what would you do? Fly vs Drive

A friend on the Island just took her daughter to school in the South West US. Flights from HI were not crowded, but other flights AND airports were crowded. Everyone did wear masks (some not as well as others.) There was NO food on the flights and NO food available at the airports. Something to think about when planning a long flying trip. Overall, friend wasn't overly concerned, but forget about social distancing if you fly. It isn't routinely going to happen.

Biggest issue was friend was required to quarantine for 14 days upon returning to the Island. It's a bit draconian the way folks are tracked with their cell phones (at least, so far, no ankle monitor) AND called at any time to insure that YOU are where your phone is and BOTH are at home! The fines for breaking quarantine are draconian as well (I'm thinking $2k to $5K.) So, depending upon your state of residence, just be prepared for issues you never thought of before when traveling (especially flying.) Personally, I have no major hang ups with flying in general. But I do hate the "actuality" of it (the inspections, delays, wasted time, lousy-expensive food, etc. etc.) SO, whenever I can fly (on the mainland) I drive instead if at all possible. YMMV
I say drive it. Good bonding time between your son and husband.

As far as Covid is concerned, I would trust hotels and gas stations to be safer than airports and planes.
+ a lot.... From my POV the risks from CV is far greater traveling by air and navigating through airport terminals than driving.
I would fly. I did so recently and was pretty comfortable with how it all went. Upgrade if possible!
I would feel better about driving in terms of virus avoidance. However, virus or no virus I would drive if time wasn't a huge issue. Driving gives you far more flexibility with your time. I also think you over-estimated the expenses with driving. Freeze a gallon of water and put it in a cooler with bottled water, soda and anything else you want cold. Bring a jar of peanut butter and a loaf of bread. Food should be a very low cost. With 2 people you can drive most of the way without staying in a hotel. Gas is less expensive in most places outside of coastal southern California so I think you over estimated that cost as well. Driving puts you in control without worrying about cancelled or delayed flights or other issues. Driving always beats flying if speed isn't the top priority IMO
Well I'm torn, if they had a longer timeline and less miles to drive, I'd probably vote drive.

But 6K miles in around 14 days in a 20 year old car without a lot of the modern safety enhancements and a 68 YO and fairly newbie driver, I'm going to go with fly. MY DH had just turned 70 and I was 65 on our last road trip and we definitely notice a fatigue factor. ..you get physically tired from all the sitting and the mental effort of interstate driving on strange roads, rush hours, semis everywhere makes it hard to put in longish days behind the wheel.Not sleeping in your own bed or eating your regular meals at normal times, it's a pain. That return trip after 10 plus days of driving and rushing around to see family is going to be brutal.

In your DH's shoes I'd probably fly that DET/PHIL leg too. Maybe pad a few days for a mental health recoup. Those visits are going to be emotionally draining and hard. What would a FC ticket cost they are usually very flexible for changes and give him the most private space on the plane. Hard times for people dealing with family problems.

I realize I did not mention COVID, but to me for that distance and that many stops for driving and sleeping it's pretty much a wash IMO.
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Yeah. I'd chance covid death in the air vs that "new" 1999 car.
When you drive , you can control perceived risks, however, you make more stops increasing perceived risk exposure. If you fly, airports are empty, airplanes are 40% empty, and perceived risk is, well, whatever you think it is. I would fly, because DW and I've flown 16 times since March and we ain't dead yet.
I would fly, without hesitation. DW flew on Delta to Florida and back a month or so ago, and she said it was fine, and she felt perfectly safe the whole time, including her time in the airports. There is more to consider here than just COVID, also. Driving that distance has its own set of risks/hazards, that people sometimes forget about.
I drove Chicago to Atlanta in June and flew back. Considering my experience at the time I would fly. Flying is faster and everyone I interacted with socially distanced - except the boarding process. That was a snafu. Take the son along on the plane ride and get the bonding, as well as the son gets time with grandmother and uncle.
I have also experienced large stretches of the western USA where my verizon phone does not have coverage enough for a zoom meeting. Also in parts of South Carolina and New England.
We just did a trip like this for similar reasons. Twice. We drove.

We took food with us, ate at rest areas.

It seemed safer and with more control than airports and planes.

Hilton properties recommended.
It's 2700 miles from San Diego to Philadelphia. And going by Detroit along the way will add a few hundred miles--total round trip around 5700 miles.

The decision is easy--to drive so far in a short time is downright unreasonable. And it would be detrimental to one's rear end, legs and equilibrium.

I've flown three times since March (required for work) and I've felt safe. The only concern I have with your driving plan ( other than the "new" not-so-new car) is the reliance on hot spots for internet connection. I think this might be more of an issue than you think.

Regardless, good luck!
Wow, really? His new car is 21 years old? How certain is he of the reliability? I really did a double take on this, because when you said new car, I thought you were talking about a brand new, fairly luxurious car.

Sticking with my answer to fly.

Oh no .. not a 21 yr old car.
It's 2700 miles from San Diego to Philadelphia. And going by Detroit along the way will add a few hundred miles--total round trip around 5700 miles.

The decision is easy--to drive so far in a short time is downright unreasonable. And it would be detrimental to one's rear end, legs and equilibrium.


According to the OP's timeline they have allowed about a week to transit the 5700 miles or roughly 800 miles a driving day...even with 2 drivers that is far from optimal....
I am worried about your son if the drive option happens. He is supposed to share driving AND do online classes AND do his homework? That sounds like he will really have no rest time. Not sure how old he is but he must either be in his last years of high school or in college. Either way it seems as if it is an important academic time
Doh! Brain fart. 2019 rav4. Only a few months old.
Wow, really? His new car is 21 years old? How certain is he of the reliability? I really did a double take on this, because when you said new car, I thought you were talking about a brand new, fairly luxurious car.

Sticking with my answer to fly.
If you decide to drive, my recommendation is to rent a car. Rent something fun. Let the high mileage that you accrue be someone else's problem.
Sorry about the confusion typo/error. The car is a 2019. It is a new car.
Sorry about the confusion typo/error. The car is a 2019. It is a new car.

Honestly if you asked 100 people what year was last year, 1999 would be the answer more than 5% of the time!
usually I would favor driving but if you fly leave and the son at home you eliminate his infection risk by half. Plus it is a very long trip
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