2016 FIRECalc Data Update?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Dec 15, 2016
DC area
Does anyone know if FIRECalc will be updated with 2016 data? The 2015 data came online in April last year.

I understand that Dory36 has reduced his involvement and I am starting to wonder about the future of FIRECalc.
ok ill bite, who is /was Dory36?
The founder of FIRECalc and these here wonderful forums. I acquired both sites from him more than a decade ago. Since then FIRECalc has been online and working fine (outside of a few bugs) for 99.999% of the time. That should put to rest any insecurities about it's future. ;)
We will get it updated here shortly.
I am sure I speak for many here in saying thanks for maintaining FIRECALC for everyone, it's a valuable resource and a cornerstone of this forum. Thanks Andy!
i am sure i speak for many here in saying thanks for maintaining firecalc for everyone, it's a valuable resource and a cornerstone of this forum. Thanks andy!

? +1
I am sure I speak for many here in saying thanks for maintaining FIRECALC for everyone, it's a valuable resource and a cornerstone of this forum. Thanks Andy!
FIRECalc is one of the tools I rely upon to give me a sanity check for my retirement planning. Huge thanks to Andy for providing this service!
Andy - Information from this board and calcs using Firecalc have been the main keys to our confidence in our retirement plans. Thanks for your efforts.

To all of us who love Firecalc: I hope you consider a small donation to help keep it up. I try to remember to do this yearly. You can find a donation link under the "Resources" area of Firecalc.
Yep, without FIRECalc DW and I would not have had the confidence to retire. It's a wonderfully simple and reasonably thorough tool all in one. Glad to hear the data will be updated soon but don't wait on that to begin your analysis.

Going on a tangent... Check out the other forums owned and operated by Social Knowledge (Andy R). You can see them by scrolling down to the bottom of the Portal page. I've found several interesting forums related to RV's, cooking, etc.
FIRECalc is a very good modeling tool. What I find most helpful, though, is the forum discussion around how to understand, interpret and apply the results, and how to use that to build and monitor a retirement plan.
I don't deserve any of the credit. Bill is the brains behind FIRECalc, he built it to serve his own needs which, not surprisingly, many others had the same needs.

Bill and the early members/moderators are who deserve credit for helping this community get it's start. Forum communities are interesting things because they are like living/breathing things (real people). So it's the community as a whole who deserves credit for making E-R.org so awesome.
Hi y'all!

Now updated with latest data, which I just received.

Bill aka dory36 :cool:
Hey dory36. So nice to hear from you. To quote Mark Twain ""The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated."

Thanks for the update!
Just wondering (more for others than for me) if there is a way to add more lines to the pension/off-chart spending section... or perhaps a separate section for those with a mortgage that would have the same effect and non-inflation off-chart spending stopping on a certain year. Ditto for earnings from part-time work for a period of time.
Just wondering (more for others than for me) if there is a way to add more lines to the pension/off-chart spending section... or perhaps a separate section for those with a mortgage that would have the same effect and non-inflation off-chart spending stopping on a certain year. Ditto for earnings from part-time work for a period of time.

If I understand your questions correctly, you can do this by varying your spending. On the "spending models" tab, at the bottom, there is the ability to do a manual entry of changing spending. e.g. For the years there is a mortgage, the spending can be increased by the amount of the mortgage, and when complete, the annual spending can then be inputted to show the decrease.
I concede that you can jury-rig the inputs to include a fixed mortgage or part-time work in Firecalc (unless you have more than 3 pension/off-chart spending inputs), what I am suggesting is that a fixed mortgage or part-time work are common enough that there should be a more intuitive way of inputting them... like the section inputting SS or pensions.

You can easily model a mortgage by an non-inflation adjusted off-chart spending (in the pension section of the Other Income/Spending tab) item offset by a same sized pension starting in the year your mortgage ends but it would be much more intuitive if there was a section that allowed for input of your current annual mortgage payments and the year your mortgage ends.

I like Firecalc and am familiar enough with it to jury rig things but it isn't intuitive a lot of others... I'd love to see Firecalc get closer to the intuitiveness and ease-of-use of Quicken Lifetime Planner.
I concede that you can jury-rig the inputs to include a fixed mortgage or part-time work in Firecalc (unless you have more than 3 pension/off-chart spending inputs), what I am suggesting is that a fixed mortgage or part-time work are common enough that there should be a more intuitive way of inputting them... like the section inputting SS or pensions.

You can easily model a mortgage by an non-inflation adjusted off-chart spending (in the pension section of the Other Income/Spending tab) item offset by a same sized pension starting in the year your mortgage ends but it would be much more intuitive if there was a section that allowed for input of your current annual mortgage payments and the year your mortgage ends.

I like Firecalc and am familiar enough with it to jury rig things but it isn't intuitive a lot of others... I'd love to see Firecalc get closer to the intuitiveness and ease-of-use of Quicken Lifetime Planner.

Good suggestions. Maybe start a separate thread in this sub-forum?

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