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  1. C

    55 Days--almost enough time to slowly drive and hike around New Zealand.

    We did a similar tour for 5 weeks in Feb/March 2020. just before covid lockdowns. We would go back in a minute if not for DH's walking problems (spinal issues + CMT/HMSN) and will if he improves.
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    Paris accommodations and short-term rental websites?

    If you decide to go for a hotel more in the center of Paris check out Great hotels, nice breakfast and you can drop in at any other hotel of the group for a coffee, tea or soft drink + cookie in the afternoon. We loved Bradford Elysees.
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    Old Medic how are you doing

    Best wishes!
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    The Summer of 2023 - Freedom from Cataracts

    @crlls:I had a macular hole fixed last year. The clinic recommended to do cataract directly as most patients need it shortly after the macular surgery. Worked well for me. And I only need one contact lense since then.
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    Offered a Package at 57

    A blessing in disguise. We left paid work with 55/62, 10 years ago. We were able to enjoy this time together. Priceless. When my mom, high in her 80s, learned about some of our travel plans she argued that we could just wait till she would not be around any more. We replied "Would you like...
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    Old Medic how are you doing

    Best wishes for DW and for you.
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    Mobile App Changes

    Thanks for giving the background. I hope you find an app as convenient as the prior one. Also, thanks for your time, efforts and support to the forum. Chris2008
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    Mobile App Changes

    It seems to be down for Android since Oct 28. Right?
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    Do you take low dose aspirin?

    DH had 3 TIAs between 55 and 67. After no 3 he followed his drs recommendation and started taking a daily aspirin. No other side effects but more bruises so far. Taking it or not has its risks for him. But I do not take it "just in case".
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    Inappropriate Hugging?

    Please let us know how it goes next Friday.
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    Low risk investment for 900K Help

    With all due respect, please consider # 102 at Best wishes to you and your family.
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    Frugal and retired - anyone alse?

    Frugal and retired, too We ERed 10 years ago at 55/61. It was possible because we are frugal by nature and upbringing. However, we have spent and will spend to enjoy life. We prefer memories to stuff and now that DH has some mobility issues we are glad that we have travelled a lot up to now.
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    health torpedo

    I am so sorry. Please get your documents updated, instruct your relatives about your wishes and where to find important documents and stuff and get yourself on the waitinglist of a specialised care home. Then go on with your life and make the best of every day.
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    I've had it...

    Is the lower paying job still like you remember it or has it changed negatively in the meantime? Objects in the rear view mirror may appear nicer than they are...
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    I think I know, but...

    IMO inflation makes the morgage free only if - you sell the house at an inflated price - but wouldn't you buy elsewhere at an inflated price, too? -your income rises faster than inflation - but you would still have to pay the morgage each month. So I do not really get the argument that...
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    BPH Options

    DH went in for Aquablation on Friday. The catheter was removed yesterday (sunday) morning. Some blood in urine till yesterday afternoon. The surgeon was happy and sent DH home this morning. DH is happy, too. He said he had to drink a lot, used the bathroom a lot last night but had no problems...
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    BPH Options

    DH will go in for aquablation on Friday. We knock on wood and press our thumbs for all who are on their way to healing.
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    Do you play the piano?

    And still stumbling along on my small accordion. I made a break from lessons last year but still practice and play several times each week. And I enjoy it a lot.[emoji3]
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    25-Year-Old Teacher, My Road to Early Retirement... On Track?

    This blog might also be interesting: Enjoy the ride.
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    Is it meant to be?

    All the best for you.
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    History of Fire Movement

    For me the FIRE movement started with YMYL. I discovered the book 1992, then Tightwad Gazette and Elaine St.James' Simplify Your Life and the Simple Living Forums. Some ideas clicked, others not. We ERed in 2013 at age 61/55. DH's pension provides enough for regular expenses. My pension will...
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    How to structure unusual will?

    I am very sorry if the estrangement occurred only since marriage of A and you +DW gave no reason for it. One of my friends experienced something similar. I'd recommend to take the high road, enjoy what you and DW have as long as you can and leave the rest 50:50 to the sisters.
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    AirTag Tracking

    For android there is a Samsung Galaxy smart tag available, working with bluetooth. I had put it on my mom's key when she started to hide and lose it. I wish they were small enough to use it with her hearing aids...
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    AirTag Tracking

    A friend's expensive bike was stolen.It had an air tag hidden inside. She could track it to an appartment, involved the police and got the bike back. The police could hear the sound through the appartment door.
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    Aquablation for BPH

    @SOKYguy How are you doing by now? DH is considering aquablarion for March/April, so any real life experience is highly appreciated.
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