Coronavirus - Health and preparedness aspects - II

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Got gas today and used a nitrile glove to operate the keypad and handle the pump. Everything about that process is so grubby. Even without virus, it smells, etc.

Many out-of-staters have complained that in Oregon you can't pump your own gas except in remote rural areas. Doesn't seem so dumb these days.
I'm pretty sure a lot of people will opt out and not vote.

We may not vote this time around. Our polling place is being moved and they're going to be scrambling to try and notify everyone. We voted early once at the Board of Elections and it was way more crowded than the normal polling place. Also, since so many of the poll workers are seniors, they're begging for more people to sign up to be poll workers, in case the seniors refuse to work. (Seriously, I've seen the same ones for the last 20+ years.) Good luck with that.
It will be interesting to watch the outbreak at the nursing home in Kirkland, Washington, to learn how the virus spread.

Of the 31 firefighters and 3 policemen who assisted the transport of sick patients to the hospital and who have been in quarantine, one has tested positive.

The nursing home had 120 residents, 20 have died. The virus can erupt very fast.


Of the 180 workers at the nursing home, 70 showed symptoms as of 2 days ago.

I'm closely watching that scenario unfold as well, because I have little doubt we're going to start seeing similar elsewhere. DS works in the kitchen of a nursing home.

According to what I read this morning about that Life Care Center, they only have 53 residents left there at the facility. The others were transferred to the local hospital and they had to stop doing that because the hospital quickly became overwhelmed. Think of that. Just from an outbreak out of one elder care facility! 31 out of 35 residents have tested positive. 3 were inconclusive. They were still waiting on 20 other test results. They've isolated the residents who haven't tested positive into an empty wing of Life Care.

65 staff members have symptoms. A third are self-isolating at home, under no formal quarantine. (This could complicate matters, as any other household members may still be allowed to go about their regular business.) The staff hasn't been tested because there aren't enough test kits. Sort of ironic, considering that the residents are a captive audience, while the staff members can roam the community freely, right? :facepalm: They had to bring in a federal strike team, whatever that is, to assist in the care of the residents.

I have no confidence that matters would unfold any differently if/when this hits DS's employer. (It's not a Life Care Center, but a different chain. But we do have a Life Care Center a mile up the street from us.) I'm left wondering what we would/should do, if DS brings the virus home to us.
See, I am not following your logic.

Say I need to go to the store for a few essentials. I wash my hands for 1 minute before leaving the house. I put on a N95 mask. I put on a pair of nitrile gloves. I drive to the store, get out of the car (it is sunny so the car door handles are probably OK). I walk into the automatic door opening thing without touching anything.

I scratch my nose. Should be ok, the gloves have not touched anything contaminated. I proceed to the milk isle, open the glass door (CONTAMINATION WARNING!) and get a gallon of milk. I carefully take off the gloves and toss them, putting on a new pair (this is tricky as I have to hold the milk between my knees because I didn't want to touch a shopping cart or basket). I decide this is ridiculous and just use the instant checkout thing for the milk. I carry the milk to the car, set it on the roof and dispose of the 2nd pair of gloves, putting on a 3rd pair. I scratch my nose again (damn itchy nose), grab the milk, and get in the car. I drive home, talk off the mask (stick it out in the sun? or throw it away?) and dispose of the gloves before opening the front door.

See? Simple. :rolleyes:

OMG, you forgot the full body suit because you probably contaminated your shirt/shirt arm when you opened the glass door that someone sneezed/coughed on to get the milk. Usually your arm touches the door at some point. You also had to open the trash can lid (even a swing lid you have to touch) after getting the milk (that someone sneezed/coughed on) to dispose of your gloves. You also contaminated your jeans by holding the milk between knees to put on a new pair of gloves. Did you remember to use your sanitary wipes at the self checkout? You contaminated the roof of your car when you set the milk carton on the roof to put on your 3rd pair of gloves. Then picked up the contaminated milk carton and drove home with the contaminated milk carton. Almost forgot, go back out there and disinfect your car.

See, simple! LOL not to make light of a serious situation but there are so many things to watch out for if you are susceptible to this virus. Everyone on this forum, please do the best you can to keep healthy and enjoy your retirement.

A friend of mine is a germaphobic and he's been driving me crazy with his precautions. Right now I pick up things for him at the food store and I understand he's scared. He disinfects everything I bring. I think he's even sprayed me down with Lysol because he gets over-anxious and is spraying every where.
Almost forgot, did you touch your car keys...
Just saw GenXguys reply on 3/7/20
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What is the public health definition of a large crowd? We keep being told if you are in a certain group to avoid large crowds.

I realize everyone has different opinions on what “large” could mean, but there has to be an official designation.

San Francisco public health guidelines define large gatherings as 50 or more. Seattle is telling people age 60 or more to stay home as much as possible. We're just going out for shopping and we go late at night when the stores are almost empty. We picked up an online order I made earlier in the week at the mall 10 minutes before closing and then stopped at a couple of grocery stores and stocked up on food last night. We're going to either stay close to home or do outside activities with just us, like hiking and garden visits in the non-busy hours for a month or so and then re-evaluate. The main concern for me is not to get sick (from coronavirus or any other cause) while this outbreak peaks and hospital beds and equipment may be in short supply.
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Ebooks. Your local library may have info on their website on sources for borrowing. Also, Amazon offers some for $0.00.

Even though I serve my library’s board of trustees I’ll admit I get most of my ebooks and audiobooks from Brooklyn public library. They allow for out of state members to the tune of $50 a year. A few others (free library of Philadelphia for example) also have out of state memberships. I’ve found over the years Brooklyn’s has the best selection on Overdrive though.

$50 a year may seem like a lot, but I like audiobooks at the gym, in the car, on trips, etc.
Ebooks. Your local library may have info on their website on sources for borrowing. Also, Amazon offers some for $0.00.

If things get bad and all the good books wait-listed at the library, there's always Kindle Unlimited.
Those conferences are just terrible! Lots of cases seem to be coming from conferences and then spreading because people are returning home immediately, feel fine for several days and go about their normal activity including the office.

Conferences and cruises! Both are the culprits of the 3 confirmed cases in Ohio. Just in the last 24 hours, the number of people who have been asked to self-quarantine because of either direct exposure to one of these 3 people, or just being on the same planet (I'm exaggerating of course) is growing. Over 100 polling places (including ours) being moved, an employer of one being closed for 2 weeks, multiple Ohio colleges cancelling classes, and the number of disruptions will only continue to grow in Ohio's efforts to slow the spread.
Sorry, what I meant is it smells like water and has the consistency of water. No alcohol smell or anything that I could detect. It doesn't mean it doesn't clean. I just don't trust it, is all. I guess I could have brought my own disinfectant with me, but I just decided to quit and work out at home.

I checked out the spay bottles at PF while I was working out this morning. The label states the solution is Virex II- 256, seems to have a blueish tint to it.
Our public libraries have a large assortment of streaming services. In California most (maybe all?) public libraries allow any in state resident to get a card so we have around 10 each. I like Kanopy for free streaming video - indie films, Great Courses, and documentaries.

In the mean time I have also been going through my health and alternative health books for tips for colds and flus. Here is one I haven't seen posted - reduce dust and mold exposure for help in fighting colds and flu to reduce lung irritants. I had bronchitis awhile back and found this did help, plus opening the windows more and sitting outside. Fresh air is one of those options that can't hurt and might help. Worst case you have a clean house and get some extra vitamin D.
I'm sorry, but I am on board the Elon Musk train here. As Al Trombone mentioned a few posts up, the ACTUAL number of people infected is probably several order of magnitude higher than that reported. Considering that, the mortality is probably even lower than the 0.6% being reported in S Korea's numbers. Eventually, this will possibly (probably) be reported much closer to the Flu mortality rate.

In the meantime, the generated panic has started to all but shutdown the world economy. :facepalm:

By all means, if you are above a certain age and have underlying conditions, wrap yourself up, stay in your house, don't answer the door and TRY and avoid getting this OR ANY VIRUS (FLU?). :hide:

In the meantime, let's worry about some real issues perhaps?

Health matters aside for a moment, your words that I bolded above name the other big issue, one that affects everyone. The disruptions in people's lives are going to be very real and may take forms that are unimaginable right now.

I don't go on cruises or attend conferences, but I live in a household with 3 other people who have to go to work every day. Each of them is exposed to many other people in various capacities. As just one example, DS works in a nursing home and I'd expect things to unfold there pretty much the same as it's unfolding in Kirkland, WA. It'd be pretty public news. I'm confident that our health is good enough to make it through this. But I don't appreciate the possibility of the potential disruption to our entire household. With 4 people, it'd be way longer than a 2 week quarantine, depending on the lag time between each person getting sick. It's possible that DH, DS, and DD would all have to miss work for several weeks until we all tested clear.

I'd do OK being housebound for several weeks, myself and DH, but all 4 of us, 24/7? Just kidding!
Removed my venting about conferences. It felt good to see it up for the minute it was here.

In short: conferences can be done differently (video) and need to stop for many reasons, diseases being only one.
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I am the person who asked about disinfecting library books. I have an iPad and read ebooks but I don't like them--I want real books. So tomorrow I am going to my excellent public library (with gloves on) and check out a bunch of books. When I get them home I am going to wipe them down with disinfecting wipes and leave them on the porch in the sun for a day or so. DH and I are stopping most of the things we love--Church, fitness center, restaurants, visiting friends, concerts, sporting events, travel, etc etc because of this virus but I REFUSE TO GIVE UP MY BOOKS!!
NY State making hand sanitizer!

Perhaps they should share the formula.
I got to thinking about how unrealistic self quarantine can be. Cruise ship passengers are housed in military bases but what about routine travelers? I’m down in Florida scheduled to go home next week on the Auto Train. Last night I woke up coughing and thought this could be a problem. Turned out to be a reaction to post nasal drip. I was back out on a 25 mile bike ride this morning. But what if I got a fever and kept coughing? Maybe a cold, maybe the flu, maybe Covid? What do I do? Get on the train exposing passengers and crew? Go to a motel exposing people there and wherever I get food? Drive home if possible exposing one motel and a couple of food stops? No good answers.
I retract what I wrote earlier about Musk. I found out that what he wrote exactly was this: "The coronavirus panic is dumb".

I initially jumped to the conclusion that he was referring to all the activities that health officials around the world have been making to manage this health risk.

But I realize that he could be talking about people rushing to stock bottled water and fist-fighting over some rolls of TP as actually happened in some places. With no elaboration, we simply do not know what he was talking about.
I noticed the first signs of panic buying today in our local supermarkets. The shelf area with sanitizer gels and wipes was empty. Lots of everything else as far as I could see, including TP.

Same here. Orlando FL area. Decided after 20/20, then 60 Minutes shows on it that it was going to spark something. Yesterday Target was full of shoppers and all of the carts had toilet paper and paper towels in them. Today I went to Publix after calculating the quantities for 2 weeks of everything. Even Publix, which has been fully stocked, is now out of economy sized TP packages.

My upstairs neighbors returned from a Costco run right after I got home and their entire Escalade was full up with water? toilet paper and who knows what else. They said that Costco had hand sanitizer which was rationed 2 per family. We have tiny garage openings and the Escalade does not fit so they use theirs for storage.

This feels similar to the hurricane prep that happened 2 days after I got here in August. I've been wondering if the life-as-usual--shrug response here, as compared to what I read about in other places, has to do with people having gone through the same sort of drill with hurricanes many times before.
We had to call an electrician the other day. It turned out to be a minor issue, but it got me thinking if we had cornavirus in the house we couldn't call an electrician to come over. So it still might be good to continue to work on our sustainable living / prep supplies to be as self sustainable, at least for a few weeks, as possible. That has been kind of a hobby of mine anyway, so it gives me a good excuse to make a few more purchases. I can take the money out of our entertainment budget because that has dropped to pretty much zero.
We now have three COVID-19 cases in Louisiana, all right here in the New Orleans area. Two days ago we had none, then yesterday one, and today three.

The market doesn't scare me, but this sure does. :( I want to stay home 24/7 from now on, but don't know if I can persuade F that this would be a good idea.
I got to thinking about how unrealistic self quarantine can be. Cruise ship passengers are housed in military bases but what about routine travelers? I’m down in Florida scheduled to go home next week on the Auto Train. Last night I woke up coughing and thought this could be a problem. Turned out to be a reaction to post nasal drip. I was back out on a 25 mile bike ride this morning. But what if I got a fever and kept coughing? Maybe a cold, maybe the flu, maybe Covid? What do I do? Get on the train exposing passengers and crew? Go to a motel exposing people there and wherever I get food? Drive home if possible exposing one motel and a couple of food stops? No good answers.
Routine travelers have to think carefully about whether they should continue to travel, or return home while they are hopefully free of communicable disease. Everyone needs to think about where they would prefer to hunker down for a long while and take steps to prepare. We will be getting to a point where people should not travel unless absolutely necessary, in order to slow down spread of the disease as much as possible.

I disagree that self-quarantine is unrealistic.
I retract what I wrote earlier about Musk. I found out that what he wrote exactly was this: "The coronavirus panic is dumb".

I initially jumped to the conclusion that he was referring to all the activities that health officials around the world have been making to manage this health risk.

But I realize that he could be talking about people rushing to stock bottled water and fist-fighting over some rolls of TP as actually happened in some places. With no elaboration, we simply do not know what he was talking about.

It is a little dumb to panic but it is understandable. I play a lot of D&D. If someone handed me a D20 and told me if I crit fail I die in real life, I might have a moment of panic.
We now have three COVID-19 cases in Louisiana, all right here in the New Orleans area. Two days ago we had none, then yesterday one, and today three.

The market doesn't scare me, but this sure does. :( I want to stay home 24/7 from now on, but don't know if I can persuade F that this would be a good idea.

You might have to come up with some delicious lunches as a substitute for going out for lunch daily.:D
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I had two routine medical appointments scheduled for yesterday and today and had thought seriously last week about rescheduling them due to increasing virus concerns but ultimately told myself “man up! Get over there and get them done. This thing could easily be around for quite a while”.

So I went and feel better for that rather than choosing to postpone.
I had two routine medical appointments scheduled for yesterday and today and had thought seriously last week about rescheduling them due to increasing virus concerns but ultimately told myself “man up! Get over there and get them done. This thing could easily be around for quite a while”.

So I went and feel better for that rather than choosing to postpone.

Yeah, same with DH. I encouraged him to keep his appointment this week because sooner is better than later.
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