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Sunday Update: went in on Thursday for my Open Simple Prostatectomy. Two hours on the table, two nights in the hospital. This is the procedure where they hollow out the center and leave some of the shell. Because my prostate was ten times normal (281 vs 30), a robotic, lathroscopic wasn't an option.

Home now with a ton of Oxy, antibiotics and such, sporting a 6 inch vertical gash which is stapled. Only real pain is from the incision but still a lot of blood in the catheter. Main pain is transferring from sitting to standing and v/v. All the doctors and nurses say that everything looks fine and normal. Getting antsy from just laying around.

Having survived sepsis 10 years ago I'm overly paranoid about infections and monitoring closely.

I go back in 10 days for staple and catheter removal. Thought of the day: given the choice, I'd rather have an "accident" in a diaper than not being able to go at all. Ever try not peeing for two full days?

Pro tip: an articulated bed makes getting in/out easy. A bidet is also handy. DW has been awesome.

Will report back on any progress. Nowhere to go but up!
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DH will go in for aquablation on Friday. We knock on wood and press our thumbs for all who are on their way to healing.
I, and likely others, would appreciate an update if you are so inclined to give one.
Sunday Update: went in on Thursday for my Open Simple Prostatectomy. Two hours on the table, two nights in the hospital. This is the procedure where they hollow out the center and leave some of the shell. Because my prostate was ten times normal (281 vs 30), a robotic, lathroscopic wasn't an option.

Home now with a ton of Oxy, antibiotics and such, sporting a 6 inch vertical gash which is stapled. Only real pain is from the incision but still a lot of blood in the catheter. Main pain is transferring from sitting to standing and v/v. All the doctors and nurses say that everything looks fine and normal. Getting antsy from just laying around.

Having survived sepsis 10 years ago I'm overly paranoid about infections and monitoring closely.

I go back in 10 days for staple and catheter removal. Thought of the day: given the choice, I'd rather have an "accident" in a diaper than not being able to go at all. Ever try not peeing for two full days?

Pro tip: an articulated bed makes getting in/out easy. A bidet is also handy. DW has been awesome.

Will report back on any progress. Nowhere to go but up!

Marko, thanks (I think :cool:) for the extensive narrative about your surgery. My dad had it 40 years ago and it w*rked out okay. I think I may be a candidate for "something" along these lines some day. But primary care doc always says "wait, because you can still pee fairly well. Maybe you'll die of something else before you need any surgery there.:eek:"
Marko, thanks (I think :cool:) for the extensive narrative about your surgery. My dad had it 40 years ago and it w*rked out okay. I think I may be a candidate for "something" along these lines some day. But primary care doc always says "wait, because you can still pee fairly well. Maybe you'll die of something else before you need any surgery there.:eek:"

That had been my plan. But over the past year or so things escalated to the point of not being able to pee for two days. Finally I said "enough".

My main positive is that it is NON cancerous. Plus a raft of pre op tests (MRI, CAT scan, 1000 blood tests) all show that this is my sole issue. Everything else is negative.

More updates coming as appropriate.
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Marko, thanks (I think :cool:) for the extensive narrative about your surgery. My dad had it 40 years ago and it w*rked out okay. I think I may be a candidate for "something" along these lines some day. But primary care doc always says "wait, because you can still pee fairly well. Maybe you'll die of something else before you need any surgery there.:eek:"

That had been my plan. But over the past year or so things escalated to the point of not being able to pee for two days. Finally I said "enough".

More updates coming as appropriate.

Yep, I think that would do it for me as well.

I'm sure when you go to the ER and say, er, ah, I haven't pee'd in 2 days, you get "the look" and, hopefully, fast treatment. I just pray I'll just not wake up some years down the line and skip the ER and "the look.":(

Blessings on your healing and eventual outcome!
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For those who wonder whether they might be a candidate for this sort of thing, there is a scale called the IPSS, or International Prostatism Symptom Score.

Here is a calculator you can use:

I found it useful when seeing my urologist, so we could have a common frame of reference as to how severe the problem was.

Thanks, that's very useful. Encouraging, really.

I guess I'm "moderate" (heh, heh, middle class :facepalm: )
OMG I've "ONLY" got moderate symptoms :confused:

Ya, I feel the same way.
What I do find interesting is that it's only at night that I have a problem.
After I'm up, and it may only be 20 minutes symptoms go away. I posted this on a group asking if others have the same situation and I did get others that say they have the same.
The group, https://www.facebook.com/groups/prostatePAE
All's I can say is, thank God for Tamsulosin. It really works. And a 6mo supply only cost me ~$7... Easily worth 100 times that, IMO.
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All's I can say is, thank God for Tamsulosin. It really works. And a 6mo supply only cost me ~$7... Easily worth 100 times that, IMO.


My only complaint is that it doesn't come in a dose smaller than 0.4mg. It does a real number on my blood pressure (too low) if I don't open the capsules and dump out about half the contents before taking it.
For those who wonder whether they might be a candidate for this sort of thing, there is a scale called the IPSS, or International Prostatism Symptom Score.

Here is a calculator you can use:

I found it useful when seeing my urologist, so we could have a common frame of reference as to how severe the problem was.

Very interesting. I started Tamulosin in March (I am now on Alfazosin.) I took the quiz as if I had not started the meds and then I retook the test now that I'm on the meds. My 'non-med' score was 20. My "on the meds' score is 11.

If anyone is curious, Tamulosin seems to work better overall for urination. Alfazosin is timed release and once I discovered it was better for my pee schedule to take it at lunchtime instead of after dinner, its been almost the same as Tamulosin. It seems the hour or so on either side of when you take the dose of Alfazosin is when it's least effective. I guess that's because of the time release "feature".

No dizzy spells with Alfzosin. No retrograde ejaculation and better orgasms too. But I would say slightly better urine flow with Tamulosin.

Tamulosin is covered on the Medicare Part D coverage I currently have. I believe it was $5 a month. Alfazosin is not currently covered and cost was $35 a month.
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All's I can say is, thank God for Tamsulosin. It really works. And a 6mo supply only cost me ~$7... Easily worth 100 times that, IMO.

Good luck Marko!:cool:

I've been on that for about 5 years. I just scored a 10 on the test. At almost 80 (when did this happen? :confused:), I hope I just chug along with the Tamsulosin until such time as I go out from something else. No other meds at this time are necessary. Lucky, I guess.
Update: it's been a week and a day since surgery.

I'm quite surprised at my recovery so far. Haven't had any pain pills--not even Tylenol-- for a few days. My six inch gash has stopped hurting completely, even transitioning from sitting to standing or even getting into bed. A big sneeze last night was uncomfortable but not excruciating.

Main PITA is the catheter as it, not the incision, is now my limiter.

I head back for post-op next Thursday for catheter and staple removal. With the catheter out I expect a whole new set of "challenges" as I haven't used my bladder in six weeks. I'll report back afterwards when I get a handle on what's next.
Update: it's been a week and a day since surgery.

I'm quite surprised at my recovery so far. Haven't had any pain pills--not even Tylenol-- for a few days. My six inch gash has stopped hurting completely, even transitioning from sitting to standing or even getting into bed. A big sneeze last night was uncomfortable but not excruciating.

Main PITA is the catheter as it, not the incision, is now my limiter.

I head back for post-op next Thursday for catheter and staple removal. With the catheter out I expect a whole new set of "challenges" as I haven't used my bladder in six weeks. I'll report back afterwards when I get a handle on what's next.

Thanks for the update. Here is hoping for great results and a cooperative bladder when the time comes. (No pictures, please.:LOL:)
DH went in for Aquablation on Friday.
The catheter was removed yesterday (sunday) morning.
Some blood in urine till yesterday afternoon.
The surgeon was happy and sent DH home this morning.
DH is happy, too. He said he had to drink a lot, used the bathroom a lot last night but had no problems.
I picked him up this morning and the 60 min drive home went without issues.
Will keep you updated.
I am opting for the magic wand treatment. Wave over the area, problem fixed and recovery is immediate:D.
I am opting for the magic wand treatment. Wave over the area, problem fixed and recovery is immediate:D.

Next time I see doc, I think I'm gonna ask him for a magic pill instead. I hear they can help a lot.
I am opting for the magic wand treatment. Wave over the area, problem fixed and recovery is immediate:D.

I'm still on the Tamsulosin and it's working. Put me on the list for the Magic Wand solution when the time comes:)!
I'm still on the Tamsulosin and it's working. Put me on the list for the Magic Wand solution when the time comes:)!

Heh, heh, they didn't tell you where they put the magic wand, did they?:cool:
I'm still on the Tamsulosin and it's working. Put me on the list for the Magic Wand solution when the time comes:)!

I'm on it too, not perfect, but if it keeps me away from the surgeons till the magic wand is available, I can live with it.
I'm on it too, not perfect, but if it keeps me away from the surgeons till the magic wand is available, I can live with it.

Kids, the magic wand is available right now. I have one. I've had it for 8 weeks now and it sure solved my immediate problem. Like magic!

Long and straight, it's the "guzinta" part of my catheter. :LOL::LOL::LOL:
Many years ago at the doc's was talking about meds. He said there is a pill for everything. I said: I want THAT pill. :)
Nowdays at age 75 do not take any prescription meds. Prefer spending $ on stuff that gives expensive pee. So far so good.

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