Men Choose Women on Looks; Women Rate Themselves and Try For Best They Can Likely Do

Hmmm... look at your avitar and read your comment...

what do YOU pick on??
That woman is a Phi-Beta-Kappa and a Rhodes Scholar. She also worked for Mother Teresa.

That woman is a Phi-Beta-Kappa and a Rhodes Scholar. She also worked for Mother Teresa.


I've met a few [-]strippers[/-] entertainers at [-]topless bars[/-] gentlemen's clubs like that...
That woman is a Phi-Beta-Kappa and a Rhodes Scholar. She also worked for Mother Teresa.


yea, yea... and if she weight in at 300 lbs you would have her picture up....

Heck, I want good looks AND brains... is that to much to ask:confused:

BTW, I have met some great looking women that I would hate to be married, they are not that nice of people... very conceited (not all, just these that I am talking about)>..
:crazy:We needed to read an article to say that? What rocks have you been hiding under?
:crazy:We needed to read an article to say that? What rocks have you been hiding under?

What I found interesting is the woman's strategy they found. She assesses her appeal, and then bids as high as she thinks her assets will trade. This apparently simple insight has profound implications. Like tonight I was walking down the street and a very pleasant appearing but far from hot woman gave me a big smile and said hello. I was on hungry and on my way to get food, so I smiled back and said Hi! to her and kept on my way.

As I walked on I thought- she is friendly, she must live in the neighborhood, she is interested in me, but she isn't very cute. Then I realized- she perceives that I am also showing severe shelf wear, so why not make a bid? LOL, serves you right Ha, you smug bast*rd! :)

Now, with my attitude properly adjusted, I hope I run into her again.

When I was dating a few years ago (married now), I was amazed at how accurately women can quantify their looks. I guess it comes from a lifetime of being judged, but it was surprising to me. I also quickly observed that on line, really pretty women don't post their pictures.
Nation & World | Men can be cold if she isn't hot, study finds | Seattle Times Newspaper

Now I find this shocking, especially since I have learned from ER members how they choose strictly on character. Maybe it's because the study was done on Germans rather than Americans?


The findings in that article, then, would actually be consistent with what you found people here saying. The article explicitly says that both men and women's choices did not reflect their stated preferences.
Hmm...maybe it's paranoid California guys, but a lot of guys out here would not go for someone outside of their "ball park"...they don't want to be shot down.

When I lived back east, i definitely think guys just went after whatever (even if there was no hope :angel:) and were more persistant, asked more etc.

CA guys shy away, don't want to look if you go out to a bar around here, you'll get a lot less conversation, requests to dance etc...
Hmm...maybe it's paranoid California guys, but a lot of guys out here would not go for someone outside of their "ball park"...they don't want to be shot down.

When I lived back east, i definitely think guys just went after whatever (even if there was no hope :angel:) and were more persistant, asked more etc.

CA guys shy away, don't want to look if you go out to a bar around here, you'll get a lot less conversation, requests to dance etc...

Are you saying your a hottie :smitten:
DW read this article to me a few days ago and we both agreed were were pragmatic with our choice when we both met. I.E., we thought the other was attractive, but knew the other wasn't a 10 and we "had a shot" with the other (in the same league, is that the phrase I'm looking for?). So I guess that makes me in touch with my feminine side?
Hi -

I think the conclusion is moot since the results were pooled among speed daters. If I were a speed dater, and I'll throw in hooking-up in here among other things, then I'd find the conclusion to be correct.

I think the results would differ when we're talking about long term prospects. Personally, I have dated some hot women, but my relationships were with girls who were average/cute. Maybe I'm just messed up and can't seem to get it right for the long haul with the hotties:p

I think this is where you might be getting the notion of character haha. Long term vs. speed dating (short term?) are two different things. Looks don't keep a relationship going...
I like Walter Williams references regarding mate attractiveness - he uses it as an example of 'elasticity' of demand - makes sense to me:

"Take the reggae song's advice about not taking a pretty woman as a wife. Pretty women are desired and sought after by many men. An attractive woman has many substitutes for you, and as such, she can place many demands on you. A homely woman has far fewer substitutes for you and cannot easily replace you. Hence, she might be nicer to you, making what economists call "compensating differences." "

It's true for men as for women if a women has her own economic means. Plus, I've found that many times someone who is externally attractive at times doesn't work on the internal part - plus, people become more attractive to you as you get to know them and like them - it's almost as if the internal beauty shines through, whereas the internal ugliness can shine through as well, marring the physical external attrativeness.
I like Walter Williams references regarding mate attractiveness - he uses it as an example of 'elasticity' of demand - makes sense to me:

Take the reggae song's advice about not taking a pretty woman as a wife.

Great points. There was a 50s Calypso song sung by Harry Belafonte that included the line-(which interestingly I remember 50 years on)

"I you want to be oh so happy,
Marry a woman uglier than you!"

aaw jeez...i didn't want to expose myself here...


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I've found in later life that the "nerd factor" is far more appreciated than it was in high school...something about "earning power" plays into it? :D
I hooked up with my now husband because I thought he was hot. He is really tall (which is what I go for) and when he walked into my office to introduce him self to my boss all I could think of was Hummm, look at that big man over there. Now I do not know if I had sized myself up before that to see if I should make a move but quite frankly I don't think I was thinking that logically at the time. He looked good, I signaled interest, he bit, the rest was just reeling him in. Like fishing.
Great points. There was a 50s Calypso song sung by Harry Belafonte that included the line-(which interestingly I remember 50 years on)

"I you want to be oh so happy,
Marry a woman uglier than you!"

Sorry Mike ;) , but comparing you to all the cute pictures you post, another Belafonte song comes to mind: Mama Look A Boo Boo. >:D
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