Anybody following the new 24 series ?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Oct 18, 2002
Jack is back and the world is in chaos ! Looking good so far with hijacked drones and all !
I'm enjoying it. I've watched every episode of every season. I wish this wasn't an abbreviated season. It just makes sense to have 24 episodes per season. Unfortunately, the ratings are not great and with the high production cost I doubt it'll be back for another season.
It's kinda like the Super Bowl - I have to watch it ! If you miss it Monday night, you can always watch it afterwards on
I hate to rain on anyone's parade but I was never able to get into this. Maybe because my job involved a lot of travel on L.A. Freeways. I could never buy the fact that characters were going from point A to point B within the span of a single show and it was supposed to be happening in real time.
You do have to suspend belief about travel, but while a major part of the show is that real time clock, I never let it bother me. I enjoy the show a lot and am glad to see a new season, even if it's shortened. I haven't heard that much good about Kiefer Sutherland as a person but I love him as Jack Bauer.
I dunno, there hasn't been nearly enough torture-porn justified in the name of national security yet. But hey, the "day" is still young.

And yes, I actually enjoy 24, but it is a genuinely guilty pleasure for me.
Jack is back!

I recall reading an interview within which the producers assured viewers that the twelve episode season will cover 24 hours. I have been wondering which twelve hours they're going to skip. At first I thought they were going to skip hours regularly through the season, or give up the "in real time" aspect and accelerate the action by cramming two hours into every episode, but neither of those things have occurred. It's already clear that they're going to go straight through to 6pm (during the seventh episode), so would they skip twelve hours with only five episodes left? That just seems strange.
Love it! Love "whatever-it-takes" Jack! But I too wonder how they're going to do 24 hours in 12....
Jack is back!

I recall reading an interview within which the producers assured viewers that the twelve episode season will cover 24 hours. I have been wondering which twelve hours they're going to skip. At first I thought they were going to skip hours regularly through the season, or give up the "in real time" aspect and accelerate the action by cramming two hours into every episode, but neither of those things have occurred. It's already clear that they're going to go straight through to 6pm (during the seventh episode), so would they skip twelve hours with only five episodes left? That just seems strange.

Maybe after all these episodes, they realized that Jack needs to eat and sleep just like the viewing mortals do, and there will be a twelve hour rest period for a fancy dinner, 8+ hours of sleep for Jack and a power breakfast in order to finish up saving the world.
Yes! Jack is back.. Suspend all disbelief. Suspend all moral and political judgement. Sit back and enjoy. It's fun and I never miss an episode but Breaking Bad is better.
I love the show and have watched every episode, but for the life of me I cant remember how it ended. Can someone give me a few sentences to refresh my memory on why Jack went into hiding and is considered a terrorist?
I love the show and have watched every episode, but for the life of me I cant remember how it ended. Can someone give me a few sentences to refresh my memory on why Jack went into hiding and is considered a terrorist?

"When we last saw him, in the series finale that aired May 24, 2010, Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland) was a wanted man. Regarded by the US government as a traitor and a psychopath for having killed two Russian diplomats following the murder of his girlfriend, he had escaped aided by his longtime ally Chloe O’Brian (Mary Lynn Rajskub)."
Anyone watch the series finale? I thought it was good overall but the very end was a little anti-climatic. They left it open for another season even though everything i've read said this was the end. I'm hoping for more, anyone else?
I think it was a fitting ending either way, and that was critical for them - to allow for either option but still have a solid finale. I think the idea that Jack can ever live happily ever after wouldn't play well, so short of killing him off, leaving him in peril like this, after having just saved the world again, is the best one could hope for.
I suppose so (said grudgingly!)

I remember having to accept that while I wanted a happy ending for Dexter, the rather unsatisfying ending we ended up with made more sense. So it is with 24.

Besides - this leaves plenty of room for them to bring him back if they want :D
While I enjoyed this series, I think it's time to end it. There are only so many convoluted terrorist plots, especially those that involve corrupt people inside the government, that they can come up with before they all start being repetitive. Also, as an IT person, all the technobabble they start spouting gets old after a while.


I actually thought during the end scene, after Chloe was safe and Jack was about to get in the helicopter, Jack's associate would shoot him and kill him, so Jack wouldn't have to be tortured by the Russians again.

I think that would have been a more fitting (albeit final) ending than another cliffhanger ending where Jack might come back some day to face yet another convoluted terrorist plot invoving corrupt government officials and more technobabble.

The series had a good run, but I just think it's time to end it.
While I enjoyed this series, I think it's time to end it. There are only so many convoluted terrorist plots, especially those that involve corrupt people inside the government, that they can come up with before they all start being repetitive. Also, as an IT person, all the technobabble they start spouting gets old after a while.

The series had a good run, but I just think it's time to end it.

My thoughts exactly especially after watch the final couple of episodes.

I rather like the premise of having a ton of things happen in 24 hours, and people racing like crazy to fix things. However, there is really only so many terrorist plots, and so many ways that Jack Bauer can save the day.

This is one of those series they should have just left as fond memory and not tried to revive
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