Amtrak info


Dryer sheet wannabe
Oct 16, 2017
I would very much like to take Amtrak from sea to shining sea.:cool:

However, I have a condition which requires me to sit on, how should I describe these.... they are a gel pack (used by my chiropractor - where I obtained them actually) which I put in a freezer to keep them fairly cold. And I sit on them to 'freeze' my pudendal nerve.

This is the only way I can sit comfortably. Fortunately, the pudendal nerve is close enough to the skin that this is very effective.

The only way I can avoid irritating this pudendal nerve is to either be lying down, or sitting on 'my ice'.

Of course, not much point on going on Amtrak if I have to lie down the entire trip.

So, I'm wondering if there is a freezer in these sleeper cars where I would be able to keep my 'ice packs' cold?
I have been all over the Amtrak site but cannot find any info along these lines. And there doesn't seem to be any phone number I could call to ask questions.

Thanks very much folks!
I would very much like to take Amtrak from sea to shining sea.:cool:

However, I have a condition which requires me to sit on, how should I describe these.... they are a gel pack (used by my chiropractor - where I obtained them actually) which I put in a freezer to keep them fairly cold. And I sit on them to 'freeze' my pudendal nerve.

This is the only way I can sit comfortably. Fortunately, the pudendal nerve is close enough to the skin that this is very effective.

The only way I can avoid irritating this pudendal nerve is to either be lying down, or sitting on 'my ice'.

Of course, not much point on going on Amtrak if I have to lie down the entire trip.

So, I'm wondering if there is a freezer in these sleeper cars where I would be able to keep my 'ice packs' cold?
I have been all over the Amtrak site but cannot find any info along these lines. And there doesn't seem to be any phone number I could call to ask questions.

Thanks very much folks!

There is not a refrig or freezer in the sleeping cars. You do have access to free ice, but I agree calling customer service would be best.

You are assigned a car attendant and some are good and some bad- but perhaps a tip would encourage them to help you out.. not sure though if that is in their control
There are many knowledgeable people on the Amtrak Unlimited forum and they have a forum where guests can ask questions. Some people on there even work for Amtrak. Give them a try.
They are helpful with ice. I had had foot surgery about two months before having to make a trip to clean out the parent's house. I asked the attendant for a small bag of ice to help with the swelling in my foot. He said it would be a few minutes before he could help. Sure enough in about ten minutes or so he came back with a bag of ice. Between that and plenty of ibuprofen I slept like a dream. In addition to tips, complements on the website are appreciated.
I spent 2 days from Chi to LVNV. I stopped in Denver for a day on the way. On the return, it was 2 days ON the train. THAT was too much in my late 30s. I'd suggest using one day on, one day off IF you are in good health. Ice packs or not, it's a long time to sit from sea to shining sea. Best of luck 'cause YMMV.

Thank you to everyone who replied. I guess I don't have some flag set to notify me there were replies.

I will call the number provided to see if I can get more info, but first I will check the Amtrak forum. It's been a long time since I tried (and I am of the age where the memory doesn't perform as it used to) calling Amtrak, but I believe it turned out to be a dead end. I think the Amtrak forum will be more fruitful.

When my wife and I cruise, the attendant who takes care of the room has been very good about bringing my BodyIce to their own freezer and bringing several of them to our room when I am getting ready for some serious sitting. I make it very much worth their while at the end of the cruise.

If the attendants on Amtrak could do the same it would work out well.


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