2022 workout thread

Music Lover

Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Mar 7, 2015
the prairies
I started workout thread in 2021, partly as incentive for me to keep working out regularly, and also for others to chime in if they felt like. It lasted 2 - 3 months before fading away. I'm hoping to do better this year!!

I'm already off to a rough start because we scrambled to leave for Florida a day early (from the cold Canadian prairies) due to an incoming storm and I forgot to bring a set of dumbbells. There's nothing reasonably priced around here so I'm going to make do without some much needed equipment. However, the Airbnb we're currently staying in has an exercise bike so I can use that until we move to our next place.

Feel free to post your workouts!!

Today's workout:
- walk 55 minutes
- exercise bike 10 minutes
- 60 pushups (3 sets of 20)
I will join in.

1.17 mile outdoor walk with DH before the winter storm blew in
1 hour of yoga, using a video from my favorite yoga teacher
Just turned 68 today. Play tennis 3-4 time a week for 1.5 hours each time. Wife and I do a 45 min. strength training every other day. Do 2 sets presses, leg extensions, pull down bar, leg curls, arm curls, triceps push down bar, rowing, flys and raises with dumbells. Oh, and walk the dog most days.
Just turned 68 today. Play tennis 3-4 time a week for 1.5 hours each time. Wife and I do a 45 min. strength training every other day. Do 2 sets presses, leg extensions, pull down bar, leg curls, arm curls, triceps push down bar, rowing, flys and raises with dumbells. Oh, and walk the dog most days.

Happy birthday!
Just turned 68 today. Play tennis 3-4 time a week for 1.5 hours each time. Wife and I do a 45 min. strength training every other day. Do 2 sets presses, leg extensions, pull down bar, leg curls, arm curls, triceps push down bar, rowing, flys and raises with dumbells. Oh, and walk the dog most days.

Happy Birthday and keep up the good workouts! :)
I’ve been walking every day for cardio for years, but nagging elbow and knee pains ended my resistance strength training a couple months ago. Recovery from injuries take SO MUCH longer as a senior, hate that. I’ve ramped up walking to 10-20K steps day (golf on the 20K step days) and just resumed Waterrower every other day (golf days off) about a month ago. Hopefully I can stick with it and resume resistance band workouts.
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Alright. Subscribed. I've fallen off the wagon at the end of the year and need some motivation. Today, I shoveled the driveway and didn't to much more. Sadly sitting at 5,277 steps which is half what I typically get. TO be fair though we did have a high of -7 today. Yesterday I didn't do much better and the day before managed to go on a very short walk. I gotta get over this hump. I had an 8 pack back in September, lost it completely. Its insane how quick it can happen.
You know what, screw it...I'm done feeling sorry for myself. My sister passed away in September and ever since I've had zero motivation, after setting a PR on my bicycle the day we buried her I literally stopped. I'm getting on the treadmill right now after I am done typing this. Jogging 30 minutes. Its time to turn this around.

I have been ice skating with my kids, and doing some in-line skating at US Bank Stadium but its not enough. The buck stops here. THANK YOU Music Lover for the motivation.
I swear by my Beachbody on Demand subscription. So much variety, and I can do it anywhere if I have my phone. Today was "lower fix" with Autumn Calabrese. She's the one I do the most. Love mixing it up, weights, cardio, yoga, pilates, barre... It's all good!

I'm not much of an outdoor person except for the proverbial long walks on the beach in the summer. BOD definitely gets me thru the northeast winters.

Did a deep clean on my bedroom today too so that counts. I like this thread it will keep me motivated!
You know what, screw it...I'm done feeling sorry for myself. My sister passed away in September and ever since I've had zero motivation, after setting a PR on my bicycle the day we buried her I literally stopped. I'm getting on the treadmill right now after I am done typing this. Jogging 30 minutes. Its time to turn this around.

I have been ice skating with my kids, and doing some in-line skating at US Bank Stadium but its not enough. The buck stops here. THANK YOU Music Lover for the motivation.

I'm so very sorry for your loss kgtest. Don't be hard on yourself, in your own time, you will get back into it.
3 mile walk to the local cemetery today. Our plan is 5 miles a day in January. Also cutting out alcohol and meat this month.
I'm so very sorry for your loss kgtest. Don't be hard on yourself, in your own time, you will get back into it.

I appreciate the kind words casole! I managed to get a little workout in and it felt glorious. She was far too young at 47, single mom, leaving 3 young kids behind to figure out all the hard stuff without her.

3 miles in 31 minutes. It wasn't pretty but with time and consistency it will get easier.

It was kind of cute, my 3 little ones came down to support me and started "working out" with daddy. Watching my 1 and a half year old do squats alongside me was hilarious and oddly motivating.
My biggest challenge is getting my workout in the morning. When I wait until the afternoon the workout gets inconsistent as the demands of the day unfold. Let's see how I do manana.
Are there any other Peloton members here? I started cycling on a Peloton during the pandemic in 2020 and have found it a great way to exercise and stay motivated without any excuses (weather, etc).

I finished 2021 with about 10,500 minutes of cycling and worked out 285 days during the year (Peloton provides these stats at the end of the year). I have also added strength, stretching and meditation classes to my cycling workouts.

I have found this to be a great way to stay active and motivated and be able to work out any time of the day (I still work ). There is even a competitive aspect to the workouts if you choose to use the leaderboard to compare your efforts to other riders. I usually am in the Top 40-50% of all riders and top 1/3 of riders in their 60s on rides. Not bad for an old guy.

If there are any other members here please feel free to follow me.
See you on the Leaderboard.
10,000 steps a day
100+ hikes of 5+ miles per year
Weights 3 times a week
Biking in summer

This is the same as last year, but doing more weights this year.
Okay, here we go.

Weighed myself this morning. I’m 8lbs heavier than last year. I love exercise and outdoor activities, so that isn’t the issue. I need to refocus my eating as that was the problem in 2021. I have my annual exam this week and am concerned what my blood work will reveal.

No alcohol in January (I’m a wine drinker)
Get back on my GF regimen.
Cut back on sweets/junk food
Drink more water

I started 30 day push-up challenge today
Continue gym workouts 5-6 days week (cardio, strength, agility/flexibility)
Get back to longer walks/hikes with my dog
Learn how to do a pull-up

I love the new year. Allows for a reset!
A few years ago I became limited in what I can do for exercise. The only exercise now is cycling and balance issues limit that to riding a recumbent trike. 2021 I rode a total of 3000 miles. The previous year was 3200 and the years before were quite a bit less. I have to ride in the morning or else it won't get done. The plan is to increase mileage from last year. We'll see.

I plan to do intermittent sprints on the exercise cycle (weather is too lousy for an outside ride) and then weights (pull ups, pushups, planks, curls). Final for the day will be some Parkinson's specific range of motion and voice exercises.
Thanks for doing this, Music Lover. I've been OK about exercising, but I've been seriously overeating the holiday leftovers. I did do my hour of weekly yoga yesterday, and plan to get in my 30 minutes of daily cardio on the elliptical today. That's usually it for me, but if I stick to my diet (on MyFitnessPal), I should be able to get my weight back down to my pre-holiday point in a month or two.
Thanks for doing this, Music Lover. I've been OK about exercising, but I've been seriously overeating the holiday leftovers.

It helps when you visit OTHERS for the holiday and don't take the leftovers home!:D

My routines are pretty monotonous so I won't post daily. I used to go to the gym every day but last January, after I wrote tactful letters to the managers of the 3 local clubs and to HQ expressing my concern about not enforcing local masking ordinances, they terminated my membership. I love outdoor bike rides and there's a paved RR bed behind my house that goes on forever but its too darn cold right now. My workouts are spread out over the day.

Morning- 30- or 40-minute low-impact cardio workout and later a 20-minute TRX workout (resistance training).

Afternoon- 35-45 minutes on the treadmill at 3.8-4 mph. Depends on what I've done in addition to the above- I do less on the treadmill if I've done a lot of cleaning.

I have a FitBit but I'm not fixated on 10,000 steps. Sometimes I get them, sometimes I don't.
I get up from the recliner to go to the kitchen at least a dozen times a day. Does that count? Maybe I will try to add something else in.
Okay, here we go.

Weighed myself this morning. I’m 8lbs heavier than last year. I love exercise and outdoor activities, so that isn’t the issue. I need to refocus my eating as that was the problem in 2021. I have my annual exam this week and am concerned what my blood work will reveal.

I love the new year. Allows for a reset!

Yep exactly. "You can't out train bad eating habits". "Don't undo all of this in the kitchen" (lol my TV trainers). It takes me a couple weeks to "flip the switch" on that. Sugar and processed foods really are addictive aren't they. If I went for blood work today I'd probably come back as pre diabetic! Good luck with the reset, you are going to crush it. You are so active the 8 will melt away once the eating is in place.

Myself my goal is to eat clean, one meal at a time. Real food. Sounds so simple. It's a choice. And then a (real) dessert is a true treat. I love when I get to the point of craving clean foods. Thanks dog, now I'm excited about it! :dance:
I plan to continue my lifting 4 days a week for about 45 minutes a day, with an added leg/cardio 15 minutes at the end. Then 2 days of 2-4 mile rucks with 60# pack.

I do want to get into a 50-100 PU routine daily, and will start this once my son returns to the army (today).

2022 Goals:
- 275 bench press
- 1-10-1 pull up set
- Get back below 190
- Do another Go Ruck event
- Don't hurt myself
My Apple Watch issues a monthly challenge. They are different every month. I shoot to hit those challenges and then you get a little digital badge for the effort. December’s was to average 80 minutes of exercise a day. With walking, some weights, hiking and biking, I hit that one with 4 days to spare.
January’s is to average almost 800 calories a day of “move” activity - so the difference in calories burned from your normal resting state. That should be a little easier than December’s challenge. I hit the 800 mark with an hour spin and some walking. 30 more days you go.
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