Another Cataract Surgery Thread

My right eye still feels like there's a contact in there. Not painful, just annoying. Left eye feel normal.

I did not have that feeling after either cataract surgery. Maybe the first day? DH just had surgery on both eyes and hasn't reported anything like that. I would talk to my surgeon about it.
My cataract surgery went well. The eyedrops used after did cause a feeling of something in my eyes. But now 3 months later I'm scheduled to have both lens "polished", done with laser. Seems I'm in the small % that develop a film on the lens. Dr. says it's a simple quick procedure.
But a couple weeks ago on my right eye I started seeing a semi-circular flash and some floaters. Saw my eye doc and he sent me next door to a retina specialist. I have detached vitreous in that eye. Thankfully not a detached retina. I'll see him again in a few weeks. But the polishing on that eye is delayed until he clears me.
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