Coupling up again in retirement

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I could probably learn to like a bacon casserole.:)

Drool! Keto bacon burger casserole!

One of my neighbors, Peter, carpooled with me one time 3 hours away to an art exhibit that we were both invited to attend. While there Peter met a lady whom he had dated in the 1970s. After they got re-acquainted, she began visiting his house with her car loaded with baking supplies. As Peter later told me about it, she would come in to visit and then she would start baking things. By the time that she left, his kitchen was filled with fresh sticky buns and other pastries.

She made 5 or 6 trips to his house doing that. Each time when she left, he had a bunch of pastry in his house.

By the seventh visit, she had secured from Peter an offer to move in with him.
Somewhat on-topic I hope.
In a recent Jerry Brown Travels post on YouTube, Jerry noted that the proportion of women to men in the gringo (mostly retirement) enclave at Lake Chapala, MX is 6 to 1.
I was immediately reminded of a comment in an old Mexico bulletin board. A woman remarked that the men at Lakeside were either married, gay or gone Tuesday.
Married about 46 years, neither one of us is going anywhere. Still, we are 73 and are dealing with health issues. (I am attacking mine with some success but DW has a scary heart condition.) Either one could go first. It would take me a while to recover. I can't imagine remarrying, but who knows? I think she would continue with her circles of friends and just continue on her own. We originally met through friends and I might try that again. I would like companionship but it might take some time to find someone mutually compatible, perhaps through interest groups.
These things have crossed mind once in a while but I don't have to look at it yet.
I'd hope and assume that with so many visits, something more than baking had been going on.


She made 5 or 6 trips to his house doing that. Each time when she left, he had a bunch of pastry in his house.

By the seventh visit, she had secured from Peter an offer to move in with him.

I wonder if Peter can still fit through the door to his house, or if a crane is necessary at this point. :D
That just might be the plan. Too wide to escape. :D

Reading through this long thread I am reminded of a quotation, the source of which I don't know anymore: "Some people are so poor that all they have is money."

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Yup. I met my GF when I was 2 years retired at age 56. She was 52 and had just retired. Her kid was 18 and becoming independent. We could focus most of our attention on our relationship because we didn't have to build a career, raise kids, or worry about buying a house.


Older women with adult children, or even better without children, are ideal, in my experience. Such a woman is able to focus on her guy without compromise. Also, if she was able to sustain a career without being diverted to the mommy track, she is probably not a pauper in need of financial aid. Further, she better understands the demands and norms of business life, having lived it so long herself, hence is better able to cope and support a guy with such needs.

My bottom line: Older women such as I have described have much to offer and should not feel they will be overlooked.
If I suddenly became single again I don't think I would make any effort to start over again. I am selective in my number of friends and not so sure I like the idea of being set up with a date, don't enjoy participating in organized religion, physical activities are limited to recumbent trikes and very short walks, and I probably would not be good company for a few years anyway. I might just focus on getting past the loss and relearning how to enjoy the time I have as a single person.


Older women with adult children, or even better without children, are ideal, in my experience. Such a woman is able to focus on her guy without compromise. Also, if she was able to sustain a career without being diverted to the mommy track, she is probably not a pauper in need of financial aid. Further, she better understands the demands and norms of business life, having lived it so long herself, hence is better able to cope and support a guy with such needs.

My bottom line: Older women such as I have described have much to offer and should not feel they will be overlooked.

It's OK if you overlook me..I'd be fine with it.
I'm pretty sure people's sexual orientations don't up and "change" from menopause or anything else.

Likelier that she was lesbian or bi all along, and simply changed her mind about how she wanted to express it.

Disconcerting for you though! Did you two ever talk about it?

True enough. I had a similar experience after 25 years of marriage without much warning. She had a change of lifestyle at menopause and went lesbian. Not much I could do about that and it is apparently becoming common.

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