About Interviews


Dryer sheet wannabe
Aug 17, 2005
I am the Publicity Co-Coordinator at Nolo, a small publisher located in Berkeley, California.  As many of you are already aware, Nolo will soon release a new book on early semi-retirement written by one of this forum’s members.

We are hoping to build a short list of experienced early retirees who are willing to speak to the media about their personal ER experiences from time to time.

So many of you have great stories to tell, and probably a lot of advice to offer as well.  I think you would make interesting and informative interview subjects.

I’m a pretty shy person myself, but I was surprised to find that giving interviews can actually be a lot of fun.  It’s great to talk to an engaged listener about something that’s important to you, and seeing your name in print always has a certain thrill.  Plus, if you’re a writer or business person, giving interviews is a great way to get some free publicity.

If you feel that you might like to speak with a reporter about how you reached early retirement and what life has been like since then, please comment here, or send me a personal email at Lindsay@nolo.com.  Please let me know which state you live in (if in the US) and include your full name and preferred email address.


Nolo manages its contacts like this:  sometimes, a reporter calls publicity asking for experts they can use in a story relating to one of our books.  We take the reporter’s contact information, deadline and the type of information they need, then get in touch with one of our authors or other experts using email or the phone.  If the expert is busy or uninterested, or if we just can’t find them in time, we move on to the next appropriate contact.  If our expert is willing to participate, we give them the reporter’s contact information and set up an appointment.  Interviews are usually conducted over the phone.  The call will probably last between 5 and 20 minutes.
If you speak to ESR BOB tell him we miss his input at the board.
Love your books but in all fairness, on the topic of early retirement,, maybe you could just point interested readers to this board?
I would say out of about 67,000 post here you should be able to get all the quotes you need. There are some excellent posts in here. More specifics than you could probably get from a 20 minute phone interview with one person.
I vote for Unclemick2, and JG as board spokesmen and Martha, and kitty as board spokeswomen. :D

A Nolo interview with those 4 would cause 50% of the workforce to retire immediately. :confused:

OK, wait, maybe we don't want that reaction. How about Nolo interviews one board "loon" like "TH". Where is that loon?
Never, never, never volunteer.

Besides - the mystic of Missoula bubble would be popped.

Heh, heh, heh, heh.
What's the title of the book and the author?
No, it's not a secret:

Work Less, Live More: The New Way to Retire Early
By Bob Clyatt


73ss454: That's awfully nice. I'll mention it next time I email him.


Yakers & Retire@40: Good point, but it's not very ethical to use people remarks for publicity without thier "okay". Besides, most reporters like to do thier own interviewing.

Thanks all.
I wonder if the interviewers would have the insight to ask about dryer sheets, goat poop, nasal milk and kayaks? :D :D :D
OldAgePensioner said:
SG=TH     :D 
Well now you've insulted me. And I'm sure TH would feel the same way if he hadn't left the building. :D :D :D
TH should be boiled in oil.  Oh, wait, he seemed OK to me.  I take it back. :D

The attacks on him really bring back to me how canterkerous older people can be.  Children are very cruel in their comments and some older people seem to sour on life to the point of curdmugeon.  Why would anyone on a message board take such umbrage to another posters opinions.

EDIT:  Toned it down a bit. Still has the same content just not as poorly worded.
Bookm said:
What happened to TH? Hope nothing terrible.

I don't really know.  I left for one of my week long camping trips and when I came back he wasn't around.  Otherwise I might think it was because he was mad about my posting mortgage analysis that he didn't like.  (He really didn't like it at all.)  I also remember him getting wound up with JG about IQ just before I left.  Some posters have made reference to his departure, but I haven't actually heard if anyone really knows the whole story.

Anyone know details? :confused:
((^+^)) SG said:
I don't really know. I left for one of my week long camping trips and when I came back he wasn't around. Otherwise I might think it was because he was made about my posting mortgage analysis that he didn't like. (He really didn't like it at all.) I also remember him getting wound up with JG about IQ just before I left. Some posters have made reference to his departure, but I haven't actually heard if anyone really knows the whole story.

Anyone know details? :confused:

SG, this post may shed some light on why th decided to back off.


A particularly telling exerpt:

Lately it seems I'm "into it" with a fair number of people. To some degree, I think this has to do with the fact that i'm involved in many posts in almost 'real time'. I have (at this point) three PC's in 'suspend'...one in my office, one in the living room and one on the rear patio...

Leading up to the above, he did get his panties in a wad with both Art and JG. Think he concluded that he was spending way too much time here and decided to realign his priorities. He does check in on what we're up to from time to time, but as he said in his "adios" post, don't plan on hearing from him much for a while. ;)

((^+^)) SG said:
Well now you've insulted me. And I'm sure TH would feel the same way if he hadn't left the building. :D :D :D

Just to be clear, I read OAP's allegation five hours ago, and I've been in the shower pouring ammonia and rubbing alcohol over my head since then.

Nothing at all terrible has happened to me. I still email with many people here, at least the ones who can do basic math without screwing it up, or who like decent beer. I have been communing extensively with my (now) 7 month old son. We have worked together to build an extensive sign language and verbal vocabulary. He now is quite proficient in the sign for 'food' and uses it every 26 minutes, and we have added "Daaaaaaaaaaaaa!" to his original "Baaaaaaaaaa!", "Aaaaaaaa" and "Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!", plus the regular giggling when I tell him he has monkey feet.

Back to the OP, yeah sure, you can interview me, but I aint an ER anymore. I'm a gigolo with with a huge dowry that feeds 3 dogs 3 cats, and 3 people, along with cleaning up after them and fixing stuff. This isnt a bad job by the way. :)

As far as the gigolo part, the wife says she aint paying me enough. Then while i'm smiling she hands me the baby and says "off with you now, momma has to go watch Oprah...".

Hmmm... :|
() said:
Just to be clear, I read OAP's allegation five hours ago, and I've been in the shower pouring ammonia and rubbing alcohol over my head since then.

Nothing at all terrible has happened to me.  I still email with many people here, at least the ones who can do basic math without screwing it up, or who like decent beer.  I have been communing extensively with my (now) 7 month old son.  We have worked together to build an extensive sign language and verbal vocabulary.  He now is quite proficient in the sign for 'food' and uses it every 26 minutes, and we have added "Daaaaaaaaaaaaa!" to his original "Baaaaaaaaaa!", "Aaaaaaaa" and "Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!", plus the regular giggling when I tell him he has monkey feet.

Back to the OP, yeah sure, you can interview me, but I aint an ER anymore.  I'm a gigolo with with a huge dowry that feeds 3 dogs 3 cats, and 3 people, along with cleaning up after them and fixing stuff.  This isnt a bad job by the way. :)

As far as the gigolo part, the wife says she aint paying me enough.  Then while i'm smiling she hands me the baby and says "off with you now, momma has to go watch Oprah...".

Hmmm... :|
Welcome back, TH. Please do a search on "goat poop". You will need to understand how that phrase has crept into the ER dialogue along with phrases like "dryer sheets", "nasal milk", and "kayaks". :D :D :D
TH, what allegation?  :D I had a funny face after it.

I actually said I liked your postings.  8)

EDIT: Just noticed it. Hey, I was only fooling.


Somehow being accused of being a bored '13 year old girl in Missoula' (on the old forum) seems mild now.

Heh, heh, heh, heh

P.S. How is the rental market in the rest of the U.S. - for three women, a dog and a cat - should Katrina do a nasty on New Orleans?

Will be starting the drill - later today - bring in the outdoor furniture and babeque - along with 'doing the usual drill.'

Life outside the levee - can be fun in South Louisiana.

Speaking of goat poop - maybe someday we will need a glossary/definition section for this forum.
unclemick2 said:
Speaking of goat poop - maybe someday we will need a glossary/definition section for this forum.

Uncle MicK: To my mind, Old_Rancher just about perfectly defined all forms of poop on a different thread. At least ALL those I might ever have any interest in--casually or otherwise. I also learned why near the end of a party only the brown M&Ms remain in the bottom of the bowl. It also explains why rock stars only like the bright green ones. Priceless!

Poor woman, all she wanted was to see if anyone would give interviews and all you boys give her is poop.

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