How much cash do you carry ?

It is a rare day that I don't have a $20 bill, a $10 bill, a few $5 bills, and a few $1 bills...usually about $50 in cash. This helps immensely if you have unforeseen car trouble, or any other unplanned need. How about you folks ?[/QUOTE]

Ditto, usually $50-70 in pocket.
$200 to $400 in cash "just in case" because I'm old school, emphasis on OLD. Use CC most of the time.
I'm trying to imagine trying to buy something at a local festival & giving the vendor a credit card. Same for kids selling door to door for a school fundraiser. Ought to be amusing.

The vendors at the “farmers market” have the little card reader that plugs into your phone. Sign with your finger. Provide email if you need a receipt but cc sends a transaction notice by email or text anyway. The kids selling door to door just get a cash donation from me anyway.
I'm trying to imagine trying to buy something at a local festival & giving the vendor a credit card. Same for kids selling door to door for a school fundraiser. Ought to be amusing.

Many vendors at local festivals,most actually at the ones I attend take cc’s.Kids selling door to door will adapt with the technology.There is actually a cute commercial on tv I have seen about a guy using the excuse he had no cash and the Girl Scouts had some type of phone app he could pay on so they nailed him:)
Who ever thought not that long ago that you would go grocery shopping and check yourself out.The world is changing cash is a dinosaur.How much longer before newspapers are online only?Magazines?
I honestly believe the main attraction to cash is personal freedom from having everything you do being monitored.
Many vendors at local festivals,most actually at the ones I attend take cc’s.Kids selling door to door will adapt with the technology.There is actually a cute commercial on tv I have seen about a guy using the excuse he had no cash and the Girl Scouts had some type of phone app he could pay on so they nailed him:)
Who ever thought not that long ago that you would go grocery shopping and check yourself out.The world is changing cash is a dinosaur.How much longer before newspapers are online only?Magazines?

+1 on the festivals, including the rural ones we attend at times in FLA.
Will never use a debit card, well only at the ATM.

Agreed, I used one until a car rental agency double billed me. I never got the money back and have almost never used a debit card since. I also had a friend that took a weekend trip and the hotel shifted his charges two decimal points on the debit card. The $150 charge ended up as $15000 and he was overdrawn, had checks bounce and it took him a month to recover. Somehow they locked the $150 charge so it showed up OK but when they put through the final bill, it was inflated. He doesn't use debit cards either.

I used to require the bank to issue me an ATM card that wasn't a debit card until they stopped doing that.

I carry about $100 most of the time and only use cash a couple of times a month. Everything else goes on the CC, for the points you know. We went to Alaska on cc points this spring.

I used to require the bank to issue me an ATM card that wasn't a debit card until they stopped doing that.

I'd find another bank. The consumer protections are so much better on a credit card than a debit card that I've never had a debit card, and do not foresee that I ever will. I do have an ATM card and that's all it's good for.
I'm finding I'm just not using cash like I used to.

And for the last few years, I don't use a wallet. My phone case holds a credit card, license, bank card.

I'll keep a few dollars around for the occasional lottery ticket and whatever. But having everything digital makes life much more convenient and organized.
I'm trying to imagine trying to buy something at a local festival & giving the vendor a credit card. Same for kids selling door to door for a school fundraiser. Ought to be amusing.

Here in Silicon Valley odds are the vendors all have Square...
Like most others...not a lot....we charge (pretty much) everything, for the 'points'.

This is it....charge probably about 98% of costs on credit cards for points or rebate.

Keep $40-$100 in the wallet. Only plus up when going out to eat for splitting bills (going "Dutch") or treating - even then usually pay credit card.
I haven't carried cash in my wallet in at least 15 years. There hasn't been a need to, and any place I've been has never offered a reduction in cost for cash over credit.

I'd maybe be a lot more willing to carry cash if I could pull out something smaller than $20s at the ATM. $5s and $1s would be so much more useful.

Now I'm in an interesting position. No small bills laying around, but we're going to spend the night at a hotel that only has valet parking. The valet charge is included in the room price, paid in CC, but what about tipping the valets? I need to call and figure that one out, and then figure out where I'm going to be able to break a $20. :confused:
Now I'm in an interesting position. No small bills laying around, but we're going to spend the night at a hotel that only has valet parking. The valet charge is included in the room price, paid in CC, but what about tipping the valets? I need to call and figure that one out, and then figure out where I'm going to be able to break a $20. :confused:

Go to the front desk, break the $20. Give $10 to the valet and leave $10 on the nightstand for the housekeeper.
Go to the front desk, break the $20. Give $10 to the valet and leave $10 on the nightstand for the housekeeper.

Just my opinion, but five for valet. Or, more for the housekeeper. Housekeeping is harder and more time consuming than valet. Plus, are you going to tip in and out? I think the change thing is easy. I never tip on the way in, only when they bring me my car. So, get there and get change to have ready when you call for your car.
I haven't carried cash in my wallet in at least 15 years. There hasn't been a need to, and any place I've been has never offered a reduction in cost for cash over credit.

I'd maybe be a lot more willing to carry cash if I could pull out something smaller than $20s at the ATM. $5s and $1s would be so much more useful.

Now I'm in an interesting position. No small bills laying around, but we're going to spend the night at a hotel that only has valet parking. The valet charge is included in the room price, paid in CC, but what about tipping the valets? I need to call and figure that one out, and then figure out where I'm going to be able to break a $20. :confused:

Chase bank ATM's allow a person to select the bills they want, rather than take the default amount.
Just my opinion, but five for valet. Or, more for the housekeeper. Housekeeping is harder and more time consuming than valet. Plus, are you going to tip in and out? I think the change thing is easy. I never tip on the way in, only when they bring me my car. So, get there and get change to have ready when you call for your car.

Yes I was going to say that, but for the sake of simplicity I split them here.

And I imagine housekeepers see far less tips every day just because we're never in a "transactional" moment with them to remember to do it, unlike a car handover.
Just my opinion, but five for valet. Or, more for the housekeeper. Housekeeping is harder and more time consuming than valet. Plus, are you going to tip in and out? I think the change thing is easy. I never tip on the way in, only when they bring me my car. So, get there and get change to have ready when you call for your car.

I tip on the way in and out. When you tip on the way in they put your car in a better spot so on the way out you get it back way quicker.

I did this at the local casino. On the way out there must've been at least 20 people in front of me. The guy came up to me asked for my ticket and I was out in front of all the people.
I always carry some cash and tip the maids. If we use valet parking we also tip.
...Now I'm in an interesting position. No small bills laying around, but we're going to spend the night at a hotel that only has valet parking. The valet charge is included in the room price, paid in CC, but what about tipping the valets? I need to call and figure that one out, and then figure out where I'm going to be able to break a $20. :confused:
breaking a $20 is a no-brainer. the hotel's front desk, hotel bar, hotel restaurant, any bank, yadda yadda yadda. tips in cash are always preferred.
I keep $20 in my wallet. It pretty much stays there and hardly ever gets touched. I can think of a few rare times I needed $5 or $10 cash, but not many. Handling cash, to me, is a pain in the a**. For me, it's (cashback) credit cards/Apple Pay all the way!
At this very second I know I have zero as I gave my last few singles and change to someone begging outside a grocery store. Though kept the quarter in my car coffee holder so I could get a cart at Aldis

Most days I have $0-20, averaging probably about $5 if you include change. I don't have a local bank since we moved, so usually once a year when back visiting friends I withdraw a grand or more and put it in the safe taking out a little at a time. Cash these days is reserved for the mom/pop stores you buy under $5 at, tips, and the occasional real emergency like when the gas station couldn't accept CCs.

We never really carried cash even when working as we all used the same company credit union and I could just as easily transferred money into someones account.. my friends and I did it all the time when we owed each other just as Venmo/Paypal is used these days for the same thing.

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