Ain't War a Grand and Glorious Enterprise?

The "no down time" thing is right on. My old Army National Guard buddies are going on their 2nd or 3rd deployment. Their last one was guarding a prison, even tho they were artillery qualified. They had the stress of deployment, guarding prisoners, and daily mortaring to deal with.

I read that the improved communications deployed military are enjoying (email, video teleconference, etc) also adds to stress. They know the issues their family deals with daily, instead of getting a letter every once in a while.
I was really surprised to hear on the radio the other day that this is the longest war the U.S. has ever had. You think about Nam going on for over a decade, but it really didn't. Or maybe it did, but not as a declared war. Something to think about, for sure.
Thanks, HaHa. It's journalism on a par with Robert Graves' "Goodbye to all that." Well worth taking the time to read the entire article. "The more things change...."?
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