What was your happiest moment today?

(yesterday) made a pot of pinto beans and smoked ham. Delicious! Leftovers today.
Beans are sooo easy with an instant pot.
I have really enjoyed using mine, never thought I would.
Watching my Charles Schwab account ratchet up by the hour today. I am in several speculative stocks that are returning 11.21%, and 39.81% so far today respectively. It gives me a warm feeling that I can pick/choose stocks to watch, and win at it occasionally.
My happiest moment today was reading all your happiest moments since the last time I was on this thread. Every time I read them I smile several times and my mental health rises a click or two. I hope many of you feel the same way, which as I said at the beginning of the thread was the main reason I started it. :)
I enjoy all of the good times on this thread, also.

Last night had dinner out with my siblings, spouses, and one nephew. Great evening.
Today, I am having lunch out with a former co worker, who has been "retired" for 10 years, but still works two part time jobs for traveling money--and boy, does she travel!
Currently, sitting here with my morning coffee, watching a few snow flakes mixed with rain and reading the forum.
Have a great day everybody!
Today, I am watching my son and daughter-in-law nap in front of the fireplace. They just returned from three weeks in Thailand for their honeymoon. We watched the grandog while they were gone.

We had an ice storm here, so they decided to wait a day to drive the 600 miles back home. I'm happy they made it home safe & sound, I'm happy they were able to experience such a wonderful honeymoon, it makes me glad they feel comfortable enough to nap in front of us, and I'm especially glad they'll be taking their dog home with them tomorrow.
Had my weekly "therapy session" with my BF over coffee. These last ~ 2 hours every week. We talk about everything under the sun, nothing is taboo.
Another relaxing bicycle ride with my sweet DW. We rescued yet another big turtle from the middle of the road. They seem to make it halfway across the street and run out of gas. I think the road surfaces here in FL are just too hot. I carry a pair of gloves in my bike bag to avoid getting scratched by their claws. In the past 4 years of biking we have moved over a dozen turtles from the middle of the road.
Another relaxing bicycle ride with my sweet DW. We rescued yet another big turtle from the middle of the road. They seem to make it halfway across the street and run out of gas. I think the road surfaces here in FL are just too hot. I carry a pair of gloves in my bike bag to avoid getting scratched by their claws. In the past 4 years of biking we have moved over a dozen turtles from the middle of the road.
Any idea what species they are? :confused:
Any idea what species they are? :confused:

Mostly Florida Soft Shells, a couple box turtles. We tried to shoo one Florida Snapping turtle out of the road, but I did not touch it. Those guys will take your finger clean off.
Getting back from my 4 miles walk in 17 degree/10mph weather & realizing I hadn't gotten chilled at all and hardly sweated due to proper dress. Was worried going in.
When I got the garage all neatened up and leaf-blown.
This is an odd one, but my happiest moment was that I was able to drive away, slowly, from an ice related multiple car accident on the I 70 between St Louis and Columbia, MO.

Slid out of control, was able to counter steer but was hit by another sliding vehicle. The most important part was that my dog was safe in her Gunner crate and is fine also. It was one of the scariest things I’ve ever experienced. But We are ok.
I learned today that I only have a small tear of my cartilage in my knee and not a meniscus or ligament tear. So the next time it flairs up, a small repair will be in order, and a shorter recovery time will be expected.
Sam, my trusty therapy dog (Goldie) and I visited a memory care unit and a gentleman asked us to visit with his wife, a resident. She can no longer speak but loved petting the dog and smiled the whole time. The husband fought back tears and thanked us profusely.

Two days a week Sam and I visit nursing home facilities and every single week, something happens that fills my soul until it spills over. And these are among my happiest moments.

Oh, almost forgot - slow roasted tomatoes drizzled with olive oil and garlic and the house smelled fabulous for hours. Added a fresh slice of mozzarella and some fresh basil.

The absolute best thing about the day - having the time for all of it!
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Sam, my trusty therapy dog (Goldie) and I visited a memory care unit and a gentleman asked us to visit with his wife, a resident. She can no longer speak but loved petting the dog and smiled the whole time. The husband fought back tears and thanked us profusely.

Two days a week Sam and I visit nursing home facilities and every single week, something happens that fills my soul until it spills over. And these are among my happiest moments.

What a neat thing to do that helps those in the home, and gives you a smile.
Sam, my trusty therapy dog (Goldie) and I visited a memory care unit and a gentleman asked us to visit with his wife, a resident. She can no longer speak but loved petting the dog and smiled the whole time. The husband fought back tears and thanked us profusely.

Two days a week Sam and I visit nursing home facilities and every single week, something happens that fills my soul until it spills over. And these are among my happiest moments.
So sweet! My younger guy (in my avatar) flunked guide dog school (Leader Dog School for the Blind, Rochester, MI). He made it through 3 classes and refused to work. He's a good boy, I"d like to look into visiting homes with him. How rewarding that must feel!
So sweet! My younger guy (in my avatar) flunked guide dog school (Leader Dog School for the Blind, Rochester, MI). He made it through 3 classes and refused to work. He's a good boy, I"d like to look into visiting homes with him. How rewarding that must feel!

Sam struggled through obedience training, he wasn’t really interested in doing anything RIGHT THEN but would eventually comply. All he really wanted to do was sit quietly next to someone and be petted. One of the dog trainers said “that’s a therapy dog”.

Generally therapy dog certification simply requires the dog be well-behaved, relatively quiet and confident with some level of busyness and newness. Therapy dog certifying agencies often offer a practice class to help you understand the requirements and then a certifying class to demonstrate performance.

Google therapy dog organizations or contacts in your area and ask if there’s someone you could shadow on visits or sign up for training to explore it a bit!

The world could always use a little more love...
This is an odd one, but my happiest moment was that I was able to drive away, slowly, from an ice related multiple car accident on the I 70 between St Louis and Columbia, MO.

Slid out of control, was able to counter steer but was hit by another sliding vehicle. The most important part was that my dog was safe in her Gunner crate and is fine also. It was one of the scariest things I’ve ever experienced. But We are ok.

Glad to hear all are okay. Take things easy for a few days!
My happiest moment today was the information that my younger son and DIL closed on their new house. They have been renting since they were married, and some time ago my son, who is fiercely independent, asked if he could have an advance on his inheritance so he could buy a new home.
When I told him how much, he completely lost it and had to be by himself to collect his thoughts.
I changed the beneficiaries on some accounts to only include my older son.
and frankly the amount did not blip my NW very much. My mom was right-it is better to give when you are alive to see the joy.:)
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