What have you acomplished in retirement ?

Set no goals for retirement, thus achieved none. A true success story.
Since my retirement I have successfully met my goal of irritating at least 5 posters.
Set no goals for retirement, thus achieved none. A true success story.

There ya go! That's where I am, just kinda cruizin' along, wait to see what happens next as the mood strikes.

Or as one guy I know put it when asked how he liked retirement:

"Well, when I get up in the morning I have a decision to make. Shall I go golfing or shall I go fishing? After that the day's all set."

I don't golf and fish very little, but I like the attitude.
DId a lot of travel in the first year, Route 66 LA to Chicago, worked on a Habitat For Humanity project in Biloxi MA, Jazz Fest in NO, North Rim of the Grand Canyon, Bryce NP, visits to sister in AZ and son/grandkids in northern California. But the big trip is one I planned for 40 years and when I started into it I knew I was retired:
Driving to the Arctic

The surprise is I haven't written more or kayaked more but still a lit of time for that.

Oh, in my now second year of retirement, many 'little trips to the grand kids (400 miles away), camping near San Diego & Monterey Ca, Jerome AZ, back to Chicago for 40th HS reunion and I went back to Burning Man. Still left this year is a trip to Mexico and maybe Florida. Next year Bali!


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My first day of work at the job I retired from, the guy that was teaching me the 'ropes' told me, "The first and most important thing you have to learn, is that as long as you "look" busy the boss will NEVER give you job to do! So, ALWAYS have a rag or a tool in your hand when your wandering around, and he'll think you're actually doing something!" He was right...as long as I did that, the boss never did give me more work to do! (I successfully did that for 30+ years!) :ROFLMAO:

That sounds like WAY too much work!
One interesting aspect, my night w*rk was often intermittent, pager or cell phone going off two or three times a might. It took me over a year after ER to learn to sleep straight through the might without waking up for a couple of hours a couple of times. Now, though, I sleep like a baby. :D

I'm really looking forward to that.
Nah...it's just that folks were talking about irritation....I didn't want to put up a jar of Vaseline....:angel:

OK then, let's have some KY jelly.....

I learned how to surfcast....bought my gear, and am now catching fish in the surf! Oh happy day!!!

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