What was your happiest moment today?

Seeing my granddaughter riding in the golf cart with my wife! Love spending time with her! Looking forward to so much more over the summer!
I stepped on the scale and I saw that the arrow point below a 10 increment that in my mind was quite an achievement. Good for my health, good for my knees, good for my spirit. It’s all good.
Having our first in-person gathering in over two months. We met outside and sat apart and drank wine and talked and laughed it was glorious.

Today I'm pretty sure it will be SUP'ing at our local harbor, which just opened up for parking yesterday. Oh happy day.
Actually my happiest moment was yesterday. I waited over three hours to get a haircut.
Walking my cat around the neighborhood. My cat loves to go for walks and it is fun to see him enjoy himself and explore areas outside his normal range.
Going to pick up a new bicycle for my married, 25 year old daughter. She drove her Honda, we brought the pickup truck. We are hoping to hit some State Park trails this Summer if camping is ever allowed again. I have a 29" MTB with a 500W electric motor so I can keep up.
Glorious Sun!
Today expecting to hit the 80"s!
My latest attempt at CHicken Divan tastes pretty good, even when reheated. Just add a few drops of lemon juice. Also...found a recipe for macaroons and now I can use up (declutter) a small bag of coconut flakes from the fridge.
Visit with youngest GS, always makes me happy.
He looks a bit perplexed at the mask though! Keeping our distances and staying careful.
DW and I took the road bikes out early this morning. Wonderful ride, looks of people out around 8 am. Amazing views of the mountains all around.
2 things actually, DW and I went for a "driving around " ride and as we went by one of our favorite mom & pop restaurant in the next town over had just opened back up for sit down meals. Only one car in parking lot so she said lets go. We did and it was great. They have roped off every other table,the servers are the owners 2 daughters,pop is in kitchen cooking and mom takes the money.We went back home full and happy.
2 things actually, DW and I went for a "driving around " ride and as we went by one of our favorite mom & pop restaurant in the next town over had just opened back up for sit down meals. Only one car in parking lot so she said lets go. We did and it was great. They have roped off every other table,the servers are the owners 2 daughters,pop is in kitchen cooking and mom takes the money.We went back home full and happy.

+1. I was SO happy that DW and I finally got to sit down in one of our favorite restaurants (they opened TODAY) and enjoy some WONDERFUL Mexican food! No food is worth DYING for, but this food was pretty darn close! I love their fajitas and didn't eat every one (supposedly trying to lose weight, but not today! :LOL:), but I was pretty full and so was the lady as we rolled out o' the place! ;)
Standing in the (socially distanced) line at the DMV to get my new TSA approved drivers license, I was happy to know that the line moved quickly, and I had all the correct documents the first time through.
Weekend with DS and DGS, family dinner tonight with DD, DSIL and baby to join us. :smitten:
Fixing beef kabobs on the Traeger.
This is our limited social circle, no one has been ill for several months.
Even so, I clean like crazy before and after and keep hand sanitizer on the kitchen counter.

Had the antibody test done--Negative! Dr thinks we all had the virus several months ago due to our symptoms, and DH and I have never had a cold/URI like the one we had, so who knows?? I finally got back all of my taste buds, and eating is more enjoyable.
Dr doesn't "trust" the antibody test. We are still taking every precaution all the time.
After walking my dog in the 90+ temps today, and after he stopped 20+ times to sniff and pee on leaves, sticks, other dog doo, he FINALLY took his morning dump! Made my day and now back home in the cool A/C. :cool:
I connected with a grade/high school friend who's become a bit of a celebrity. We haven't talked in 46 years. I took a chance that she would remember me and added a photo when I e-mailed her, not expecting a response. The e-mail turned into a long phone conversation talking, laughing and reminiscing about so many things from our childhood. This is the highlight of the year, let alone happiest moment of the day. We will stay connected as we had so much fun as kids. She's got many Youtube videos and has written ll published books. She looks as good as she did in high school with a few wrinkles.
Recently discovered a 'secret' park nearby that is beautiful and uncrowded. Yesterday I went over to it, put down a towel on the grass, and read from a neat book of short stories I found in my house. Also, took off the shirt and got some Vitamin D from the sunlight.
I watched the sun set with my DH while my kids fed some ducks off of our pier. They used to love to do that when they were little. I'm amazed that they are still so delighted at 13 and 16.
Day off to a Good Start

Checking my CC statements this morning and see that a restaurant charge on my Hilton Amex card was offset by an equal credit as Hilton resort charge. Dug in and learnt that, due to C-19, Amex/Hilton is allowing card holders to use annual resort credit ($250) for any dining charge. :dance:

Might not be best moment of the day, but I'll take the win! :)
In and out of the dentist in under 30 minutes! A quick clean and next appointment will be in 6 months.
Picked some blueberries, now enjoying coffee on the sunny deck with a cool breeze this morning, reading the forum.
What a perfect retirement moment :)

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