44 and Out?


Full time employment: Posting here.
Jul 7, 2007
Thanks to everyone who post on this board for all the time and effort you put in to sharing information for those of us that hope to walk in your footsteps one day.

I am 43 years old and have a shared goal since we married twenty years ago with my wife to Semi Early Retire at 45 or before. We have two children with us and a daughter that we lost two years ago that has really solidified this goal for us so that we can spend more time with our kids. In considering making this move we have first saved for future college costs in the hopes that they will go. and second we have already purchased health insurance on our own so that we can make this move after adjusting to private insurance instead of corporate insurance.

Our plan does include some continued work in our business and on our rental properties but no more Mega Corp jobs.

10 months and no more wage slave I hope.
We're not quite ready to retire yet, but it sounds like you guys have a good plan. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for the loss of your daughter. I can't imagine how difficult that must have been/continue to be.
So what kind of business do you have? I am always curious about businesses that do not end up eating up all your time, day in and day out.

Bubba, thank you for the kind words. Our loss has taken a toll on us and continues to affect our ability to make decisions. It is the driving force in completing our plan now so that we can be there for our kids as never before. I have got to say that without our faith and our Church's help I am not sure we would have pulled through the loss.

Martha, our current business is a E-commerce venture that we can somewhat control the amount of time and at least when we do the time. For now it is a manageable amount of time and something my wife and I enjoy doing together. Our oldest son is able to help out occasionally also.
Welcome and I'm sorry about your loss . I also lost a child four years ago .The pain never goes away but does get bearable .Good Luck on your plans !
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