Search results

  1. ScooterGuy

    Help with converting a Word file to JPG

    I probably should go to a tech site, but don't know any that speaka-da-English.??? Running XP-home and in MS Word, I'm trying to create a small file in JPG format. This, so that I can upload a simple book cover into my Kindle book, Tails from the Burrow. The file has a WordArt top, in GIF --...
  2. ScooterGuy

    Query about self-publishing a book

    I'd like to start a thread about who has published a book. But I realize that, to reply, the person could/would likely mention his/her writer's name, title and place to access it. Mine, for instance, would be on Kindle. Please let me know if I can do this, under the current rules of no...
  3. ScooterGuy

    Who's had a sailboat disaster?

    Boats--particularly sailboats--can be one of the most addictive things on this planet, next to drugs, guns, computers and girls. It can be sooo painful when Ya-Just-Gotta-Get-A-Boat. In my case, it was a 26' long steel 'sharpie,' built by a Famous Yacht Designer, near Newport News, Virginia...
  4. ScooterGuy

    printing through another computer

    I've got a question. I have a laptop computer (slave) connected via an internet router to the master computer, using Cat5 cable. The master computer has a printer attached; my laptop does not. We both run XP and use MS Word. Is there a practical way that I can send a Word file, graphic image...
  5. ScooterGuy


    Mostly by random surfing, I came across this important site, regarding privacy of communications, MegaCorp snooping or Identity Theft. Here, in its own words, is what it is about. Take it or whatever. --------------- Tor is free software and an open network that helps you defend against a...
  6. ScooterGuy

    Built your own musical instrument

    Who out there has built your own musical instrument and plays or is learning to play? I'm NOT talking about a kazoo made out of plastic straw, here. I've built an electric, solid-body lap steel, and am now trying to learn to play it. Preferably not in country-western, western-swing or...
  7. ScooterGuy

    Return the US dollar to a metal's standard

    but NOT gold. The United State’s dollar is a ‘fiat’ currency, as the USA went off the ‘gold standard’ in the middle 1970’s. The dollar is worth only what the financial managers of the global economy say it is worth, in relation to other fiat currencies. Gold is far too useful an...
  8. ScooterGuy

    Military wisdom

    While not a military person at all (too tall during Vietnam; too old the rest of the time), a friend sent the following pithy tidbits, which are applicable to many of us: Subject: Wit and Wisdom from Military Manuals, etc. ... "A slipping gear could let your M203 grenade launcher fire when...
  9. ScooterGuy

    A Retiree's schedule

    A RETIREE'S THOUGHT... My Wife asked, "Whatcha doin' today?" I said, "Nothing." She said, "You did that yesterday." I said, "I wasn't finished."
  10. ScooterGuy


    Any guys here wear the kilt? Where? When? I married DW in my formal kilt rig -- I also wear my dress kilt to the orchestra -- and regularly wear my casual kilts in the late spring to early fall (Northeast USA). I just got an Inverness Cape to go with the rig (think of Sherlock Holmes --...
  11. ScooterGuy

    Dumbest thing you ever bought ...

    What was the dumbest thing you ever bought (excluding a SO, DW or SH)? I was crazy-mad to own a classic American small sailing craft. Reference Howard Chapelle, American Small Sailing Craft). So I bought a steel-replica sharpie: flat-bottomed, 26' long, 7' wide, 10" deep, no motor, with a...
  12. ScooterGuy

    Nuclear Blowhard

    Some other boards purport to be scientific, but are actually overwhelmingly full of new-age guru’s, those full or rhetoric or other mean-spirited bottom feeders. I’d posted on these boards, challenging members to actually perform & report experiments, rather than just state untested (often...
  13. ScooterGuy

    The strangest place you've been

    I took a motorbike trip to Hell & back ... 1400 miles, 6 days on my maxi-scooter, this past April. The History of Hell Michigan Hell was first settled in 1838 by George Reeves and his family. George had a wife and 7 daughters – no reason to call it Hell yet… George built...
  14. ScooterGuy


    In my travels, I've taken to carrying a lightweight hammock, which weighs about 1 lb. & packs into a space about the size of a half-loaf of bread. This isn't the dreaded lawn hammock with a 'spreader bar,' the butt of jokes and overturnings. Mine is just a very comfortable fabric-supported...
  15. ScooterGuy

    Sidecar for motorcycle/scooter

    Has anyone on the board owned (or now owns) a motorbike with attached sidecar? Weight limitations of passenger? Which brand or make? What's it like to drive (as different from the maxi-scooter I now ride)? How did your SO take to being a passenger (or not take)? :bat:
  16. ScooterGuy

    Motorcycle-sidecar passenger trial for DW

    My DW and I have been talking about my having a sidecar attached to my maxi-scooter. At 650 cc, I know that the bike will easily take the load. However, neither one of us has ever actually been aboard one. I know that I can learn the necessary skills to manuever one at highway speeds...
  17. ScooterGuy

    I went to Hell and back

    Actually, Hell is rather nice. It was warm when I arrived, after an arguous trip on my big motor scooter (named the Demon Duck of Doom). I had an icream cone there, and set up my hammock between two trees (there are trees in Hell), thus lay9ing a true claim to having 'hung out' in Hell. Full...
  18. ScooterGuy

    Who is learning a new musical instrument after FIRE?

    I built a couple of cigar-box guitars (& one out of a cardboard pizza box). Then, following the instructions from It's Easy to Build Your Own Lap Steel Guitar (Martin Koch, 2004), I built one. :duh: However, I still have few musical skills: Precious-little musical background no musician...
  19. ScooterGuy

    Who bought a motorcycle after FIRE?

    For the record, I ride a Suzuki Burgman AN650 -- a BIG, smokin', 2 cyl. touring maxi-scooter. Who bought what? How often do you ride?
  20. ScooterGuy

    CPA/Accountant rates

    Somehow, very strangely, our accountant charged a fee that was almost exactly what our refund should have been. We are beginning to think that his rates are a bit steep, when--using our well-organized and very good records--he entered totals into his computer program, and out popped the Federal...
  21. ScooterGuy

    Tax software

    What packages do you use, and why, orr why not? We've bought a Turbo Tax Premier (online), and will use it in a test, to see how well its output compares with our accountant-prepared return. BTW, we keep GOOD records. If within $100, we may need to re-think our tax return strategy for the...
  22. ScooterGuy

    Who has self-published?

    There has been a great increase in the number of ways a single author can self-publish a created work, other than the venerable "vanity press." As I look at Wikipedia, I see and others, offering no-inventory, one-off press, where damand exactly fits the supply. Anyone out there...
  23. ScooterGuy

    The most decadent thing ...

    What is the most decadent thing you do (every now and then) after you've FIRE'd? Today, I spent the ENTIRE DAY in bed with DW -- I harrassed her and she let me -- we finally got up at 3:45 in the afternoon -- had a conac at 5:00 PM -- wasted the entire day -- I started to plan my trip to Hell...
  24. ScooterGuy

    House: shelter or piggy-bank

    I still don't understand the now-current attitude of considering the 'equity' in one's house as the primary thing, to be considered first and foremost. A house is shelter: keeping the outside and the inside separate; keeping the wind and the dust 'out there;' keeping the rain, snow, ice & sun...
  25. ScooterGuy

    Single-handing in really small boats

    While I'm land-locked now, and do my back-roads 'cruising' on a maxi-scooter, I still hark back to some small boats I owned or built. Regretfully, this one wasn't available at the time (1960 thru 1985): Paradox a micro-sailboat coastal cruiser Anyone else out there sail pretty small boats...
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