2022 workout thread

Yesterday was my 182nd day (six months) of exercising my lower back which caused too many trips to the Chiro which only bandaged the situation. Exercise has fixed it.
Missed a few days again but made up for it today by clearing the snow off the 3 back yard decks:

- 2 hours heavy shoveling and pushing uphill with the scoop
Beautiful cloudless warm day on the west coast. Hit the gym early for a mind numbing hour of intervals on the treadmill and strength training. A little yard work soaking up the sunshine back home mid-day. And wrapped up my afternoon with an hour on my mtn bike on my favorite gravel road down to the river.
So far I have walked 3.7 miles today and I am getting ready to do yoga via on line Zoom class.
So my Apple Watch challenge for February is to average 100 minutes of exercise a day. At first I thought “too much to bite off” considering all the other things we have going on this month. But here I sit on day seven and I have over 900 minutes so far. That brings my average needed down to 90 minutes a day for the rest of the month. This challenge just might be doable.
75 minute bike ride in mid thirties, but sunny, temps. C’mon Spring.
Crunching at work and missed a few days last week, just finished my last lunchtime meeting, about to go to the gym and workout. :)
A lot of motivation in these stories. Thanks

I'll chime in. 3 mile walk today
1 set of 25 push ups
1 set of 20 push ups
mutiple times up and down the stairs to the second floor (not counted in my total steps.

stretching, crunches and hung upside down for 2 minutes. Only 3:45 so I will probably get another mile or two in via steps. Heading to St Croix next week so I want to tone up a little.
Today is a couple degrees above freezing so I took advantage of the warmth to clear the last of the snow and ice from the decks and sidewalk. After today I'll be back to "regular" workouts.

- 75 minutes wet snow shoveling, ice chopping, etc.
Got my workout in. :) 1.75m worth of treadmill walking/jogging and running interspersed with burpees, cable leg kickbacks, jumping jacks, front lunges with an olympic bar, and hanging leg raises. Also took the dog for a 1-1.25 mile or so walk earlier in the morning.
After spending the morning with Mom working on financial and tax junk, got out on my cyclocross bicycle for a mind clearing workout ride up to brothers house. Route was on a mix of pavement, gravel, dirt and a couple hundred feet of snow.

Two hours in the saddle for 23 miles and 2k ft of climbing.
Very light workout today with an easy 60 min cruise on the treadmill.

Tapering down the workouts for mountain bike races this Saturday and Sunday.
1.5 hours in the gym. 2k row at 8:58mins, resistance machine for general body work out. A long lunch then a 10 mile walk on a beautiful afternoon/ evening.
DW and I took swimming lessons end of 2021, so I am incorporating them into my workouts for 2022. My gym routine (2-3 days a week, depending on the amount of outside exercise I can get):

30 minutes treadmill at mid resistance
30 minutes free/machine weights, alternating to work various parts of the body (no breaks more than 10 seconds between stations).
15 minutes sit ups/mat exercises
30 minutes swimming exercises

I found that an hour plus gym workout was impacting the quality of my swimming time. So I have modified things to do swimming on alternate days than the rest of the workouts (and swim/flounder a little longer, depending on lane availability), and add some other activity. So far so good, my "winter weight" weekly average has gone no more than 2 pounds above the middle of my desired weight range.
I thought I'd be back on the weights, but not today. We got 6" of snow last night and I shoveled the driveway, sidewalks, and 4 decks. Today's workout:

- 2 hours shoveling snow
I have not exercised for about a week. I hardly got out of bed for 2-3 days. I was icing my foot and keeping it propped up on a pillow. I was afraid that I fractured or broke my 5th metatarsal on my left foot, after it swelled and was bruised.

I have osteopenia. We got our Apple watches for Christmas and I have been gung ho on getting my rings closed. I was doing a great deal of walking in our house on hardwood and tile floors (it is cold outside). I did not build up gradually like I should have done. The good news is that the swelling went down and the bruise went away. It feels much better and only hurts a little if I turn it the wrong way. I plan to keep babying it for awhile.
Alternating days of hiking with running/walking on treadmill. Need to get more weight workouts in and transition running to outdoors when ice melts off the roads.
We went for a 3 mile sunrise run on the beach this morning. It felt great.

I'm getting ready to do the same thing in about an hour. I'm two weeks and three days post leg cyst removal, and did my first run in over 10 years on Tuesday. Ran two slow miles then (12 minute pace, lol) but it was magical.

My pre-leg issue pace was 9 minutes per mile, so that is my goal over the next few months.

Otherwise, yesterday I speed walked 5.5 miles along the beach path, then did a stint on the water on my stand up paddleboard.

Our weather this week has been to glorious to remain indoors!
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I have not posted for a few days, but I have been walking outside 1-2 miles each day and also doing some type of video workout. We just got back from our neighborhood walk and this afternoon I have a yoga retreat.

Our sidewalks are nice and clear now, so even though it is cold the walking has been very good these last few days. We had some days where the sidewalks were icy.

I really use my iWatch to be sure and close all my workout rings daily. Sometimes I can make the monthly challenge and sometimes not.
More shoveling, it never ends!! Yesterday I spent an hour digging out GF's father's car buried in his apartment parking lot. Lots of hardpack and extra snow pushed out of the way from neighboring cars. Plus the contractor the block hires did a horrible job and left a bunch behind him.

- 1 hour shoveling
I run on this nearby path year-round, but I especially love to run on it in snow. Absolutely beautiful, exhilarating, 3 1/2 mile run this morning.


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I'm fortunate to be able to walk alot. Generally 3 miles in the morning and 1 in the evening. Hoping to ramp it up and get in a few 10Ks. Inspired by those still doing marathons. Started 1 in Avignon and another in Frankfurt but didn't finish either. (What's that Penny said on BBT? " Run until I get tired then stop for a") So far that's my pattern but I can change
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