer. Sometimes it involves traveling or doing something fun with family or good friends. Other times it's just a quiet day at home with DH, or having a solid day with nothing else to do but finish a good book.
I'm taking a bit more ethereal take on this question.

There are some days--not every day--something comes over me where I feel that everything in the world just seems to fit together.

Everything makes sense and interconnected. It is very calming and in a way, reassuring for me. The good, bad, natural, mechanical, electronic worlds; rain, snow, sun all fit into a nice linked package where it all seems to make some sort sense at some level.

I've had these days since childhood and they've continued through my work life and now into RE.

Maybe I'm just weird but that's my 'good day'. (back to earth now)

I like that.[emoji4]
Not having to worry about healthcare.

Any day a geezer does not have to worry about a serious health issue is a good day.

Note that I said "serious". If it is not life threatening or confining one to bed, it is not serious.

The question is, am I a geezer? Looking at me, people don't think that I am retired, let alone a geezer.

But I often feel like a geezer.
A good day is when all the plumbing works well and all the sundry attached appurtenances join in the fun!
A good day is one with a clear diary. No appointments, trips, visits, and of course no work! The day is an empty canvas which I can fill howsoever I like.

A good day is when the solar panels charge the motorhome batteries enough for me to stay put another day.
A good day is when I wake up and the sun is shining, and since I no longer work, I can spend it however I please!

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