More Work = More Security?

I very much ditto Nords post.

I also dislike the concept of work in general - that your time, location, energy and priorities belong to someone else for MOST of your waking hours. To me, work is about earning a living, nothing more. Now that I no longer have to earn a living, I just really don't see the point (for me).

I agree. I need to find a hit man! :bat: :D

I'm somewhat trapped for the moment. I'm planning on retiring when the "moment" happens. In the interim, I'm doing the best I can.

I have a performance review Friday. I did my part by copying my employee part from last year. I have refrained from asking "Why?" I think I need to let my supervisor retain his dignity and belief that his subordinates care. He's a real good boss. I hardly ever see him and he almost never tells me what to do. Once in a while he assigns me to a new project. Once a month he buys everyone in his department lunch because that's the only way he'd get most of us to the department staff meeting.

Hey Ed, we're hiring!
So you finally bought that annuity! :D

No but if I make it to 95 and run out of money, I'll sell my house and think about buying one. I'll bet the payout rate is pretty good at that age. In fact, they might just tell me to keep my money and offer me a grand to walk back out the door so they dont have to do all that paperwork.
Show me a "job" doing something I enjoy doing, with no corporate BS or bureaucracy (that means NO activity and status reports!) and where I can set the hours I want to work, and maybe I would keep working forever.

Let me know when you find such a position.
All I could come up with was being the paid sex slave for the current playmate of the month.

But something tells me I'd find something to bitch about eventually.
All I could come up with was being the paid sex slave for the current playmate of the month.
But something tells me I'd find something to bitch about eventually.
That brings new depth of meaning to the term "hedonic treadmill"...
I'm 4 years and 4 months from being in what one co-worker calls "The Happy Place", i.e. age 55 with retiree medical benefits and DB pension available as soon as I fill out the paperwork. However, the growth in the monthly pension amount over the 4 to 5 five years after age 55 is considerable and likely to lead to a severe case of "one more year syndrome". I still enjoy most aspects of the job. That could change over time and make the decision to pull the plug much easier. I won't stay and be miserable if I'm FI.

Because my job provides 80% of our household income, I'm willing to put in a few extra years so that DW can ER at 55. I'm fortunate to have a very generous vacation plan and am able to get about as much time off for travel as we desire. She can take unpaid leave almost at will by providing a few weeks advance notice. We kind of feel semi-retired already. These conditions certainly make it easier to stay on the job until we're comfortable with our retirement income picture.
Ah, the triumphant return of Mr. Mom, the only member of this forum who is able to pay a lower tax rate than Warren Buffet. Come on, ask him how he does it...

FYI - this is a really sexist remark, I don't care how you meant it. Because a Dad is choosing to raise his kids instead of commuting to the office he's changed his gender? Maybe become emasculated? I'd love the opportunity to raise my kids myself, it didn't work that way.

Just because YOU would not enjoy a particular lifestyle does not mean that person does not enjoy it. You keep pushing your own emotional reactions on other people. Not everybody needs $10 million to be happy. Quit trying to tell people they are in denial.

To the OP: Firecalc shows you what size portfolio would survive a certain withdrawal rate, with inflation, right? The only reason to save 1.5 to 2.0 the amount needed is essential to say, "What if it's different this time?" Do you think it's different this time?
FYI - this is a really sexist remark, I don't care how you meant it. Because a Dad is choosing to raise his kids instead of commuting to the office he's changed his gender? Maybe become emasculated? I'd love the opportunity to raise my kids myself, it didn't work that way.
Just add him to "Ignore Poster"... I think he set a record.

The fewer posters quoting the ones on our ignore lists, the better the thread reads.
FYI - this is a really sexist remark, I don't care how you meant it. Because a Dad is choosing to raise his kids instead of commuting to the office he's changed his gender? Maybe become emasculated? I'd love the opportunity to raise my kids myself, it didn't work that way.

You guys just cant stop quoting and reacting to the troll? He's been doing nicely on my ignore list...

Mr mom? I've been called worse and by better trolls. Hell, have you read Ho$ux blog lately? Google "terrible truth cute fuzzy bunny" ;)

Ah, I'm all down in the dumps now after being fully dressed down by this sharp witted fellow. And I had such a nice day at the beach making sand castles and showing Gabe how to float on his back in the water...

220...221...whatever it takes... :( :D
Show me a "job" doing something I enjoy doing, with no corporate BS or bureaucracy (that means NO activity and status reports!) and where I can set the hours I want to work, and maybe I would keep working forever.

Let me know when you find such a position.

My dentist enjoys his work and sets his own hours.

How about being a pharmacist (even though you may be able to set your own hours)? A pharmacist does not have to do status report, project planning, attend meetings, meet deadlines, give or receive performance reviews, work on personal development plan.
Mr. Mom= Michael Keaton . He's really cute & sexy so I think it was a compliment !

Its okay. Right after I was thoroughly demoralized and emasculated, UPS delivered my new 18v caulking gun. I'm now fully remasculated.

Unfortunately that means I cant put off finishing all these new windows.
Oh yes and they're pretty sweet. The plug-in models are expensive and a hassle for exterior work, but this ones a Ryobi and takes the same One+ 18v batteries as my new lithium ion tools.

They're really cool for pushing a really thin bead over a long distance like all around a window. It'll push 500lbs of pressure and you dont have to squeeze it or pump anything, just pull a trigger and point. 99% of the time you dont even need to do any smoothing or cleaning up, its totally precise.

Ryobi 18v Caulk Gun - P310 at The Home Depot

I nabbed one refurbished for $29 plus shipping. Well worth it.
Woah I want one of those caulking guns. And I dont even need to do any caulking!
they *make* power caulking guns!?!?!?
geesh, now I feel deprived living in my backwards 3rd world country...
My first thought was "Wow, how far will it shoot?!?"

They're probably manufactured in an industrial park on the outskirts of Bangkok or Vientiane...
A pharmacist does not have to do status report, project planning, attend meetings, meet deadlines, give or receive performance reviews, work on personal development plan.

I'm working in the wrong pharmacy then....
I'm pretty pleased with the ryobi stuff and the ability to use the same batteries in both the power tools and lawn equipment. I was getting a little tired of 4 battery chargers and 4 different batteries and whenever a battery died having to spend almost as much for a new battery as the tool originally cost.

The lithium ion batteries are about 80 bucks each, but you can get a set of tools (reciprocating saw, circular saw, drill, flashlight) and it comes with the charger and two batteries for $299 so you're basically buying the charger and the batteries and getting the tools for a hundred bucks. Then you can add tools cheap because none of them come with a bundled battery and charger. You can also get cheaper nicad packs and use them interchangeably.

I've always liked the dewalt tools, but they dont make any yard stuff and their 18v tool line is pretty limited.
I wonder how many people love their job so much and refuse to retire when their bank have 3 million dollars or more. Most folks that i know work beyond their retirement age because of money NOT for the love of their profession.

I have nothing against work per se but I don't like to be told what to do, how to do it and when to do it... Bit of a problem, wouldn't you say? Soooo, since i don't need a job to help define who I am, ER sounds like a perfect fit for me. Would I work 10 more years just to achieve 2xFIRE or 3xFIRE and sleep better at night? No. A bit of a cushion would be nice, but 10 years is a LOOONNNNGGG time to live in shackles.
I'm pretty pleased with the ryobi stuff and the ability to use the same batteries in both the power tools and lawn equipment. I was getting a little tired of 4 battery chargers and 4 different batteries and whenever a battery died having to spend almost as much for a new battery as the tool originally cost.

I've standardized on the Sears Craftsman 19.2V rechargeables. The individual tools are no great bargain, but when the 3-4 tool packages go on sale, they are a great deal. That's how I ended up with two drills and two circular saws. Handy--I often have a drill bit chucked in one and a scredriver bit in the other when doing a job (Circular saws: plywood blade in one, crosscut blade in the other). These were all NiCd, but now Sears is selling a Li Ion battery that works in them. Battery and charger on sale--about $90.

I'm sure a pro would scoff at them, but I've used them pretty hard and none have let me down. Drillls, circular saw, saber saw, recip saw, light, stapler/brad nailer, etc.
My tile and stone guy uses the craftsman 19.2's and says they're good tools. Among the contractor dudes I work with he's considered "THE man" so thats probably a pretty good vote of confidence. Of course, the tool he uses 98% of the time is a grinder...

I was looking at some of the craftsman 18v tools and dang if they didnt look like rebranded ryobi's.
Hmmm I wonder how long it would take to reach FI as a hitman...

If Ed can't stand the sight of blood, do you mind if I apply?:bat:>:D
If anything did happen to my FIL I'd be the likely suspect so I'm holding out for "natural causes". This really shouldn't be too much longer since he's already 87. Of course, if I had Alzheimer's and spent my days in utter confusion, I'd probably wish someone would have me wacked.

Ed the Gypsy is in the same biz as I am so I periodically see if he's ready to cook his brain in Houston instead of freezing the other end in Canada.

The engineering biz is currently going wild. Anyone with a degree is in demand. We're all being treated well because they can't hire enough of us and they're afraid we'll go across the street if we get pissed.

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