Feral hogs far more than a nuisance


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give
Jun 30, 2002
Texas: No Country for Old Men
If destroying crops and rooting up landscaping wasn't bad enough...

A woman who was found dead outside a home in rural south Texas was killed by wild hogs, authorities said Monday.

When she failed to show up for work on Sunday, one of the homeowners checked outside and saw her body on the ground between her vehicle and the front door, investigators said.

Hawthorne said an autopsy determined that Rollins died of blood loss resulting from a feral hog assault.

"No doubt in my mind that it was multiple animals, and we can tell that from the different sizes of the bites," he said.

One of my FIRE pipe dreams is to become a hunter of undesirable species. Feral hogs, coyotes, nutria, and pythons all have bounties (or did recently) on them in certain parts of the country. I’m not much of a fisherman, but there are fish with bounties on them too.

Cooch96, bounty hunter!

Seems like it’d be a neat adventure, help a variety of environments and communities, and do some traveling. I also hear nutria is delicious in gumbo.
We have them in our subdivision many nights tearing up front yards. HOA put fences up where the hogs have access but that didn't stop them from coming in thru the entrance road, Big new problem here in our heavily populated area.
People love to blame the critters! How about the goofs that brought them there? They need to be bounty hunted. The critters are just doing what they do.
We have them in our subdivision many nights tearing up front yards. HOA put fences up where the hogs have access but that didn't stop them from coming in thru the entrance road, Big new problem here in our heavily populated area.
Sounds like fresh barbecue every night.
Sounds like fresh barbecue every night.

Only the young ones are worthy of barbecuing....the old ones are too tough.

We had a guy take one out with a crossbow a few weeks ago early one morning and he loaded it in his truck and took it home for dressing. Guns are not allowed to be fired in our neighborhood.
People love to blame the critters! How about the goofs that brought them there? They need to be bounty hunted. The critters are just doing what they do.

The Spaniards, Chris Columbus etc, who came here for God, Gold and Glory(not necessarily in that order) are all dead unless they found Cortez's(?) fountain of youth.
I tried some BBQ wild pork and couldn't get past the smell. Maybe the guy who prepared it didn't know what he was doing but it was really odoriferous.

This was an adult hog so little ones might be less smelly/gamy and OK to eat. Based on the smell of two full-grown ones I shot in my back yard, I'll stick with domesticated pork.
I tried some BBQ wild pork and couldn't get past the smell. Maybe the guy who prepared it didn't know what he was doing but it was really odoriferous.

This was an adult hog so little ones might be less smelly/gamy and OK to eat. Based on the smell of two full-grown ones I shot in my back yard, I'll stick with domesticated pork.
Boar? They castrate domestic male pigs that are going to market. Supposed to keep them from getting funky. I recall castrating an adult, he wasn't happy at all.
Need more garlic!

Feral hogs like soft ground and dig it up for grubs, etc. With the rain dump we had this year (Houston areas), the soft ground persists and the hogs are everywhere around here. Our illustrious leaders in the HOA have suggested we not water lawns to the point of attracting the hogs. :facepalm:

How are we to compete for "Yard of the Month" without watering? LOL:D
I have read that there is (was?) hope of a new eradication program being tested in Europe. Basically, they put out feed that has sodium nitrite that attracts the hogs and humanely kills them. However, they have found that birds like the feed too, and this is an unintended consequence and haven't figured it out, yet.

On a somewhat (but not really) related note, the right to die folks are quite interested in this sodium nitrite since it's so easy to acquire (it's mainly used to preserve meat) and the manner of death is relatively "easy."
This thread keeps making me think of the movie/book Hannibal.
Maybe closer than you would think. Ever heard "he went to xxxx and the hogs ate him"? That happens.
One of my FIRE pipe dreams is to become a hunter of undesirable species. Feral hogs, coyotes, nutria, and pythons all have bounties (or did recently) on them in certain parts of the country. I’m not much of a fisherman, but there are fish with bounties on them too.

Cooch96, bounty hunter!

Seems like it’d be a neat adventure, help a variety of environments and communities, and do some traveling. I also hear nutria is delicious in gumbo.

I will take exception to the coyote part of this. In sizable swaths of the country (west of the Mississippi) they are native fauna, not invasive pests. Leave em alone.

The rest, well, whack em and stack em. I am very grateful pigs have not made it up to my state, but it would be a shoot on sight proposition if they did show up.

Damn! It's not like we don't have enough problems with Africanized bees, West Nile virus, drug gangs, homeless drug addicts, wild fires, drought, power black outs, snow storms, hurricanes, asian carp, Burmese pythons, green iguanas, zebra mollusks, etc...

And now, you can't leave home without arming yourself for protection against man (and woman) eating feral hogs.
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Damn! It's not like we don't have enough problems with Africanized bees, West Nile virus, drug gangs, homeless drug addicts, wild fires, drought, power black outs, snow storms, hurricanes, asian carp, Burmese pythons, green iguanas, zebra mollusks, etc...

And now, you can't leave home without arming yourself for protection against man (and woman) eating feral hogs.

You forgot to add fire ants and politicians......
The scariest thing to me around here is the no-known-cure brain-eating amoeba Naegleria fowleri. The second runner-up was the coral snake I found hiding under my daughter's bed (only the black mamba has deadlier venom). That was enough to make me think twice about getting out of bed at night. I've been bitten 3 times by brown recluse spiders, and have permanent scars to prove it, but that was nothing. And there's the constant black vultures that circle over me when I exercise, waiting for their payday.
20 or 30 hogs can root up several + acres each night making a big mess. And they don't seem to be happy to root up one area. Left alone they'll root up the next several acres each night. Our dog will usually alert us when they are near the house. (Within a few hundred yards) so I can "take action". I actually quit shooting them since then I have to dispose of the dead hog(s). So these days I'll shoot "at them" with a shotgun (using 8's or 9's). They take off immediately and that seems to keep them away for a month or more before they need to be reminded again.
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