So I am thinking about a new fancy watch...

My only watch is the one they gave me for 25 years of service and I don't wear it unless I am wearing a suit. But I say go for it if it's within your budget.
I’ve always longed for a Vintage Omega Speedmaster. These are the ones worn during the Gemini and Apollo missions. To me they are classical beautiful and I love the history.

I always liked the Breitling Cockpit series watches. The crazy multi dial watches were useless in low light. The son liked Rolexes and bought a couple. Business partner owned several Rolex and Breitling watches.

If they are automatic or self winding they have to be worn or kept up. That may mean investing in a winder. Periodic maintenance 3-5 years will run you $500 or more.

There are places you don’t want to wear an expensive watch. The Timex works fine then or the phone.

Buy one because you like and want to wear it. An investment is only worth what someone else will pay if you need to liquidate.
I guess I’ve read too much Thomas Stanley’s Millionaire Next Door books. My dad was a watch guy and I inherited boxes of them. Nothing like you propose. But I don’t wear them. Nobody cares that I’m that on time. And my Garmin HR Vivoactive was great at tracking my sleep, skiing, and travels, but it made my wrist blister. Now I just look at my phone or ask my wife.

Millionaire Next Door proved that most guys with real money wear Timex or some other cheap watch. Here is a review:

So when I see a pricey watch on someone now I think “wannabe”, although I am sure there are exceptions. I am definitely not impressed. The last watch that impressed me was a gold Seiko with a maroon face in the late 60’s or early 70’s. I think dad paid $70 bucks for it when I was a young man. I still have it. Early auto-winder. I think I’ll get that out and wear it!

But whatever floats your boat.
I cannot relate to a high dollar watch but we all have an indulgent side that we want to satisfy. If this does not break the bank I say go for it. Personally I love the Apple watch after buying the cheapest Chinese watches for many years I feel I am now splurging at $500.
It's your world

You don't need the input of random strangers on the internet to justify your BTD

It's your world and your choices. Have fun.

(I don't wear the expensive watch I bought very often any more, but I love it just the same because it was a meaningful purchase. but that is just me)
I bought a Rolex (Oyster model) about 10+years ago. I think I caught it on a closeout sale and paid about $3500 at the time. I have no idea what they go for today.... Looks great sitting on a shelf in my safe where it's been and hasn't moved for the past 9+ years. :) Not even sure if it still runs. :)
Garmin Fenix series. Six, or Five - Five is previous generation but still VERY capable. Certainly not high end, but amazingly functional and durable. Bought my Fenix 5 for about $350 on Black Friday a few years ago. Replaced my old Garmin Forerunner 405 (circa 2009) because I needed longer battery life when using the GPS. Fenix 5 gives me about 26 hours of GPS coverage, and about two weeks charge when not using the GPS. Typically I use my phone instead of a watch, but really like the GPS for accurate timing and position when running ultras.

On another note, I rarely have need of a watch or phone to tell the time. Typically I intuitively know the time within five minutes of accuracy, including waking up from a deep sleep in the middle of the night. Not sure why/how I can do this. Perhaps a function of my time in the military?
Retired, and in need of a new watch: an oxymoron.

Honestly, you're retired. Forget the watch. Forget buying "things. You'll end up your life surrounded by things you can't take with you, at the expense of missing experiences that would make your years fuller.

Lose the watch, and in return receive an attitude of relaxation. Life's not about showing off to others; they're not impressed with ostentatious expenditures that others do to show who's a "have" and who's a "have not".

Sharing a fun adventure with someone? Seeing someplace, doing something, you've never done before? Making someone else's life better?
THAT'S gold for us!

You might discover that not showing off, and not worrying about being on a schedule, is where it's at.

Oh, I get where you're coming from. There are collectors for just about everything, and if you won't be happy without that one gadget (or without a hundred of them, or a thousand), well, you won't be happy. Until you find out you're still unsatisfied after you've gotten it.

So buy it and be happy, or don't buy it--but STILL be happy!

When I was a kid, my father would watch me stare in envy at some fancy house or car or boat as we'd travel, and he'd put it in perspective by saying: "That guy USED to have money."

I'd recommend taking the funds & doing something strange & unusual to you. Head over to the Dominican Republic's poor side of the island and work with the Peace Corps & the locals to try & get them safe sanitation & drinking water. Step back after a year or two and re-evaluate your satisfaction.

Would a fancy new watch have given you the same warm feeling of accomplishment and gratitude as you'll get from your new friends?

Hopefully the well-being of people is the kind of thing you care about, and not so much worrying about the material things in life.

Do what's right for you, but do what's also right for the have-nots in the background, and I'll bet your quality of life will have increased by leaps and bounds. Your mental health will thank you!
Totally agree. Buy a highly functional, high tech watch for under $500 that can text, talk and email and pair with wireless airpods.

Please, OP is interested in a watch, not some plastic piece of crap.

Personally, I wouldn't venture into five digits because I'd worry to much about it being damaged or stolen. But if I'll ever have too much money, a Patek Philippe 5396G-011 or an IWC IW344202 sure would be a treat.
My watch broke about a month before I retired. I never bothered to replace it. For years I was always checking to make sure I was on time and hadn't missed something on my schedule. It was a phobia I got from my mother. Being an aviator in my earlier life, a watch was essential. In retirement, I don't have to be anywhere at anytime and thus one less tension.
There are worst things to spend your money on.
Example; in 2004 I spent about $5000 Australian each on both a Dell top of the line laptop with software and a Rolex submariner with date.
Now in 2021, Laptop long gone and Rolex is valued at $12500. Something to consider.
A group of us Michigan alum have been annually meeting up in Vegas for over 30 years.

After dinner we often end up walking thru the hi end shopping, which I’ve never cared about. Once, we were in a watch place. I remarked to one of my friends, who would spend $10k + on a watch, to which he replied he has several.

Many years later, just after I’d retired 7 years ago, I had a huge win. To commemorate the occasion, I was going to buy a gold Rolex Submariner that I’d seen for about what I’d won. My friend says wait a minute, he knows a guy. So he ends up buying himself one also, shipped to us from Italy for about 20% less than the Vegas store. The earlier comment about paying full retail definitely doesn’t apply to my “watch-head” friend.

About the only time I wear it is on the annual reunion trip and local dress up events, but I don’t regret having bought it at all.
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I noticed the other day that my $8 watch was staining my wrist green! I guess I'll have to spend a few extra bucks to get a new one - next time. I suppose the salt air and the sweat as we get close to summer have finally corroded the back quicker than the battery has given out. That's what dooms most of my watches - no value in replacing the battery in a cheap watch. Just stop into Walmart and get a new one.

Still, I see the joy a nice watch is capable of bringing to the person who wants to wear something truly beautiful. I think of some watches as jewelry which I never wear (not even a wedding ring - got chemicals under the thing too many times, back in the day - burned like fire.)

I have always appreciated those with a passion. If someone's passion is to own a fine watch, I would applaud BTD to indulge the passion. The good news is that, should that passion change over time, the truly fine watches hold their value for either trade or redemption to go on to a newer passion. Embrace your passion! We only get so much time. If tracking the hours, minutes, seconds and fractions thereof feeds your passion, it will be money well spent. YMMV
Watches are fun

Mechanical watches are wearable art. Like art, you can find stuff you like for a few bucks in a thrift store, or you can spend millions.. My advice: don’t buy retail unless you somehow get lucky and a Rolex dealer offers you a new Submariner for list price (unlikely unless you are a loyal customer). Focus on near-vintage and newer watches, follow auctions to learn the market. Some watches appreciate dramatically but watches are not a predictable investable asset class with strong returns; assume that if you buy well, they will hold their value. Note that fine watches can cost around $1000 every 5 years or so to maintain. There are lots of beautiful high quality mechanical watches in the $2500-$10k need to start higher. Here are two I bought recently for $5-$7k, both preowned with original papers, for ~30% below retail, and one fine vintage watch I bought at auction for $20k. Rolex, Omega, and Patek are three brands that have a solid history of retaining value.


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I don't have anything against Apple watches but it would be insane to buy a high-dollar one only to see it become obsolete in 6 or 7 years. That seems to be about how long iPhones last before current apps won't run on them any more. I recall some of the early adopters of high-end iWatches complained mightily about that issue.

If you are going for a high-end watch keep it simple - can't go wrong with a Swiss mechanical timepiece, except for the price.

I remember when the Apple watch came out and my CTO and Chief Scientist bought them immediately. I am sure they found them functional but boy did they look clunky!

I know there are a lot of Apple fans here but it seemed like anything but an attractive piece of jewelry.

If I were going to get a watch I would definitely get something that looks stylish.
I got a deal on a Rolex GMT ($700) when I was stationed in Germany back in the 80's. Sold it last year on eBay for $11K. Not a bad investment since I haven't worn a watch since 1997 when I retired from the Air Force.
OP - If it doesn't harm your retirement, buy what you want. Just insure it so it will be replaced when stolen/lost.

Personally I'm super happy with my $15 casio with 10 yr battery, I cracked one crystal and so I bought a replacement watch, without a care in the world, my tiny little BTD :D
I had (blush) two Jaeger-LeCoultre watches when I was working. It was, I think, part of the image but it was also part “wearable art” and it was also part wanting to remind myself that that big salary wasn’t just a number, it had actual tangible value. Anyway, while I had them I truly did get pleasure out of them. Then I retired. And suddenly the pleasure was gone for me - they reminded me of my old life; I got sick of the mandatory c. $1,000 maintenance charges every three years or so. I got sick of the $300 bands. I felt they were really out of place with my very dressed-down FIRE attire. I started working out more and so started wearing my Apple Watch more…. And in the end I sold both. Got good prices, not outstanding like some on this thread, but enough that I felt that I’d “rented” them quite reasonably for a long time, and frankly I haven’t looked back. There hasn’t been one day since that I’ve thought, oh I wish I could put on a nice watch. But I totally get that it is a 100% individual thing, so if you have the itch, scratch it if it doesn’t hurt something more important in your plans. But be prepared for the joy to pale as time goes on.
Five or six years ago, I started yearning for a nice watch. But I just couldn't justify the price tag for a brand new fancy watch. So I ended up buying a used Omega Seamaster in almost like new condition. I wear it almost every day as it fits my casual lifestyle. I thought about getting a fancy dress watch, but I know that it would only get worn 2-3 times a year and it seemed like a waste of money.
I'm back! Man, this thread really took off!

Appreciate all the different opinions/suggestions. I'm only in the exploratory stage right now. As mentioned, this would be pure indulgence, and I am not trying to justify an "investment". Like most things, BTD purchases are personal and everything is relative. Despite really digging some of these $30K+ watches, I will probably set a budget closer to the $10K range to compromise with alter frugal ego. Of course, if it doesn't "move me" at that price point, well, then, back to the drawing board.

I suppose it's just nice to finally be in a position where you can do some of these, perhaps over indulgence BTD purchases, without feeling guilty or feeling you have to justify the practicality/"value proposition".
I suppose it's just nice to finally be in a position where you can do some of these, perhaps over indulgence BTD purchases, without feeling guilty or feeling you have to justify the practicality/"value proposition".

That’s an excellent way to view a lot of things (not just jewelry)!
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